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Root High current usage with triumph.


Nov 22, 2011
I am wondering why the current usage with the Triumph is so high. No wonder battery drains so quickly. I used to have the same problem with an HTC HD2 running android and it was fixed with multiple rom updates created by dev in xda.

Eventually with the right kernel and rom the standby/sleep current usage was 2-7mA. With the Triumph the standby/sleep current usage is around 100-300mA.

With the screen on current usage can be as high as 500mA.


This is the widget from android market.

Try it and let me know what you find. Most likely the battery consumption can be improved by a kernel / rom combination.

I am using MIUI at the moment. Will post the current usage after running for 1-2 days.
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The lowest I can get mine with CM7 + TheOC with screen on is ~80 mA, that's with 3G, GPS, Wifi, BT all off, & screen at dimmest. Only thing on is cell radio (calls/SMS). With screen off, it reports as 0 mA, but that may be because it just doesn't have such a fine resolution. With Wifi or 3G data on, even sleep uses about 80 mA (I believe TG noted this in CM7 as a known issue).

I would suggest experimenting with turning sensors/components/apps all off to get a baseline, then turn them on 1 by 1 to see which one makes the big difference.
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The phone cannot enter the deepest sleep states with Wifi enabled and wakes up a lot when data is connected on 3g. This results in ~35ma or so of idle current with a data connection up and roughly 50ma with Wifi up (remember, Wifi also has the cell radio on, although 3g data is down.)


Accept that if you have the screen on you're going to burn up the battery. Ditto if the CPU is pegged doing work. Between the two it is entirely possible to run power levels of 500ma or more, which will exhaust a full batter in under three hours. This is not unique to the Triumph; the more CPU you have and use and the more backlight you have on the less time the battery will last.

There is the usage stuff from the CM7 thread, felt it was relevant enough to link here.
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