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How's the battery life?

The battery life on these is superb, i was watching movies the other night with 3g on all night, screen and volume on maximum and after 9 hrs of screen on time there was still 34% battery left.

Is that with the standard issue battery? Mine is down to 20% remainging after 7.5 hours.
i was trying to kill the battery a few nights ago watching videos full volume and full brightness (i watched 1 movie, freelancers) you tube, browsing the web, a bit of bejeweled blitz, i got close to 18 hours with almost 5 hours screen time (i think i saved a screenshot).
I bought a battery charger that comes with a spare battery and the ac adaptor EB-H1J9VMAG paid $49,99 very happy with that purchase
My phone last probably 12 hours, and when I am at work, very rarely is the phone not being used for calls or other writing emails, taking notes, ect. I am very impressed with it, I have looked at getting a higher capacity battery, but probably wont unless I see my battery life drop off.
Lately none of my batteries have been lasting more than 7-8 hrs. I'm not certain yet if the rom I'm on is causing it or my addiction to Candy Crush.
Lately none of my batteries have been lasting more than 7-8 hrs. I'm not certain yet if the rom I'm on is causing it or my addiction to Candy Crush.

Mine haven't been quite as low, but I've definitely been using power save mode and ds battery app more often than I had at the beginning. On regular use, I've been getting around 12 instead of the 22 I used to get. I was kinda anticipating this considering I've noticed the same trend with all my past phones.

Great thing is, I can still use the phone way more than any of my past phones. So I am still an advocate for 3100mah or more for any future phone I have purchased.
I may just end up switching the rom altogether. Whomp has way more stuff going on than I need or want. Also as great as it may be, I don't like anything with ads and this roms additional apps all have ads which is driving me mad.
So, since I was getting less battery life than originally, I decided to develop more of a routine using power saving and ds battery saver. Results have got me back to close to 24 hours! This has still been a much better experience than I've ever had with a smartphone.
I used to have the EVO and then a Galaxy S2. Both had horrible battery life. I even bought extra batteries to carry around with me since the battery would go from 100% to dead in 4 hours. I now have a Note 2 and am thoroughly surprised at how amazing the battery life is. Today, for example I took it off the charger at 10:30am and had 100% life, 5 hours later, I'm at 86% with moderate use. Not bad at all.

My s2 battery life was horrendous. Maybe after 2 years I had a bad battery but mine died in about an hour with most things turned off. I had to keep it plugged no matter what.

I unplugged my Note 2 at 100% and its used 4% in 2.5 hours by basically sitting on the counter. Definitely better than my S2 but not sure if thats generally good for the Note 2?
O just got mine, and it last probably 7-8 hours of heavy use. Like hardly putting it down type shit. I can make it last all day with powersaving mode on. Best battery in a phone I have ever had.
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