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Root Help! Stuck on RED M GB!

When you bootloop after sbf, try wiping the data/cache. Go into stock recovery by holding the home button down while powering on until you get to the \!/ then hit the search button. That will bring you to stock recovery. Select factory/data wipe. When done scroll to reboot and let us know if that helps.

This was posted by Steven in the long OTA thread. Try it.
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before you reflash as it was said earlier boot into the stock recovery.

pull your battery out, put it back in, hold the home button down, power up, you should see the boot logo (red Moto logo) and then the stock recovery screen. in the new stock recovery you have to press both volume buttons to have the menu pop up, use the volume buttons to scroll to data wipe/factory restore option, click the power button to select the wipe. it takes a few minutes for the wipe, after that reboot.

if that doesnt work then you will need to sbf again.
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