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I *really* want it to succeed, but...


Android Enthusiast
Dec 6, 2009
will it? So, I currently own a PSP and a Samsung Fascinate. Sure, the Fascinate is fast and I've enjoyed the games that I can play on it - Angry Birds, Archipelago, Moblox, X Construct, etc. The problem comes because I want the same experience of the PSP on my phone. The lack of buttons is a huge issue, and there's nothing that smart software design can do to change that. Two quick examples - Need For Speed: Shift and Hot Shots Golf. Both games look fine on my phone, but the lack of buttons greatly reduces my enjoyment of them. With golf, it is a timing problem that I don't know exactly how far my finger is poised above the screen, so I can't time the stop and start of my swing as accurately as I can with a button. Need for Speed uses tilt controls, which means I have to hold my hands steady and move in very precise motions - which is not fun for me. For that reason, I still frequently use my PSP to play games like MLB The Show, NBA Live, Tekken, etc. The buttons on my PSP give me a level of control that you cannot get without them. I know the NGP/PSP2 is coming out later in the year and I am excited at how powerful it will be and how good it will look. However, that still means I have two devices - a phone and a portable gaming device.

As much as I would like the Xperia Play to succeed, I just don't think the phone market of today will support it. The PSP came out in 2004/2005 and is only getting upgraded now. Almost NO ONE keeps their phone that long, so what does that mean for this device? Will Sony come out with another, more powerful version next year? If so, then the games market gets more fragmented - "this game only runs on Xperia Play 2". Games designed for this device are going to take more time and money to develop than regular apps and games take today, and those publishers want a stable platform to design for - one that uses the same specs - so they don't have to spend time and money testing the game on multiple devices with different hardware. If Sony had reached further and made the Xperia Play kickass powerful, then perhaps it would have been able to last long enough - but the specs I have seen have only been mediocre for this generation of phones.

What are your thoughts?
Sony Ericsson Xperia play is the first playstation certified phone. Which means there will most likely be more of them. Maybe a Motorola Play, or HTC Play by the end of the year with even more powerful specs. Even a rumored Sony S1 tablet with playstation certified controls. Yes, I think there will be a xperia play2 next year and every year there will be more playstation certified device.

Then there is the playstation suite coming out later this year which will allow xperia play to play ps1 emulation games. Alot more exclusive xperia play games will come out soon. The market will not get segmented with more xperia play devices. Sorta like Apple iphone 1,2,3gs,4. Did the apple market get segmented with a new iphone every year? not really.

The playstation suite is also available for psp2, aka next generation portable.
The advantage is the game you buy now on the xperia play should carry forward. So if you buy hot shots golf ps1 game. Then you should be able to download and play it again on xperia play3.

Will there be games that will only be for for xperia play2? Yes but probably not alot of them. I don't see alot of games only for iPhone4 and not for iphone3gs.
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There is a distinct difference in the markets for PSP-ish games and games for the iPhone. When I think of God of War or Assassin's Creed on the PSP, they were BIG games with big budget studios behind them. Most iPhone games are made by a small team if not one person. I can't see a studio being too happy spending a few million on making a new God of War game for the Xperia Play, only to have the hardware specs outdated in a year by the Xperia Play 2. As for it being a platform, that depends on the amount of control Sony puts on their certification. Look at Android - there are so many variations of hardware that developers have to put out a release and then prepare for the inevitable reviews "it won't work on my Fascinate" and then get busy fixing those issues. If I bought a $30 God of War game for my phone, I would be pretty upset if it didn't work...

I hope I'm wrong - I hope Sony knows what they're doing and I hope the market responds favorably because even with the NGP later this year, I would love to get an Xperia Play...
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I think for the first year of xperia play, we will only get iphone type games. Just look at the 50 launch titles for xperia play, all of them are iphone games converted with gamepad option.

I don't think there will be any big budget $30 god of war game for xperia play in the first year. So if you are buying the xperia play hoping to play those games, then don't buy one. For me, I don't mind playing iphone games with gamepad option.
I'm looking forward to play Dungeon Defenders against someone online with the xperia play.

I never played Assassin's creed but there is an assassin's creed on iphone and a version coming to xperia play. Maybe it's the dumb down version of the console game. Same for spinter cell.

Developing a game on the android market or xperia play market will be no different than the PC. Eventually there will be 10+ playstation certified and the developers just need to test it on all the devices. Or make a demo which most developers do and download the demo first.
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its for the phone. They have told gameinformer .... hold on I'll go get the mag. Okay here is the word for word out of the mag.

"Sony Ericsson calls the Xperia Play "PlayStation Certified," and although there is no official roster of first-party PlayStation games announced for the unit, Crash Bandicoot is reportedly coming pre-installed on the device. The phone also comes with Asphalt Adrenaline 6, Bruce Lee, Star Battalion, The Sims 3, and Tetris. Fifty downloadable titles will be available at launch, and Engadget reports that Xperia Play compatible versions of LittleBigPlanet, God of War, and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare could be in the works as well. As for the games' price, we talked to a sony Ericsson representative who told us that on average games should cost between $4.99 and $7.99, with developers determining the final price."- this is a quote out of the issue 216, april 2011 Gameinformer on page 26 paragraph three

So it's not official, but I would have to believe it will come out though. Usually when they mention something it comes out. And those touch analogs have been reported to work extremely well. One review I've watched stated that they work remarkably similar to the dual shock 3's.
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It'll flop dude. I've wanted the same thing too, a phone/gaming device but I've come to the conclusion that there are games just meant for a pure gaming device. Just buy the latest HTC or Samsung Android phone, and get the Sony PSP 2/NGP when it comes out.

The fake touch analog pads is basically a touch screen in itself, which will not be as accurate as actual thumb sticks. Sony is releasing Playstation Suite to Android systems as a whole, not just this device. The majority of people using Playstation Suite will probably not have the Xperia Play, they'll be using other Android phones, so Sony will most likely be catering the game's controls for the masses.

Really, I wanted Microsoft to make an Xbox Portable, but they really f'd up by trying to put it in Windows Phone 7, shame on them. I would have killed for Trials HD and other Arcade games in the palm of my hand. Ohwell, hopefully the PSP2/NGP will rock.
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It'll flop dude. I've wanted the same thing too, a phone/gaming device but I've come to the conclusion that there are games just meant for a pure gaming device. Just buy the latest HTC or Samsung Android phone, and get the Sony PSP 2/NGP when it comes out.

The fake touch analog pads is basically a touch screen in itself, which will not be as accurate as actual thumb sticks. Sony is releasing Playstation Suite to Android systems as a whole, not just this device. The majority of people using Playstation Suite will probably not have the Xperia Play, they'll be using other Android phones, so Sony will most likely be catering the game's controls for the masses.

Really, I wanted Microsoft to make an Xbox Portable, but they really f'd up by trying to put it in Windows Phone 7, shame on them. I would have killed for Trials HD and other Arcade games in the palm of my hand. Ohwell, hopefully the PSP2/NGP will rock.

The touch pads have got rave previews/reviews for their accuracy so far, and the Play is the flagship device for the Playstation Suite, so i doubt Sony Eric will ignore the fact they designed the Play with pads in the first place. What would be the point of the Play having them if SE turned round and said sorry folks, you've got touch pads but we're afraid you can't use them....."?

I don't mean to come across as sounding rude, far from it, just cant see the logic in the post above, if you get me?

Ian :)
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That pads will work of course, but I just don't expect them to be anywhere as good as thumb sticks. Sony's gonna be making PS Suite for use on multiple phones, all without the touch pads, so they will have to make their controls work for touch screens, thus I don't see too many games that will require them, but who knows, that's to be seen. I'm just thinking, if they are making these games to work on other phones, whats the advantage to this phone besides a control setup that us as users haven't tested? Sure reviewers can give it good ratings, but what are they playing? Sony game them a device with a couple of games they knew would work well...

I honestly think that Sony will be focusing more on the NGP and not this phone. The market base just isn't big enough now for this phone to make Sony enough profit to keep it updated. We all saw what happened to the last phone/gaming device... that was a HUGE flop.

Sony's Playstation Suite is def in the right direction, I just feel that not enough people are going go with an Xperia play.
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Sony's Playstation Suite is def in the right direction, I just feel that not enough people are going go with an Xperia play.

I am afraid of the same thing, but I'm hoping I'm wrong. I think the controls will work fine - people I trust have been hands-on and were pleasantly surprised by the touch d-pads.

I'm confused about the licensing of Suite to other manufacturers - what is their incentive? Access to Sony's catalog of games, but with inferior touchscreen controls? Users already have access to a ton of games on the Android Market that have touchscreen controls - why pay Sony anything? Wouldn't the licensing make more sense if you are going to incorporate the hardware buttons too? Now you're talking about a new gaming platform where multiple manufacturers could get a slice of the pie - instead of just Sony or Nintendo. Almost any phone could add on the buttons and make a separate gaming model of itself, or perhaps even an add-on "case" that you could plug your phone into which gives it the gaming buttons.

As for the NGP, for the first time in my life I am seriously considering being a first-day purchaser. That thing looks amazing, and I'm excited to see what developers can do with it. That being said, however, I will likely buy the Xperia Play when it comes out - unless it is ungodly expensive or the reviews say it is complete crap. Then, if Suite doesn't live up to the promise, I can sell it and buy the NGP when it comes out. However, if I can play Madden and MLB The Show on my Suite, I might reconsider that NGP purchase...

Now if they would only give us a damn release date for the Xperia Play!!
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That pads will work of course, but I just don't expect them to be anywhere as good as thumb sticks. Sony's gonna be making PS Suite for use on multiple phones, all without the touch pads, so they will have to make their controls work for touch screens, thus I don't see too many games that will require them, but who knows, that's to be seen. I'm just thinking, if they are making these games to work on other phones, whats the advantage to this phone besides a control setup that us as users haven't tested? Sure reviewers can give it good ratings, but what are they playing? Sony game them a device with a couple of games they knew would work well...

I honestly think that Sony will be focusing more on the NGP and not this phone. The market base just isn't big enough now for this phone to make Sony enough profit to keep it updated. We all saw what happened to the last phone/gaming device... that was a HUGE flop.

Sony's Playstation Suite is def in the right direction, I just feel that not enough people are going go with an Xperia play.

By the last phone/gaming device, I take it you mean the Ngage.

That flopped for a very good reason. Firstly the device itself and the games were vastly overpriced, and its competitor at the time, the Game Boy Advance pissed all over it in both third party support and game quality.

On the phone side, it was badly designed. The mic and earpiece were on the side, so anybody making a call on the thing looked a complete tool using it.

Also, it was widely reported as having severe bugs ans battery life issues.

The Xperia Play doesn't have the design flaws the Ngage had. The gaming experience has the potential to be on par with the PSP, pricing seems reasonable and third party support is looking good.

Also with the PlayStation name behind it and the Android OS I think it could be a huge success.

I've preordered mine anyway and should have it next week.
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I can't wait to get mine. Damn I'm so impatient! lol

I don't know how people can say it probably won't be a good gaming experience. It's going to be far superior to anything currently on Android with the addition of the physical joypad, and with it retaining the touchscreen use as well, it really is the best of both worlds.

Also, there's plenty of videos up on Youtube showing it in action, and from the gaming perspective it looks sweet. The phone side of things should be great as well.
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main killer for any android gaming is the on screen buttons. My thumbs cover up the screen. play> EVERY OTHER android.

I have also read reviews that the analog stick on the phone as extremely close to the ones on the PS3's.

DFA1's comments shouldn't even count to anything. He's a clear XBOX lover. I have had both and gladly gave up my xbox and kept the playstation. rings of death, no blueray, having to pay for internet, plus the whole tax cut thing with the kinect. PLAYstation for the win.
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main killer for any android gaming is the on screen buttons. My thumbs cover up the screen. play> EVERY OTHER android.

I have also read reviews that the analog stick on the phone as extremely close to the ones on the PS3's.

DFA1's comments shouldn't even count to anything. He's a clear XBOX lover. I have had both and gladly gave up my xbox and kept the playstation. rings of death, no blueray, having to pay for internet, plus the whole tax cut thing with the kinect. PLAYstation for the win.

Seems the PS3 and 360 are both great devices, especially after their design updates. Both have exclusive games that warrant gamers having both systems.

Had the Play came with more than 380mb, I would get it, but my one year old Incredible has twice the space and I am out of space with it. 380mb is not a good amount and will hurt sales.
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Seems the PS3 and 360 are both great devices, especially after their design updates. Both have exclusive games that warrant gamers having both systems.

Had the Play came with more than 380mb, I would get it, but my one year old Incredible has twice the space and I am out of space with it. 380mb is not a good amount and will hurt sales.

It's doubtful it will hurt sales. The only people who would even know the amount of MB are people here who live for this information.

Most people will see it and be like "OOH, a PSP phone or whatever" and I believe this will sell plenty...Especially being on Verizon's network
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