Android Expert
I'd be frustrated too but I think we blame the apps too much when it might be location or network issues. I have 2 Moto Droids and I MMS my wife inside my Govt. building with a metal roof with one Verizon bar but the 3G is still rockin and she gets every MMS/SMS I send and vice versa. We've both had Handcent since Thanksgiving and it's been nothing but flawless and I don't think they made a special version of Handcent just for me. Just sayin...
I had 3-4 bars of reception and 3G and was stationary at my computer desk in my home office so I'm not buying the system cop out. It's the app. You also can't blame the instability, force closes, slow response/load times or other common reported issues on the system or coverage. You also can't call the fact the SO many people are reporting the same issues coincidence. You are the exception to the rule. Instead of all this fluff that's being tacked on the dev(s) need to get back to the basics and make the app work or before they know it something better will come along or people will just give up once and for all. It's almost offensive that users are reporting so many bugs and they release an update filled with crappy Christmas cards that do nothing but take up memory & claim to have increased responsiveness and quickness. BS.