I love this thread it makes me happy (outside of the people who came here to troll)... anyways i am looking at guns from a realistic stand point...
they are my protection from Zombies...
BTW @ OstrichSak what are the calibers of your rifles?
Right now i only have my Model 700 Remington .22-250 and a Marlin .22
i was thinking about getting a .338 (not sure on brand probably Reminton i just love them) just caust i want to say i have a rifle that can shoot over a mile and still have enough power to kill what i hit
But seriously for those of you who don't appreciate guns in any caliber or type don't dog on those of us who do like to shoot no matter what the reason is.
Just know those of us who have them most likely will sit there and take apart our Rifles or sidearms and clean it religiously just to make sure it will keep working for many years to come. Also since we are on here we prolly like to know how things work so that is a plus.
i know that for myself i will get as much trigger time as i can afford there is nothing more important (other than safety) than getting good quailty practice in with your firearm.
What is everyone's favorite gun for whatever reason?