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I hate blackberry!!!!!! (rant)


Well-Known Member
LOL so i used to have a blackberry and it was good then then i realised it a friken money making machine so i sold it and bought a wildfire.

things i hate about BB's:
-everyone getting all emotional over the thing
-people complaining how they can never live without one (u lived without one before you got one now STFU)
- facebook being drowned with comments like "add the bbp" and then stating the crappy code
-everyone getting happy when a new blackberry is released when really its the same thing as the old one that just looks different

RANT OVER, have a nice day:p
agreed!! BBM is a thing of the past. GTalk is the future along with Android.... BB is a joke
BB was cool like, 7 years ago.. I really dont understand RIM, they have made almost no attempts at progress for so long now.. it seems like it is going in the direction that Palm went.
I got into the BB platform about 4 years ago when the Pearl was hot. Back then full screen video and a standard headphone jack was not common. There were some nifty features for its day. After a couple years I got the Curve and stopped caring. Originally BB was promising but in the end it was the lack of development and apps that rocked that killed the platform for me. I still give them credit for the trackball, it was pretty pimp. Oh and the worst part was the 10% battery = no radio screwup. I went to call 911 one day and couldn't even though I had 9% battery life, that was the last straw. I've gone android and haven't looked back. I'll take my little LG Ally over even the most expensive BB hands down.

For the record I am a certified BB administrator. At least its got enough of the business market to make money for techs. This is an area that Android needs to make some gains.
BB owners are a bunch of idiots, some idiot the other day was arguing with me about the PS phone being a BB. Obviously hes never used an android or any other OS phone other than bb. He had a bb pearl btw hahaha.
There are people that are emotional about all of these phones - iPhones, Android, BB, etc...no group is worse than another.

I just came over to Droid from BB for several reasons - mostly because of the horribly slow processors and the inability to view documents and other data on the small screens.

The important thing to point out is that a smartphone is supposed to serve the purpose and needs of the user. Just because another phone CAN do something does not mean that I need it or want it to do that thing.

I know a lot of executives in the business world that would not need anything close to an Android system with seven screens....

I feel ya buddy...
I had a blackberry for a few days and went crazy...I bought the blackberry unlocked and used it on my previous plan with a data plan and realized it doesn't work. It needs a "BES" plan...which is double the cost of my internet plan. Seriously? Blackberry services don't work with wifi as well...seriously? I hate RIM and will never buy a blackberry....so happy with my Desire
My biggest problem with blackberry is the blackberry itself.

Doing anything on blackberry makes me feel like I'm pointlessly going around in circles.

I'm sure there is some blacbkerry guru out there who can do more with blackberry than I can do with any other phone in the world.. and I respect his choice for a phone that suits him.

Just like I hope he respect my preference for android.
I feel ya buddy...
I had a blackberry for a few days and went crazy...I bought the blackberry unlocked and used it on my previous plan with a data plan and realized it doesn't work. It needs a "BES" plan...which is double the cost of my internet plan. Seriously? Blackberry services don't work with wifi as well...seriously? I hate RIM and will never buy a blackberry....so happy with my Desire

Its ridiculous stupid "bis" stuff
Pity me...I lost my Nexus One and I'm using a BB Curve right now :( Mine will be a realy rant ;)

I've been using it for the past month and I must say, I hate every minute I have with it. It's the ugliest UI I've laid eyes on, everything is just boring white background with black text on the right. I don't find it very intuitive either. If I can change the sound settings on the notification bar, why can't I select the SMS alert to open my SMS or any notifications it gives me instead of trying to figure out what the heck the notifiation is. Also, mail and SMS both have the same 'mail' notification icons.

Navigating the BB App world is a pain in the ass. First off...BB World wasn't even included on the phone after a factory reset!!! WTH :/ I had some 'Rogers/AT&T Market' that was horrendous to navigate in because it used the browser. Which brings up another point. I BLOODY HATE TO THE CORE OF THE EARTH THE DAMN BLOODY BROWSER ON THIS BLOODY DAMN THING. :mad::mad::mad: Everytime I 'surf' I felt like chugging the damn thing against the wall. It doesn't cache my pages...so if I move to the next page and go back...it reloads EVERYTHING again. So you can imagine my frustration when I accidentally click on a link. I can NOT have more than one webpage open!!!

Back to BB App World. The apps on there are ridiculously priced! Anything I had free on my Nexus now will cost me triple the price. I wanted to check my bus schedule and had to dl it in pdf format. Guess what? My PDF wouldn't open because the damn BB didn't come with PDF. This is a BUSINESS phone, so I had thought that they'd have BASIC business apps. They have MS Words, Exels and PP preinstalled. How in the world does it not have a basic read only PDF version? Went on the market and the cheapest PDF app was $9.99...WTF

I had more fun on a Symbian phon than this!!! I even enjoyed the iOS...I miss in hell Android!!!


*Takes a deep breath*

Damn Roze, you still rockin the Blackberry? Thought you would have found your Nexus by now and Oh .... triple the amount of free is still free ... sorry I had to do it :D:p
Pity me...I lost my Nexus One and I'm using a BB Curve right now :( Mine will be a realy rant ;)

I've been using it for the past month and I must say, I hate every minute I have with it. It's the ugliest UI I've laid eyes on, everything is just boring white background with black text on the right. I don't find it very intuitive either. If I can change the sound settings on the notification bar, why can't I select the SMS alert to open my SMS or any notifications it gives me instead of trying to figure out what the heck the notifiation is. Also, mail and SMS both have the same 'mail' notification icons.

Navigating the BB App world is a pain in the ass. First off...BB World wasn't even included on the phone after a factory reset!!! WTH :/ I had some 'Rogers/AT&T Market' that was horrendous to navigate in because it used the browser. Which brings up another point. I BLOODY HATE TO THE CORE OF THE EARTH THE DAMN BLOODY BROWSER ON THIS BLOODY DAMN THING. :mad::mad::mad: Everytime I 'surf' I felt like chugging the damn thing against the wall. It doesn't cache my pages...so if I move to the next page and go back...it reloads EVERYTHING again. So you can imagine my frustration when I accidentally click on a link. I can NOT have more than one webpage open!!!

Back to BB App World. The apps on there are ridiculously priced! Anything I had free on my Nexus now will cost me triple the price. I wanted to check my bus schedule and had to dl it in pdf format. Guess what? My PDF wouldn't open because the damn BB didn't come with PDF. This is a BUSINESS phone, so I had thought that they'd have BASIC business apps. They have MS Words, Exels and PP preinstalled. How in the world does it not have a basic read only PDF version? Went on the market and the cheapest PDF app was $9.99...WTF

I had more fun on a Symbian phon than this!!! I even enjoyed the iOS...I miss in hell Android!!!


*Takes a deep breath*


i feel u man i used to have the same blackberry as you 8900 curve and i cant stress how much i agree with your points. ive heard that they still havnt finished makin the UI/OS thats why theres a plain background and crappy writing. what makes it worse is why they hell did they release the os if it isnt even complete.. shows us how blackberry are inconsiderate towards their OWN products and care about the profits they make.........
Back to BB App World. The apps on there are ridiculously priced! Anything I had free on my Nexus now will cost me triple the price.

I had to laugh at this. If you had an app for free on the Nexus and it is triple the price on the BB, then it would still be free because 3 x $0 = $0.:D

Anyway, I use a BB for work. I do nothing but work related stuff on my BB. I find the BB to be a very good tool for work. It syncs well with Outlook and Office Communicator. The instant push mail notification is great for me as I am in production support. The one thing that I can say about my BB that I cannot say about my Android and Symbian phone is that the BB has never crashed or auto shutdown/reboot on me. At least for me, the BB has been the most stable smartphone I have used.

I don't like the interface, though. I'm used to touch screen phones with a bigger keyboard. I just hate the track ball and narrow keyboard. Also, I have to memorise keyboard commands like <space> for page down, and 'T' for go to top. Navigating a long document is a pain on the BB compared to Android. Even Symbian was easier to navigate long documents.
I miss my BB in some ways. As far as being a productive business tool (push, sync, security, battery life) it can't be beat. As far as being a productive multimedia/internet experience/play games/toy android phones are the best. (all debatable... I know)

RIM is running to catch up. They are (relatively) just adding multimedia support and realistic browsing to their products, as opposed to adding a phone to an mp3 player (al la iphone). I would consider going back if they made something closer to an evo and improved the browsing experience.
Damn Roze, you still rockin the Blackberry? Thought you would have found your Nexus by now and Oh .... triple the amount of free is still free ... sorry I had to do it :D:p

LOL triple free is free i was thinking the same thing:p

I had to laugh at this. If you had an app for free on the Nexus and it is triple the price on the BB, then it would still be free because 3 x $0 = $0.:D

Anyway, I use a BB for work. I do nothing but work related stuff on my BB. I find the BB to be a very good tool for work. It syncs well with Outlook and Office Communicator. The instant push mail notification is great for me as I am in production support. The one thing that I can say about my BB that I cannot say about my Android and Symbian phone is that the BB has never crashed or auto shutdown/reboot on me. At least for me, the BB has been the most stable smartphone I have used.

I don't like the interface, though. I'm used to touch screen phones with a bigger keyboard. I just hate the track ball and narrow keyboard. Also, I have to memorise keyboard commands like <space> for page down, and 'T' for go to top. Navigating a long document is a pain on the BB compared to Android. Even Symbian was easier to navigate long documents.

*grumbles* technicallity :P
My wife has a BB and wants a new phone. I keep telling her to get an Android phone (EVO or EVO Shift).

She's like, "But I'll lose BBM" lol

WHO CARES!?! I'm just going to get her Evo Shift and smash her BB into peices. She'll thank me in a week once she learns all that Android phone can do.
My wife has a BB and wants a new phone. I keep telling her to get an Android phone (EVO or EVO Shift).

She's like, "But I'll lose BBM" lol

WHO CARES!?! I'm just going to get her Evo Shift and smash her BB into peices. She'll thank me in a week once she learns all that Android phone can do.
BBM is cool but it's kind of overated. Might be I'm not 'dependent' on it, lol.
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