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How To Turn Off Location Tracking On Samsung Galaxy J2


Well-Known Member
I want to turn off location tracking on Samsung Galaxy J2 but I don't see Location in Settings; nor in Settings -> Connections, nor in Settings -> WI-FI - > More Connections. Where did Samsung hide this setting so that I can turn off the location tracking?
I did non-forum searching and found that to get locations one must press the notification bar and pull it down. It's not simple to pull it down where it displays options but when I got it to display it there was the
Loaction seting to turn off.
Try looking into disabling Location History in your Google account settings instead:
Note that Google is collecting our location data using not just the Location (GPS) option in our phones, but also WiFi (IP address approximation), cell tower triangulation, and phone sensor data.
You do have location settings. As said above, just search settings.

If you set location to "device only" that stops Google collecting "anonymous" (but easily de-anonymised) location information (though some apps, like Maps, will occasionally pop up a message that looks like it's telling you that you need to turn location on but actually re-enables the misnamed "high accuracy" mode that allows them to collect these data. The dishonesty of the wording of that pop-up and the way it bypasses the disclaimer about other consequences is for me enough reason never to enable "high accuracy" location, which anyway isn't more accurate as long as you have a satellite fix).

If you want to stop Google recording your location history you need to turn off app and web history in your Google settings as well as location history. Otherwise Google keep a record of where you used each app. There was a fuss a few years back about them keeping this "back door" way of recording location history, but Google won't have done anything about it.

If you don't use location at all you can just turn it off.
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