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ICS: This is why Apple iPhone trumps Android.

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Originally Posted by Speed Daemon<br />
Could you expound that for me please? I'd like to have a more complete Idea of what you're describing to compare it with something else. (Can't tell you first because I don't want to bias the answer.)<br />
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Why would you blame Android for that? Android is an operating system, not a djinn that can think for itself and do mischief. Why don't you blame the phone makers and (mostly) the cellular companies for doing what they did?<br />
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Precisely what has you pissed off? Please expound.<br />
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How is it Verizon's fault? What do you mean by that?
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I think with everything I offered my opinion about that I expounded on why I felt that way afterwards, but I have a feeling you may have been irratated with my post and you may have skimmed over my reasoning so I will respond...<br />
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1. Why I think iOS is smoother than Android- <br />
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I am currently using an HTC Rezound (been on stock and rooted roms), I think iOS is smoother because I, for one use my internet browser alot for work related things and I find that too often there seems to be delays with a page loading, and it also seems like it will often select the wrong things on a page, so then I will have to go back and zoom in on what I wanted to select to begin with.<br />
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The rezound has ICS now officially now

2. Why I am pissed about not being able to watch firstrowsports-<br />
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It has been well known that (one) of androids big advantage over the iphone is adobe flash, well since the ICS update they have embeded code into the browser to identify streaming of video within the browser so it will not load (not without rooting,finding a hacked version of adobe flash, then getting dolphin browser and using it to watch video on website)<br />
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With my iphone I load up skyfire and wait for it to load. <Much easier than everything I mentioned above.<br />

U can the the same thing on android smh and its not that hard to Google a flash apk on the web without rooting lol
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3. Why has ICS pissed me off?-<br />
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I did answer that right afterwards with why, so I will combine this answer with question 4. ICS pissed me off because the rezound was touted as "one of the first phones to be upgradable to ICS" that has been 7 months ago. It is well known that verizon has held back the release of ICS, and since then there has been a new operating system released "Jelly Bean". As I said earlier, when apple releases an updated iOS it is for every iphone. Unlike android updates which go to select phones, while many are left without.<br />
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And just for me to add on, I am scared to buy another android phone because they drop in value quickly, and the support for them drops quickly. While iphones from 4 years ago can still get iOS updates. Android phones (top of the line ones at the time) from 3 years ago go for $50 now, iphones from then go for $150. Its not just because of the "fanbois" part of it is because they are still supported.<br />
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My two year old ns4g is still considered a mid to high end phone so there goes that argument lol
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Anything else?

Yeah your wrong lol
It all comes down to personal choice IMO.

My experience with Apple begins and ends with an iPod nano and an iTouch 4G, I owned a gen 1 nano for years, that seemed to have nine lives until apple decided to do a recall. I gave the replacement to my Mum. A year and a half ago I bought an iTouch 4g, a year on and the home button started acting up. Now it no longer works. I have to restart the device every time I want to switch between music and movies or the net. I went to an apple store and told them about this issue and all they told me was "well you'll have to buy a new unit". Was not about to give apple another $299, and it was because of this incident that I went with Droid when it came to picking a phone. The iPhone much like the iTouch, their home buttons are the same, I felt the same problem might happen again, so the iPhone was out of the question. Besides I think apple needs a little bit of competition and it seems to be getting that from android.

With my two droid phones, I have never had an issue, ever. They seem to do their job as designed, I don't think I need to use them as ping pong balls to prove their ability to not get a cracked screen and are dependable when I need them.

So yes, for me I am an android person, over apple. Personal choice et al.
As long as we can have that choice. Apple is doing its darndest to eliminate all other choices.

We might owe Apple a debt of gratitude. All manufacturers are trying to compete with Apple. Some say the Android arrived in response to Apple and their iPhone.

Besides, Siri is such a lovely lass.
We might owe Apple a debt of gratitude. All manufacturers are trying to compete with Apple. Some say the Android arrived in response to Apple and their iPhone.

Besides, Siri is such a lovely lass.

Not sure on the design history but the first birth pangs of Android started way back in 2003.
Meh, siri hardly ever works and I give my iphone touting friends flak for it all the time. I'm really disappointed Google is going to bring their voice search capabilities to iOS
I like to think of it as different strokes for different folks...
Ford folks VS. Chevy people...
Old VS. Young
Republicans VS. Democrats

I was fortunate that last Thanksgiving a Niece and a Nephew allowed my wife and I to play with their phones for a couple of hours.

My Niece cheated and told my to think of her Droid as a computer.
Didn't work as well when I applied that reasoning to the Nephews I-4s.
My wife came to the same conclusion. We bought Android phones.
Maybe my needs are a little simpler than most of you, but the Droid Razar seemed simple, as long as I think of it as a small computer.
(As far as operating systems go, I'm a tinkerer...)
It also didn't hurt that the price of the Droids was more than $100 less than the I-4s.

Who said 'You can't teach an old dog new tricks? ;)

6 Ways to Customize Android that iOS Users Can Only Dream About - How-To Geek

Change Your Keyboard:
Been there done that. All it takes is a visit to Cydia. I prefer my stock KB, so who cares, SMILEY! Fact is, we are not limited to stock iOS keyboards.

Swap Home Screen Launchers:
I can use several methods to do this. All I need is DreamBoard and my iPad looks like an Android, Windows or Win8. Lots of widgets and cool things. From Cydia. I can add special effects to my Springboard icons, place them specifically where I want to place them, add more icons to my dock, add widgets.

Choose a Lock Screen
No shortage of lock screens for iOS. Attached is my current lockscreen

Set Your Default Browser
I hate Safari so I use others. I use "BrowserChanger" to make the adjustments.

Switch Email Clients
Sparrow+ from Cydia.

Install a New Operating System (Custom ROM)

Got me there, but with so many tweaks available, iOS works fine.

and yes, I know it requires a good, old fashioned jailbreak. Set someone up yesterday and all I had to do was go online and press a button.

So I'll say it: stock Android can be modified without rooting and the cool stuff you want to do to an iDevice requires a JB. Easy Peasy!


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But they pretty much all require jail breaking. Like a good chunk of Android users, most iPhone users will not go there.

The point of the article was to point out what stock Android can do as opposed to stock iOS. So these are all things that normal everyday folk with a droid can do that iPhone users can't
my only real issue with the iphone is being controlled by big brother. im sorry but if my battery dies completely i should have to drive a store, pay $60 to have them open it up AND then pay for the battery. that's freakin insane!!!
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