I'm planning on buying a phone totally unlocked for about $400-500 just because I live in Canada and I don't want to deal with 3 year contract bullcrap for phones that are not as good as the ones in the US and even if they we're they'd be outdated next year let alone 3. I've always liked the HD2's ability to install around 5 OS' at once, and I asked if running it as an android phone was viable for everyday use and the answer was yes. It has a 4.3 inch screen which is nice, and boast good battery life. Last I checked it still benchmarks better than most phones other than the new dual cores and the Thunderbolt. So my question is, since I'm buying a totally unlocked phone from the get go, is it still worth it to take the HD2 a phone from 2 years ago for a price of a modern phone today?