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i sickness


Pâtes avec votre foie
Another i..... release is eminent and the tech press is going into A___e all the time reporting mode. I'm not a A___e hater per se, but all this constant A___e speculation talk is making me nauseous. It's so bad I've begun to delete without viewing or listening any podcast with A___e or an A___e product in the title or description. I marvel at how effective A___es marketing is in getting so much attention and I'd like to reward their efforts by vomiting on them!:eek:

It's so bad, I've switched to pears as my fruit of choice.
I just sit and wait for their rabid fans to knock our OS and then the fun begins. Yes, there are a few things they have that we don't (games mostly) but its so much fun to show them up rather than argue. :D
A___e gets so much hype because they only release a new i....e every 12-15 months with specs a on par with the latest green guys. But at least when A___e does release a new product, it has amazing new innovations (e.g. Notification Bar, Multitasking:rolleyes:). This absolutely proves the superiority of A___e products.:D
I don't actively spread ill will, I just set them straight when they try to say they have the best phone ever. And I don't say android is the best (although I am certainly thinking it) , I simply show them that apple is not the End All Be All that they want everyone to think they are.
I really don't bash either, in fact I wrote a rant about this specific thing. I was just following the theme of the 1st two posts.

Android vs. iPhone bash wars. Too many people on both side of the argument have never picked up the device they try to bash. They label all users of the device they don't like as Fanboys, iSheep, sheeple, blah, blah, blah. An I'm not taking sides with this rant. There are these nitwits on both sides.

If you have never used your rival's device, find out about the features of their device that make it attractive to them and do one of three things:
  1. Show how that functionality is possible on your device
  2. Show how similar functionality is available that accomplishes the same goal
  3. Concede that your rival's platform may have a superior feature because thats what competition is. And never degrade a feature as useless to try to win an argument (but that is a whole other rant:mad:)

By doing this you may, you know, learn something.:) Make sure you are adding to the conversation, not making noise.
Ah Pasta, you don't like iDevices? It seems like that's what everyone is buying these days. Waiting in security to be raped by TSA (Kidding, but it feels like it.) in the airport this past weekend, I counted 36 iDevices, 1 Blackberry, and 2 Android devices (Not including mine, or my wife's.) They sure as hell know their marketing strategies.

I've learned to tune out commercials, news, or any other type of ad. (If I didn't I would probably need to buy a punching bag.)
not going to bad mouth something I never tried but just because I never tried it doesn't mean I would like it. The fact that A___e is so much like M___S_____t that has already made me sick. I would like to go on with this bit of a thread describing these smucks I'd like to go on but i'm gona throw up.
It's been assumed here that I dislike A___e products. That's miles from the fact. I've just tired of A___e marketing and their almost total control of tech journalism. This week, virtually every story covered by every tech podcast I listen was about or referenced A___e. The exception were the Android themed podcasts where only most of the story's were about or referencing A___e. I'm fed up! I am learning to hate A___e products because I feel they're being forced down my throat. If I were a car enthusiast and every story that I read, viewed or listened to was about Chevy, I'd feel the same way about Chevy.
What you have is the media mystique of Steve Jobs. Apple is trying to prove they can move forward without him so they feed good financials and news to the media. Unless you read almost everything - the spats between the Chinese and Apple, lawsuits in AU and EU between Apple and Samsung never really make the nightly news.

Google isn't really associated with a phone the way Apple is. Even MS isn't looked on that way.

If some one says Google - the usual association is search engine
If someone says MS - it's Windows.
If someone says Apple - it's usually an idevice, most often the iphone.

Apple is an American company - the phone mfgs for Android are Taiwan, etc. Even though Apple's manufacturing is done in China, this is still about promoting American companies.

I'll give you odds that on an Apple forum you would read just as many complaints as you do here. I read Symbian forums from all over, there were just as much dissing and complaining as here.

I'm not sticking up for Apple - just pointing out that no one company can be all in all to everyone. I don't happen to want any Apple products since I don't care for the mystique either, but those that do like that system have a right to it as much as I have a right to any phone I choose.
It's been assumed here that I dislike A___e products. That's miles from the fact. I've just tired of A___e marketing and their almost total control of tech journalism. This week, virtually every story covered by every tech podcast I listen was about or referenced A___e. The exception were the Android themed podcasts where only most of the story's were about or referencing A___e. I'm fed up! I am learning to hate A___e products because I feel they're being forced down my throat. If I were a car enthusiast and every story that I read, viewed or listened to was about Chevy, I'd feel the same way about Chevy.

Not sure what your point might be. If I were a tech journalist, I would be writing about Apple. Apple does not control Tech Journalism; TJ writes about Apple because they are the largest corporation in the country. They earn billions per nano second, Jobs is a God, Apple has more cash than the US Gubbermint and everyone seems to be waiting for the next big iThing. So TJ writes about Apple because Apple is vast and huge and large and glorious.

Visit a Genius bar and you will learn just how insane Apple is. I mean, where the heck iAre all of those Android Genius Bars, huh? There are none so Android is not even Insanely great. No shortage on Insane Android people out there polluting the media that Apple apparently owns.

EDIT: I mean Apple is Insanely Great not just Insane. (The phrase Insanely Great, copyright 1956 by Apple Computers. All right reserved.)

I really feel sorry for Larry Ellison. TJ never writes about his shenanigans. Did he die or something?

FYI: Not against the rules to use the word Apple. Some say we can thank Apple for Android in many ways. Certainly, the iPad forced upon us the Android Tablet. Cough, spit, rinses out mouth with gin.

You can avoid the two or three Apple TV ads and watch the endless ads about Android this and GingerCreamSandwitch that by flipping off the TV. DL some books and avoid tech coverage if you want to clear your head.

Bottom line: Apple is a huge deal and they must be covered by the press. Not sure or not, but I think Android is covered more than Apple by TJ. Visit an iThing forum and you will read the same things about how crappy Apple is and how wunnerful Android is. I say, you can control your media intake with a little something I like to call "Reading a book." Just avoid the sites with crazy TJs that know not what they are writing about. Find balance grasshopper; it is all good.

Go Blackberry running Oricle!
not going to bad mouth something I never tried but just because I never tried it doesn't mean I would like it. The fact that Apple is so much like MicroSoft that has already made me sick. I would like to go on with this bit of a thread describing these smucks I'd like to go on but i'm gona throw up.

How is Apple like Microsoft?
When I see Apple/iPhone users here I see it as an opportunity for us to show them the differences between two things:

- Andoid and iPhone

- Android Forums members/Staff and iPhone forums members/staff.

True trolls are rare, and some even come around to good discussion if given a chance.

Also, why abbreviate Apple or iPhone in here? We want searches using those terms to land right here. ;)
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What would you guys say are the top 10 advantages of Android over iOS?

The reality is that I have had fruit devices in my hand for less the 3 minutes in my life. Any comparison I made would then only be theoretical. Android may not be better than iOS for another person even though it is for me.
Well I only ask because I get this question myself a lot. Really, I can't answer them either because I've never owned an iDevice. I imagine that for the average user who texts, plays games, and makes phone calls that the advantages & disadvantages would not be very great. For the average user it comes down to things like screen size & marketing.

So, sometimes I want to know 10 things I can tell to people who ask me to convince them to join the Android community. Things that would matter to them.
I say let apple have their moment in the sun. After all before jobs they was really the underdog in the industry with Microsoft being top dog. I had an iPod touch 3gen and basically an iPhone minus the phone part. Though nice I found it lacking when compared to my Motorola Droid. I didn't like it as a sealed unit or no micro card slot. These are personal preferences. Don't know why people gets upset when someone says their phone is the best. Its just they are proud of it. Just like parents boast about their kid is the best in school or sports.

I hate to say it but I have seen quite a few galaxy nexus owners starting to act like isheeps. Talk about how great the phones are. There's nothing wrong in being like that but don't criticize others for what you do.

With jobs death apple will start falling and people will stop being amazed as their innovation that was jobs isn't there. Then Google android will have their moment in the sun until a totally new device or operating system takes its place. We see this with game systems.

Be happy with what you have and who cares what the feller or gal says next to you. You know what they say about opinions? They are just like..... Well you know the rest :D
Well I only ask because I get this question myself a lot. Really, I can't answer them either because I've never owned an iDevice. I imagine that for the average user who texts, plays games, and makes phone calls that the advantages & disadvantages would not be very great. For the average user it comes down to things like screen size & marketing.

So, sometimes I want to know 10 things I can tell to people who ask me to convince them to join the Android community. Things that would matter to them.
All I can say is:

1) Choice
.10) Choice


Here's some breakdown:

Phone selection:
1)phones can range from 3.5" to 5", you pick which size is good for you?
2)do you want your phone with a physical keyboard? Yes? No?
3)You're an active person? You're afraid that your phone might break on your daily bike run or fall into the water on your daily canoeing? Well...there's an Android for you. It's dust proof, shock proof and water resistance!
4) You really love that fingerprint scanner on your laptop? Well, there's an Android with that too!
5)You have a 3D TV at home? You want to record in 3D? You want your phone to be in 3D? You know what? There are a number of Android for you too!!!
6)Do you hate to carry you wallet and all those credit cards with you? Well, you now just need your phone! Shop all you want at your favourite mall!

App selection:
1) Hate that auto-correct on your iPhone? Don't you wish you can install a different one...without voiding your warranty? You can with Android! You can replace any stock app with a (superior) 3rd party app of your choice! ;)
2)Ever wanted to make your phone truely smart? I mean, have it do EVERYTHING for you? Well you can with this cool app call Tasker. It makes any other smartphone without it STUPID! ;) Limit is your imagination (this is when you take your phone out and demonstrate Tasker)
3) Hate the layout of the screen? Bored of just having folders and icons? Well, there are tones of 3rd party launchers that will make your phone feel brand new!!!
4)You made an app for yourself and you want to load it onto your phone to use? Wait...you need to be a dev to do that and have to put it on the market :/ hmm...well...you can jailbreak your phone or get an Android ;)
5)Don't you hate opening apps to just check something quickly? Well now you don't as with Widgets, it automatically shows it for you!
6)You can do all this on your Android without rooting and voiding your warranty?

And that's not all folks...but I'm all tired out so that's all you get :D
What would you guys say are the top 10 advantages of Android over iOS?

It depends. When you Jailbreak iOS, the advantages largely disappear. And you must root your Android device to take advantage of some features people seem to like, so complete access--regardless of the platform--requires making changes. Both operating systems are locked to some extent. People root to remove the bloatware, so being forced to accept the carrier's desires is a measure of control Apple also imposes on their users.

Customization is one thing Android offers that Apple does not allow. I have yet to see any theme for Android devices that looks as nice as the complete themes for a Jailbroken iOS device. All I do is root my Triumph and I really do not care about the look, so corrections are welcome. It makes and received calls and that is why I carry a cell phone.

Until you JB your iDevice, you are stuck with the stock Springboard. And, to make things worse, Steve Jobs said in a very public statement that the reason Springboard customization apps were removed from the App Store is because it ruins the user experience. Ditto widgets.

I like the huge variety of largely high-quality apps iOS users can DL, so there is that. My device is better than any Android device I have seen to date. But the word "better" is tricky because I cannot define it for you, just for me.

I spent a week running Dreamboard and a theme called "Honeypad." It does what the name suggests; it makes my iPad look like an Android OS. Not running Android, mind you. So I get the "advantages" of Android on my iPad. An app is an app and running Android apps is really no different than running iOS apps, and the fact that I am not running Android means nothing worth mentioning.

iOS is really safe. The Apple Sandbox prevents many issues and problems. The locked down nature of the device/iOS prevents problems. Unless you JB, an iOS device user does not need to worry about virus issues. And again, both devices are locked down and you must take a few extra steps to get to the features you need.

I no longer need to deal with the App Store. I have access to Cydia and app repositories. Thousands of apps, themes, tweaks, tools, add-ons, and other stuff is available sans Apple. So I can DL anything from anywhere. That said, some of the most amazing looking apps I have ever seen come from Apple.

iOS devices are more or less costly than Android devices and Android devices are more or less costly than Apple devices. So the cost is not an issue. Some say Android is better because it is cheaper when in fact, it is not necessarily cheaper.

All things considered, there is no real difference between an Android tablet and an iPad. I know you are probably talking about phones, but I refuse to purchase an iPhone.

My Triumph once looked like an iPhone and my old Zio was running the Apple Lock-screen and a home screen replacement, so it's look was a mix. You can make your iPhone look like Android and your Android look like an iPhone. Or an iPhone running a different lock screen or an Android phone running a mix of operating systems.

I have tried the iPhone and it works lust like my themed Triumph that looks like an iPhone right down to screen changes and app icons.

There are only a few iPhones on the market and perhaps 200 or more Android devices. Some are good phones and some are bad. If Apple licensed iOS to others, you would see hundreds of phones running iOS and fewer Android phones. And if Google charged for their OS, you might see fewer Android phones.

Some people buy a crappy Android phone, become dissatisfied and go iPhone. Some iPhone users are worried about glass breaking or antenna-gate and they go Android. In many cases, they will say their first choice sucked and they are pleased with their second choice.

No offence to anyone, but in my opinion, many people like one over the other for no good reason. They do not have the technical chops to determine if one is truly better than the other. They are swayed by forum members that might also not really know.

I'll be clear here: for most users, either platform will do a great job and only a small percentage of users are likely worrying much about their choices. They are swayed by an errant TV commercial and they replace their "crappy device" with a "better" device because the man if the box told them to do so. I do not see many differences so I am not sure which one is better and a top 10 list is difficult to compile because what I want and need is not what you want and need.

With jobs death apple will start falling and people will stop being amazed as their innovation that was jobs isn't there. Then Google android will have their moment in the sun until a totally new device or operating system takes its place. We see this with game systems.

Come on, you do not know what will happen with Mr. Jobs gone. Until you are deep inside the company, and privy to the high level product development and planing meetings, you simply do not know. Just guessing.


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