this is for folks who for whatever reason,unrevoked 3.22 does not work to get them root access.
-at the promt in your command window:
cd c:\mini-adb_inc this should change your command promt to "mini-adb_inc",indicating youre using that directory.
adb devices this should output your phones serial number,indicating its recognized
md5sums mtd0.img it should output a few the end you should see this number 34307be744275f1db1dd16af04c37839
md5sums flash_image again,it will output some things,then you should see this number: 0098a7dd6600b55fac34fc6645be5d7a
md5sums zergRush again,output stuff, then this number:4a32187446c284c2b975845f3ab9ffc4
*all those numbers must match exactly. if they do then you can procede.
I have already done the downgrade and my md5sums for the zergRush is 03903c2e387f4c6a3907e6dc08dba118
Due to the updates done to zergRush would this md5sums work?
Please disregard I just saw the post about zergrush becoming unrelyable.