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How important is this?

How do you classify this?

  • This is entirely normal... this how I treat my important items

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • This is somewhat normal, i've done this before

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • This is totally absurd, how can you even say that stuff is important?

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • That is top-notch trailer trash material right there

    Votes: 11 73.3%

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  • Poll closed .
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Android Enthusiast
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Evidently this is where/how you keep things that are very important. I just want some feedback from regular people such as yourselves on how you treat things that are important compared to the above. Please answer the poll as truthfully as possible.

Dictionary.com defines absurd as such:
1. utterly or obviously senseless, illogical, or untrue; contrary to all reason or common sense; laughably foolish or false.

edit: That is not a secondary bathroom... it is the main downstairs bathroom, you know, the one that your guests use when you have people over at the house.
It is a mess and inexcusable. Says much about the homeowners. Chances are their life is also a big mess. I would never let a guest see something like that.
With 30yrs in the plumbing business that's nothing compared to things I've seen. I've been in poor and rich peoples houses and have seen worst.
It is a mess and inexcusable. Says much about the homeowners. Chances are their life is also a big mess. I would never let a guest see something like that.

They did have a shower curtainn and typically day guests don't shower.... Just sayin' :p
Just a few questions, because a picture is only a moment in time.

1.) How long has it been like that?
2.) Does the shower even work?
3.) What is going on in their lives right now?

Because the answers to those questions will tell what you need to know. If the shower does not work, then it is a mute point. If it is only a holding spot, because the living room, bed room is being remodeled, then it is ok. If they are just moving in or are slow unpackers then it is semi ok.

Looking at the items, it seems they where never unpacked from the last move or was stored for some other use. There looks to be only 11 or 12 very well packed items in the bath tub. The floor and sinks are reasonably cleaned and there is showering items on the side of the tube.

Further more, it looks like it is some kind of office remodel. My guess would be that they are waiting for something to be bought and/or remodeled. The items where stored in the bathroom to hold them next to the room they where going in. It is very clear from how they where packaged and placed, they where being moved from on place to another. It would only take about 10 minutes to make that bathroom useable again. Moving the items out of the bath tub and placed else where.

Is it acceptable, I don't judge others. I find that if there is not a reasonable amount of organization in a person life, they end up spending more money replacing the items they already own. So they need to get organized, but it is not absurd by any means. It is not dangerous, unhealthy, or even disorganized, it is just miss placed. I would offer to help them complete what they are doing, if the mess bothers you that much. But once again. He with out sin cast the first stone.
Just a few questions, because a picture is only a moment in time.

1.) How long has it been like that?
2.) Does the shower even work?
3.) What is going on in their lives right now?

Because the answers to those questions will tell what you need to know. If the shower does not work, then it is a mute point. If it is only a holding spot, because the living room, bed room is being remodeled, then it is ok. If they are just moving in or are slow unpackers then it is semi ok.

Looking at the items, it seems they where never unpacked from the last move or was stored for some other use. There looks to be only 11 or 12 very well packed items in the bath tub. The floor and sinks are reasonably cleaned and there is showering items on the side of the tube.

Further more, it looks like it is some kind of office remodel. My guess would be that they are waiting for something to be bought and/or remodeled. The items where stored in the bathroom to hold them next to the room they where going in. It is very clear from how they where packaged and placed, they where being moved from on place to another. It would only take about 10 minutes to make that bathroom useable again. Moving the items out of the bath tub and placed else where.

Is it acceptable, I don't judge others. I find that if there is not a reasonable amount of organization in a person life, they end up spending more money replacing the items they already own. So they need to get organized, but it is not absurd by any means. It is not dangerous, unhealthy, or even disorganized, it is just miss placed. I would offer to help them complete what they are doing, if the mess bothers you that much. But once again. He with out sin cast the first stone.

Isn't it a shower in a bath?

If the shower AND bath is not working, its still not moot. Why store things in the bathroom? Where do they wash?
Thank you everyone for your responses so far. To answer clear a few things up:

Yes the shower still works (as in if you turn the handle water will flow)

They are not in the process of remodeling, that stuff has been there for months now... and was originally put there as a solution to all of that crap being in a cramped bedroom.

They don't do anything about it because they think that is entirely acceptable.

They use the other bathroom, which doesn't utilize the shower as storage.

Thanks everyone who has responded so far
Why store things in the bathroom? Where do they wash?
He said that there was a second bathroom.

They don't do anything about it because they think that is entirely acceptable.

Well there is your answer. If they don't have a problem with it and you do. Tell them, just understand they may or may not be your friend after that.

Bottom line. They have the right to place things in the bath tub, if they want too. As long as they are not forcing this behavior on to people, ie they don't have children, it is their choice. We as a society don't have the right to tell people how to live. I would offer to help them build a storage area if it bugged me enough to post it on the forums. But to be honest, we have a lot worst offenses in this world.

edit: That is not a secondary bathroom... it is the main downstairs bathroom, you know, the one that your guests use when you have people over at the house.

Oh. I read this and assumed it was the only bathroom
If there house is small and they need the space.. and don't use that shower.. it's their house..


I speak from experience: my mom is a hoarder. Not quite as bad as you see on TV, but damn if it isn't embarrassing as hell. When I bring it up, she gets severely upset and never seems to do anything about it. It's frustrating. She's done it ever since my father died. It's a compulsive psychological condition that she doesn't have coverage or money to get help for.

So, it's sort of unfair to judge people that way when you don't know what's going on in their lives.

So, it's sort of unfair to judge people that way when you don't know what's going on in their lives.

However . . . the OP more or less asked for comments and discussion. So one should not be surprised at the comments. Yes indeed, it is their house and not my business. Unless it is asked publicly, then it becomes my/our business.

I do not know them, live there, visit, or know anything about their life. I do know that no matter your station in life, keeping a clean home is easy to do. Even cheap furniture found on the road or a crappy couch obtained from Goodwill, or cheap dishes from the dollar store can be cleaned, vacuumed, dusted, and so forth.

A neat home shows pride and a messy home shows something else. Rich slobs exist as well, so it is not a rich-poor thing. Some people are simnply slobs.

Something is missing. The photo is of a sloppy bathroom, but what about the rest of the home? If the house is well maintained and tidy, then the sloppy bathroom means very little. If the entire house is a mess, it is a different matter.

Few here live a spotless and uncluttered life. A shot of one room likely means very little and we all have our "bathroom" from time to time. I am not sure everyone/anyone gathered her can say their entire house or apartment is always neat and tidy.

I've changed my mind . . . the bathroom mess does not matter.
My sewing room will look like that at times. I can't find my current projects. So does the computer desk if I'm drawing for crafts or embroidery, bookkeeping, editing photos for calendars, etc. Our bathrooms aren't big enough. When you have an open plan house with half levels and a couple of large windows, your storage options are limited. I also have telescopes and mounts, eyepieces, etc. DSLR camera, other photography accessories like flashes, floods, etc. Embroidery designs usually come on CDs, so those need to be filed. Papercrafting needs storage for pieces and parts. I have programs that let me design my own templates, but stuff still takes room. Things are getting better with the fit together storage
If the whole house looks like that, they might actually need help. After watching many episodes of Hoarders and Hoarding: Buried Alive, I'm convinced that hoarding is a serious psychological disorder.
The house itself isn't filthy, its not clean either. This is just of concern because that was their solution, and it really isn't a solution they just moved the problem from one room to another. And the justification for not throwing that crap away is that "there are important things in there." So important in fact that they have been sitting in a bath tub for nearly four months... and they see no issue with that. I told them that isn't what normal people do.

This wouldn't even be an issue if that stuff was in a closet (which is a normal place to store crap), the problem is that it is in a bath tub and is taken dead serious.
The house itself isn't filthy, its not clean either. This is just of concern because that was their solution, and it really isn't a solution they just moved the problem from one room to another. And the justification for not throwing that crap away is that "there are important things in there." So important in fact that they have been sitting in a bath tub for nearly four months... and they see no issue with that. I told them that isn't what normal people do.

This wouldn't even be an issue if that stuff was in a closet (which is a normal place to store crap), the problem is that it is in a bath tub and is taken dead serious.

Perhaps their closets are full? :confused:

To judge them on a location they choose to store things is simply unfair. There are plenty of people who have too much stuff that is valuable to them than to store in their living space. Usually people rent out storage bins... but perhaps these people don't have it in the budget to afford a private storage facility??
Perhaps their closets are full? :confused:

To judge them on a location they choose to store things is simply unfair. There are plenty of people who have too much stuff that is valuable to them than to store in their living space. Usually people rent out storage bins... but perhaps these people don't have it in the budget to afford a private storage facility??

Budget is not an issue, the real question is does ANY of the crap stored in the bathtub look important, and if it was wouldn't you find a legitimate place to put it?

And no the closets aren't full, this was one member of the households' solution to that crap being in her room so it was placed in the bath tub... and nobody seems to have an issue with it.
Budget is not an issue, the real question is does ANY of the crap stored in the bathtub look important, and if it was wouldn't you find a legitimate place to put it?

And no the closets aren't full, this was one member of the households' solution to that crap being in her room so it was placed in the bath tub... and nobody seems to have an issue with it.

So if you really think this is wrong of them to do this.. why not be a friend and tell them??
So if you really think this is wrong of them to do this.. why not be a friend and tell them??

Oh trust me I have, they seem to think there's nothing wrong with it and their excuse is "I've seen worse." So they acknowledge that it's bad but just because its not the worst they've seen it's justified. That's why I posted the poll so I can use it to show them that it is entirely unacceptable and that it is in fact not how people store their important things.

And truth be told... none of it is important. It's garbage, actual garbage. Their deck up until recently was covered with more "important" stuff. So important in fact that it got rained on numerous times and sat in the sun for over a year... and was eventually thrown away.
Still have to go back to their house, their mess. To be honest, if I did not have a maid to clean the apt, it would get unacceptably messy, very quickly.

I also work about 16 hours a days, 6/7 days a week. I have better things to do then clean my place, of course, I also realize this and have someone come in and clean for me.

Regardless, it is their life, their house. If you can not live with the fact they live like that you have three options.

1.) Offer time, money, and work hours to fix the problem.
2.) Just stop being their friend.
3.) Ignore it.
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