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I hate blackberry!!!!!! (rant)

BBM is cool but it's kind of overated. Might be I'm not 'dependent' on it, lol.

Yes, BBM is cool... but I think the other countless options for Android would overshadow BBM and make you not even miss it.

I used Hancent because of the customization, sending slide shows with music, greetings (Holiday, B-day), etc.

I use Kik Messenger too because is almost instant. There are a bunch of other decent messenger apps; Yahoo, eBuddy, MSN, Fring, etc.
Yes, BBM is cool... but I think the other countless options for Android would overshadow BBM and make you not even miss it.

I used Hancent because of the customization, sending slide shows with music, greetings (Holiday, B-day), etc.

I use Kik Messenger too because is almost instant. There are a bunch of other decent messenger apps; Yahoo, eBuddy, MSN, Fring, etc.

Yep bbm is overated as for your android u could also try Ping! or whatsapp
they too are instant and baisically give you free texts:D
i am surprised she has not played with your android... games and stuff... and then ask you to trade..
ROFL at this thread. It is so me! I was on a Curve 8310 a couple of years ago and upgraded to a Pantech Duo. Brand new - I laid out cash for it. (I was married to Outlook at the time, so a Windows Mobile phone made sense) Less than a week in, I dropped the effing thing getting out of the car and destroyed it. Back to the 8310 until LAST MONTH!!!

I hate the track ball. I hate the UI. I hate the browser. The apps sucked. The only positive things I can say about that curve were that I got my emails right away and I only had to charge it once or twice a week.

Oh, and don't get me started on battery pulls! My buddy told me about control-alt-delete doing the same thing, and I almost kissed him. By the time I finally broke down and got my X10, I was rebooting every couple of hours to keep it running!

IMHO, RIM is dead and just don't know it yet. They just spent too much time, energy, and money fighting the lawsuits to keep up in the marketplace. The are now like the NT kernel, a dinosaur many businesses are stuck with because they married it. They're about as relevant as Palm was two years ago.
i am surprised she has not played with your android... games and stuff... and then ask you to trade..

She has and loves it. But she has 5 friends with BB they all use BBM like it's the only messenger in existence.

She'll learn soon enough. :D
They just spent too much time, energy, and money fighting the lawsuits to keep up in the marketplace.

I think they spent too much money trying to buy an NHL team and move it to Ontario only to be screwed by Gary Bettman. I blame Gary Bettman for RIM's problems.;)
they lost sight of the beat of their customer's desires.. and thought they had it covered.. sat on thier throne .. to confident.. fat dumb and happy.

Now..to late to change... they got passed up..
and they are dead man walking...
I still have my Blackberry Pearl, but I rarely use it. BB Os 4 sucked more than our vacuum cleaner. I had to deal with the crashing and the battery pulls. Now that I have my Captivate, I am a happy adult. My Blackberry is so beat up, it looks like it survived both world wars.
the only thing worse than a BB is a toilet !...

enjoy the article:

I have never had a "buggy" BlackBerry. Currently there is a thread actively growing in the Bold 9780 Forum (click on "Forum" above) where it is becoming evident that many people have buggy RIM products, and I may have just been lucky. Here is a very interesting article written by Jonathan Geller at BGR that may shed some light on what the issue, or part of the issue, may be:

Launching new products is always difficult. Launching new products with hundreds of different carriers is exponentially more difficult. Apparently there is an easy way and a hard way to do things, however, and RIM has been making carriers offers they can’t refuse. BGR has learned from a trusted source that RIM has been strong-arming several carriers, essentially forcing them to approve devices they normally would not move through the Technical Acceptance phase.

Here is how it works: once an OS software build (bundle) has been tested internally at RIM, and the OS performs well, it moves up to be a Technical Acceptance candidate. The OS is then sent to the carrier to test and approve, or test and reject. If a carrier rejects a build, it can take weeks to get a new build tested and approved, and it can slow down a device’s release by months — as evidenced many times with different BlackBerry products in the past.

What’s the problem, then? We have been informed by a very reliable source at a major carrier that RIM has been putting an enormous amount of pressure on carriers to approve the upcoming BlackBerry smartphones like the BlackBerry Bold 9900 — phones that have to hold RIM over until its next-generation platform launch in 2012 — and that certain carriers will be approving the devices, “no matter what — with bugs and problems.” Additionally, RIM is putting huge pressure on its internal engineers to deliver Technical Acceptance bundles even when there are serious problems with the OS. In short, RIM is pushing unfinished OS builds from its engineers to the carriers, and demanding that the carriers approve them.

The thing is, this isn’t something new, and it’s part of the reason your BlackBerry is so buggy, reboots randomly, and there are possible signal and connection issues. There have been multiple devices, we have been told, that have been forced through the Technical Acceptance process with multiple carriers, and it’s one of the reasons some carriers launch devices sooner than others (barring any exclusivity arrangements) — some play ball but others won’t. Remember how Rogers was one of the first carriers to launch the BlackBerry Bold 9000 while AT&T didn’t launch the device until November? The device constantly failed Technical Acceptance on AT&T, but Rogers pushed the device out anyway as a result of pressure from RIM. And Rogers is most certainly not the only carrier that has found itself in that position.

Spokespeople from RIM and Rogers did not immediately respond to a request for comment. An AT&T spokesperson declined to comment.
the only thing worse than a BB is a toilet !...

enjoy the article:

I have never had a "buggy" BlackBerry. Currently there is a thread actively growing in the Bold 9780 Forum (click on "Forum" above) where it is becoming evident that many people have buggy RIM products, and I may have just been lucky. Here is a very interesting article written by Jonathan Geller at BGR that may shed some light on what the issue, or part of the issue, may be:

Launching new products is always difficult. Launching new products with hundreds of different carriers is exponentially more difficult. Apparently there is an easy way and a hard way to do things, however, and RIM has been making carriers offers they can
people call a bb a business phone as an excuse because they can't call it anything else...if they called it a media phone, people would laugh at them...well they still laugh at them but just not as much. all you can do with it is use it for business (email,call and SMS) its sad that people say its the best business phone just because it can email...email wow that's amazing! no other phone in the world can do that...not android, not iphone wow...yeah as if my HTC snap can't do that not to mention the thing actually works and its as old as 2009...talk about a village idiot! if stupidity was a disease it would be called the bb user paranoia.

oh...some one that claimed to know phones put his bb curve up against my snap. now my snap has 3G his has edge...so I pointed this out to him and he got an argument started between edge and 3G saying edge was better...shame he must be suffering from bb user paranoia.

then we looked at the processors and it was clear that my processor was 16 MHZ bigger...

then another chap with the same phone came to me and showed me the one thing his phone could do that mine couldn't...you know the indicator light at the top of a bb that indicates if you have a missed call or email?...well my HTC snap has this too but just that it only can change between orange (charging) and green ( indicates SMS, missed call and email or to show its fully charged) any his could change to so many colors and flicker different colors when he played music on the thing...colorful flickering lights against windows media player?...get serious! but any way because his phone had colorful flickering lights he thought it was better than my 3G enabled device.

if I put this on other forum sites I would be kicked off...good that on this one I can display my feelings and opinions...i tell you...its hard being a bb fan.

how sad :-(
Seriously. People still use these things? I would rather use a winmo device.... They're kinda cool, and actually figuring things out
these are all the reasons why people believe that a bb is the best business phone:

as I mentioned above...email...what a joke!

qwerty keyboard...seriously...we still use these things instead of touch screens ?

reliability...remember they suffer from bb user paranoia...the bb will freeze, crash and reboot randomly and they will still call it reliable.

security...give me 20 seconds and I will hack into that phone! it would take me a few hours to get it right with iOS and android...but who would follow people around for hours?


oh...you might want to check:

Different strokes for different folks.

I rocked a BB for years, up until recently and I don't have anything really negative to say. My 8100 series were tanks and so was my 8900 and 9700. Yeah they aren't the best on surfing, but could still manage.

I had a ton of free apps from the so callled shitty appworld, which it is compared to other brands, but if you didn't know any better, it would suffice for most.

For communication, my 9700 was amazing! I never got mail/FB/Twitter messages faster and miss the heck out of the best LED light around.

The reason BB's in general are frowned upon so much is due to the media. They have blown the Playbook mess out of this world and it has really effected RIM overall. I sometimes wish they never got into the tablet business.

Their phones are solid and I never had the problems the OP had, besides having to pull the battery. Heck, I have had to pull my battery countless times on my Android, granted no where near as much.

The new OS7 phones may look the same, but quite different. They are quite snappy, probably the most smooth UI out there next to Crapple. They also have the great KB's, which IMO a lot of people still enjoy and will keep them afloat, even with the TS future.

If they can get these BB10 phones out before the end of '12, then they may pull themselves out of the proverbial funk they are in.

With that said, more than likely sticking with Android. Just works for me since finally getting used to the touchscreen.

Some of ya sound might upset at them, but not everyone has had your problems.
BB are junk in my eyes. They used to be solid for sure, but this isn't when that is... This is when we look at hd displays. A time we get excited about screen size. And dual cores....

BB doesn't have that excitement. Ohhh ahh Os 8.3820 has new wallpaper and is more stable, zzz.

And that "app world" is atrocious.
the awesome mulit-colored led...

why dont other devices have this ability? it can not be that hard or costly to put into a phone.

my guess.. it is patented by RIM.. and so ...
WOW. That's a lot. So, naturally, I didn't read it all. :p
But anyway. I fell in LOVE, I mean like super-duper-moon-jumping LOVE with Blackberry's Playbook tablet (it's just that their crispy picture is drool worthy imo). But I'm a college kid so I came home and researched it and found all these features that it does NOT have plus how it is supposedly more efficient with a Blackberry phone device, which I don't have and read that I can't get because it's supposedly obsolete. :eek:

I had an extremely difficult time trying to figure out how to contact BB support, I joined their forums and got answers from other customers, which I found to be unprofessional on BB's part (to pawn customers off on each other for support). I found them on Twitter and asked a question - it took them several days to reply and their answer was not at all helpful, at which point I decided their Playbook could take a flying leap. :mad:

So, while I may be slightly off topic, thought it'd be nice to join the rant session anyway. lol :D ...moving on...

And LucyC, I almost got a BB phone upon last upgrade too, but I had my heart set on an HTC, which I also do not like. Think I'll go back to being true to LG and Samsung.
the awesome mulit-colored led...

why dont other devices have this ability? it can not be that hard or costly to put into a phone.

my guess.. it is patented by RIM.. and so ...

i have to admit that LED thing was by far one of the most favorite things when i had my BB, all these rainbow colours and what not
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