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How Sprint really justifies the $10 add on

Maybe this was stated already (sorry), but my Sprint manager said that the $10 was for the option of 4G, and that any future phones will have the same charge that have 4G. It also uncaps the amount of data used as stated above. PLUS, she was cute, so she HAS to be telling me the truth, right? :)
$10 bucks or not - I don't really mind, but the PR debacle this is creating is really Sprint's own fault.

They should've got rid of the $10 phone up-charge just made the phone cost $399 with MIR of $100bucks and ppl would still have bought this phone like hotcakes if they needed more money for 4G rollout.

Ppl hate recurring charges but will easily pay upfront at the point of sale.

If a movie at one theater costs $10 bucks and $20bucks at another - you'd drive across town to save $10bucks. If you're buying a new Plasma and one store has it for $1990 and another for $2000, you'd say the hell with the drive, just give me the TV. Same $10 bucks, its how it is presented as a value to the consumer.
Maybe this was stated already (sorry), but my Sprint manager said that the $10 was for the option of 4G, and that any future phones will have the same charge that have 4G. It also uncaps the amount of data used as stated above. PLUS, she was cute, so she HAS to be telling me the truth, right? :)

He's wrong... the CEO of Sprint has publicly stated they do not charge extra for 4G. This $10 is not for 4G (and has been stated, you pay it even if you never use 4G or cannot due to your location).

What bothers me more than anything about this "add-on" is that it's mandatory. Tell me what it buys me and then let me add it or not if I want those things. The fact that it's not an option means it's a higher-priced plan (which is fine) but Sprint boxed themselves into a corner with their "simple" plans and their advertising around that notion that they feel they cannot add new plans. Silly... adding additional fees is more confusing than more plans (where the "gets" are clear).

Sprint can charge whatever they want for their services and the market will choose. That's fine. The marketing and PR folks at Sprint should all go work for BP, however... they have really screwed this up!
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