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Help HDMI-out jack type ?

Don S

Android Enthusiast
Oct 30, 2009
Bayville, NJ USA
Anyone know for sure the exact type of HDMI out jack on the XOOM? I know one of the docks has standard HDMI out, but on the XOOM itself is it a mini-HDMI, micro-HDMI?

Been pecking around looking, but can't seem to find the answer ..

The best pic I could find of it makes me think it is a micro-hdmi ..

I swear I read somewhere that it's mini, but I can't find it right now. I just remember thinking that was good because I already have a mini cable for my SLR.

Thanks. You know I thought I read that too, but I am now thinking it was probably wrong. In that pic, the slot to the left is a MICRO-USB port, and the HDMI out looks smaller than that. My camera's mini HDMI port is definitely a bit bigger than any micro USB for comparison. Assuming that the circled slot is the HDMI-out, I am pretty sure that it would have to be a micro slot, but I am just deducing at this point. I have no actual facts or confirmation ..
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Monoprice for the win. And dont forget folks, use these ppl too for regular size HDMI cables....dont fall for the Monster hype...(Amazon has some cheap ones too)

Will you be getting a 3ft cable? When I did my home theater setup, I thought too much and figured some 3ft cables woulda been fine. Turns out I could only do a specific setup cuz the cables were too short.

I might get the 10ft or 15ft one.
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