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I have an unlimited iPhone data plan

When I get my Nexus S in a few days, I can just pop my sim card in and it'll work without any issues, correct?

Should be fine. If you're coming from an iPhone 4, you'll either need to get a new full-sized SIM card or an adapter since the iPhone 4 uses some weird microSIM card thing.

If you can't get a data connection first check your APN settings (Menu>Settings>Wireless and networks>Mobile networs>Access Point Names). It should automatically configure the APN settings for you as soon as you turn it on though.

You may also have to call up AT&T and register your new phone's IMEI#, but again, this should happen automatically, though some regions occasionally have issues with that.
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I've been reading some threads around this forum and it seems some people had to switch data plans. Am I gonna have that problem? I don't wanna lose my unlimited iPhone data plan.

No, you shouldn't have that problem. The people who have had to switch plans were those that were on the $10/$15 unlimited web for feature and messaging phones.
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