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I *really* want it to succeed, but...

DFA1's comments shouldn't even count to anything. He's a clear XBOX lover. I have had both and gladly gave up my xbox and kept the playstation. rings of death, no blueray, having to pay for internet, plus the whole tax cut thing with the kinect. PLAYstation for the win.

I prefer the Xbox over the PS3 yes, but I enjoy both. I have also gotten more than my money's worth on my PSP with Hot Shots Tennis and MHFU. I don't believe I have said anything to show that I'm an Xbox Lover, clearly Sony has the right idea with PS Suite, and MS dropped the ball with WP7. I'm thinking your the PS Fanboy trying to make this an Xbox/PS console pissing contest.

At least with Xbox Live we don't have to worry about hackers and cheaters (GeoHot and CoD Leaderboads), and MS doesn't have LG suing them, causing PS3 sales to be banned in Europe (which is pretty recent news), dunno if it's still ongoing.

Both systems have a place in my home and heart, and I want this phone to succeed to further the gaming industry and result in even better gaming devices in the future.
It's doubtful it will hurt sales. The only people who would even know the amount of MB are people here who live for this information.

Most people will see it and be like "OOH, a PSP phone or whatever" and I believe this will sell plenty...Especially being on Verizon's network

The "Ooh" will turn into "Oh sh1t" for most, when they realize they will quickly tap out of space. That is an absolute that needs no subjective view- purely objective.

Most gamers tend to also be app fans. This will not pan out well.
The "Ooh" will turn into "Oh sh1t" for most, when they realize they will quickly tap out of space. That is an absolute that needs no subjective view- purely objective.

Most gamers tend to also be app fans. This will not pan out well.

lol, I see everyone's point when they say Rushmore is super concerned about the storage. I agree a little because, really... compared to other phones coming out now, this is really lacking with storage space (and other specs). But I don't think it's going to be the sole reason it flops. It seems that Sony is like, "okay, we'll spend a ton of money on the touch pad, and game buttons, and we'll slack off the rest". Really, the only thing that this phone has going for it, is the slide out controls for gaming... other than that, the PS Suite is going to be available for other phones without touch pads, this includes other phones that have a dual core cpu, and quad core GPU.

This phone basically says, "Buy me because I'll play the game's better with a game pad like flip out control". If done right, this could work, and I mean if all the emulators/roms can take advantage of this control scheme. Even if it works, it's only going to be to a limited consumer base. But I'm sure the majority of people here will be disapointed if the marketplace emulators can't use these controls. I think Xpera Play will have the button functions for other Apps, so it shouldn't matter much. But in order to capture more customers, Sony needs more than just a slide out game pad. More people are insterested in high end specs, and 3D display (which I hear is gimmicky atm).

I am looking forward to trying this thing out in the store, but think I'll be going with an Incredible 2 when it comes out.
lol, I see everyone's point when they say Rushmore is super concerned about the storage. I agree a little because, really... compared to other phones coming out now, this is really lacking with storage space (and other specs). But I don't think it's going to be the sole reason it flops. It seems that Sony is like, "okay, we'll spend a ton of money on the touch pad, and game buttons, and we'll slack off the rest". Really, the only thing that this phone has going for it, is the slide out controls for gaming... other than that, the PS Suite is going to be available for other phones without touch pads, this includes other phones that have a dual core cpu, and quad core GPU.

This phone basically says, "Buy me because I'll play the game's better with a game pad like flip out control". If done right, this could work, and I mean if all the emulators/roms can take advantage of this control scheme. Even if it works, it's only going to be to a limited consumer base. But I'm sure the majority of people here will be disapointed if the marketplace emulators can't use these controls. I think Xpera Play will have the button functions for other Apps, so it shouldn't matter much. But in order to capture more customers, Sony needs more than just a slide out game pad. More people are insterested in high end specs, and 3D display (which I hear is gimmicky atm).

I am looking forward to trying this thing out in the store, but think I'll be going with an Incredible 2 when it comes out.

All Sony had to do was add 2gb or 4gb of flash to the device. They updated the chipset from the old Snapdragon to the newer one, so why not do that as well?

I really think there is a strong correlation to gamers and app fans. Most will assume the device has enough storage and then a few weeks down the road (when too late) they will see that there is not enough space for Android games, media apps, social apps, etc.

Sony built a shopping mall (game & media device) without any parking (storage space). Not enough space for the very consumers type they are targeting.

The gTablet has 1.64gb of apps storage and this is "plenty". A simple 2gb flash chip would have made this device a better selling device and not tick consumers off, a few weeks or months down the road.
There's plenty of space on the included 16gb SD card though if you adb shell setinstallLocation 2.

Then, the only apps you need to install on the internal memory are apps with widgets.


I'm sure Rushmore will find a horrific problem with this, but the thread above is the difference between sitting on your arse bitching about a problem or having incentive enough to search for a solution.
The solution was for Sony to use common sense. Consumers should not have to full with this and I think you know the potential "horrible" issues with moving apps as you suggest.

Ironic twist- the CONSUMER is sitting on their butt by not fixing this themselves. Interesting :)

For folks that do this, you will be best to get a 32gb card and install it now, since you will have problems by pulling the card out if you move apps as the process requires. It is very problematic for obvious reasons to anyone familiar Android. Noobs ironically are best to avoid this process unless you accept certain problems, but you are sitting on your butt if you do not... Sony did a great thing for you by putting two year old level storage in the Play....

This device will be the new Dingoo for old school gamers and will thrive in aftermarket sales. For an Android device, it will fail, due to the space.

I will buy one as soon as I see it for $200 in the US.
My question is, why are you still visiting the Xplay forum when you are so opposed to it ?

Melancholy over a device I would have bought if it had more storage space. This would have been perfect, but with almost 500mb already on my Incredible and already using apps2sd, no way unless I want to get rid of a bunch of apps and not install anymore.

Still surprised Sony did not put at least a 2gb flash chip to cover storage.

Perhaps by late summer there will be some on eBay for $200. It will be the ultimate old school game system. Wish it could have been my smartphone, too.
I'm not going to argue that you're wrong, because you're not, but with a 16 (exp to 32) gb SD and a solution to the storage space (which I'm sure SE are fully aware of & could've locked out if they did only want you using the 380mb) it is a great phone.
Bottom line is, I have the handset for 'free' on contract. Compared to shelling out
You are happy, so that is great :)

The issue though is for folks like me that are app fans and gamers. The less tech inclined will not know of the problem until too late.

Not anything Sony can do, since they are at the mercy of the framework design, security for app cores and the hardware used.

The only fix would be a hardware refresh that adds a flash chip.

Best case scenario is maybe 100mb added by removing some bloatware (if that much to remove). Still dealing with 1gb chip that must deal with firmware, OS, stock apps, format parameters and the balance for user storage space.
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