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How many Erises have YOU gone through?

How many erises have you had

  • I am on my original phone

    Votes: 76 55.1%
  • On my 1st refurb

    Votes: 33 23.9%
  • On my 2nd refurb

    Votes: 12 8.7%
  • On my 3nd refurb

    Votes: 11 8.0%
  • On my 4th (or more) refurb; please specify

    Votes: 9 6.5%

  • Total voters


Android Enthusiast
Like the title says, how many erises have you/someone you know gone through?

I am currently on my second one, no silent bug or anything, but my proximity sensor wasn't working about half the time, and got a refurb. However, I see a lot of stories of people on their 3rd or even 4th eris...
I'm on my first. Works just fine. Everyone once in a while, I see someone using an Eris when I'm out and about and I ask them how they like it. They say theirs works, too, and they think it's a pretty cool phone.

I don't doubt that the bugs and hardware flaws reported here (and the exasperation they've caused) are real. But the complaints registered on this board are not necessarily a reflection of everyone's experience.
I'm on my first. Works just fine. Everyone once in a while, I see someone using an Eris when I'm out and about and I ask them how they like it. They say theirs works, too, and they think it's a pretty cool phone.

I don't doubt that the bugs and hardware flaws reported here (and the exasperation they've caused) are real. But the complaints registered on this board are not necessarily a reflection of everyone's experience.

I'm on my first. Works just fine. Everyone once in a while, I see someone using an Eris when I'm out and about and I ask them how they like it. They say theirs works, too, and they think it's a pretty cool phone.

I don't doubt that the bugs and hardware flaws reported here (and the exasperation they've caused) are real. But the complaints registered on this board are not necessarily a reflection of everyone's experience.


You're probably right, but hey, this is a forum, every problem is huge.
I'm on my original, bought in January. I haven't had any issues with it, except occasionally wishing for a bit longer battery life.

I'll second the post earlier that I've run into others with Eri' and haven't heard a complaint yet. Not trying to say there aren't issues, just that I expect they aren't particularly wide spread.
I bought mine on ebay and it works fine. sometimes it does slow down but when I empty the call history, mail and trash and old text messages it speeds up abit. The only issue I have is my husband says sometimes it is hard to hear me talking. But I hear him fine. Is there a way to make my voice louder for the person I am speaking to. I could not find anything on the phone to do this.

I'm on my 2nd Eris which works well (I won't say flawlessly).

When I made the exchange in January, there were no refurbished phones available, so they sent me a new one. That wasn't an option in the poll, so I didn't vote. :)
Still using the Eris I got the day they were released.

Went to leak 1 and had to log into Google after each restart.

Leak 2 fixed the log in issue, but had no images in gmail.

Leak 3 fixed all issues.

Rooted and installed EvilEris3.0.

Posted using my iPad tethered to my Eris
Still on my original Eris, same for my wife. Neither of us have had any major problems that would warrant a replacement.

I wonder how many people have replaced their phones due to issues that really didn't warrant replacement. Seems to me a lot of people are quick to replace the phone if it lags in the slightest, or other issues that is actually the norm for this device but some consider unacceptable. I see a lot of folks complaining that they've been through 3-4 replacements with the same issues. At that point, it indicates an issue with the Eris overall.
My husband and I are both on our second Eris and still have just about every issue that everyone else on this site has described. I called CS today and got a really nice rep who is switching both our phones out for the Moto Droid, they're shipping out today and should be here Monday. From the sounds of it they've been replacing the Eris multiple times a day and are going thru the refurbs faster than they get them in. Sounds to me like the issues on the faulty phones cannot be fixed and the lucky few who got good phones are indeed very lucky. I love the Eris, but I hate having a phone that rarely works correctly. Not being able to open apps, waiting minutes for the internet to load, dialer lag, the whole story for both of us. I am somewhat sad to be switching to such a big phone, but from everything I've heard/read they don't seem to have the same issues. Thankfully this switch will not affect our contract date and we can still upgrade next fall as planned. Anyway, that's just my experience, but it sounds like Verizon knows the Eris is faulty and is willing to swap it out for Moto Droids when people report enough problems.
I'm on my 4th refurb (although technically still 3rd). They gave me a 4th one in the store and it had the same issues so I ended up keeping my 3rd refurb.

And after all of this....no offer to swap the phone yet! I think I need to be a little more persistent!:D
my second is actually a brand new one I got a VZW store...no wait...make that third because the first one they unboxed had a HORRIBLE speaker buzz...
On my second new eris with my first referb about to arrive on Monday or Tuesday depending on fedex. Hopefully the referb will get rid of all the errors I've been having since I put on leak 3. I was fine with leak 2 but got greedy. I think i'll keep it safe with the new one and go from there.
I'm still on my original. I picked it up in the store back in November.

(I've been told by my wife that I am way too easy-going and tolerant of stuff that irritates the sh*t out of her.)
I'm on my first. Works just fine. Everyone once in a while, I see someone using an Eris when I'm out and about and I ask them how they like it. They say theirs works, too, and they think it's a pretty cool phone.

I don't doubt that the bugs and hardware flaws reported here (and the exasperation they've caused) are real. But the complaints registered on this board are not necessarily a reflection of everyone's experience.

On my second Eris (1st refurb). Got it via fedex last night. So far so good now that i think know how to avoid any bugs that may be caused by certain widgets and apps.
I went through 3 Eris' (two refurbs) and then they credited me $199 for the phone, and I also got to keep the Eris, which I sold for $150.
So i made $150 for the Eris, they canceled my contract, openeing a new two year contract for me, for free, and gave me the inc for the online two year price, ($199, which the credit they gave me for my old eris covered.
So I got $150, and got an HTC Inc. for free.
also they told me it would be here this week, so I sold my eris.
then they toldme it will be shipped by 8/2, -
so they sent me ANOTHER eris to USE until the Dinc gets here.
really nice deal, remember to treat people with respect and you SHOULd recieve it back.
I'm on my second Eris and have a Moto Droid 1 on the way. I have had nothing but horrible performance since the OTA. The service tech at Verizion told me they know that the Eris isn't handling 2.1 well at all and have no idea when the next patch will be ready, so I opted for the Motorola.
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