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Help Id3v2 MP3 Tags


Dec 5, 2009
Android on Galaxy seems to ignore them.

From this thread, it doesn't seem to be a 1.5 issue only:

The music player will only recognize my id3v1 tags, and those were sketchy to begin with. First of all, I don't think id3v1 supports utf-8 unicode, so I need to change my computer encoding because I don't have a good way to change the encoding for a specific file.

It will show up as Unknown Artist/Unknown Album if there are no id3v1 tags.

Other than that the music player is awesome.
Yes that's the problem. Luckily my mp3 player had the same issue [id3 2.4 not working, fix - converting to id3 2.3], so that was first thing that came into my mind when I saw my tags messed up on my Galaxy and it worked. Use [on Windows] Mp3Tag or EasyTag [on Linux] - in first one u should just save the files [program does save by default in 2.3], in second one u must select 2.3 in preferences and then save.
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I know it worked just fine on my previous firmware (I think it was a H firmware..not sure of the number because it was edited by my provider). Gonna try to fix this and post if I succeed.

Just editing the existing ID3 tag works for me. The program Mp3Tag just tags it as ID3v1 and ID3v2.3 by itself.
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I know it worked just fine on my previous firmware (I think it was a H firmware..not sure of the number because it was edited by my provider). Gonna try to fix this and post if I succeed.

Just editing the existing ID3 tag works for me. The program Mp3Tag just tags it as ID3v1 and ID3v2.3 by itself.

can you try to do whatever you did to this mp3 and see if the tags show up properly in the android music player?

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please send me back the modified mp3 if you get it working
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My computer can't really see chinese(?) letters so I don't know what I should do with this file...

All I did was edit Artist/Title/Album/Track Number for each file as I wanted them to show + I added cover art to these files.

You might want to remove the existing tag by using remove tag and tagging them from scratch.
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The thing is ID3v1 ONLY supports the latin charset, so if Android only support V1 it wont be able to display Cyrillic (Russian) Chinese ectera.

Some applications actually use a different charset to encode languages such as Cyrillic, then rely on playing application to work out that the characters are purporting to be Cyrillic , but this is non-standard and doesnt work very well.

But this post http://androidforums.com/android-media/27570-track-numbers-media-players.html seems to imply that actually ID3v23 is supported just not ID3v24, so if thats the case using v23 would be the solution.
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Could be byteorder then, another thing tags can be unsychronized to prevent players mistakenly identifying the metadata as the start of the audio. This only has to be done for songs with certain byte sequences in the metadata, but if you encode using UTF16 in one way this can happen quite often. Maybe MP3Tag is/not unsychronizing or Google understands/doesnt understand synchronization.

I can't answer any of these questions for use because I don't have an Android phone at the moment, but I do have an opensrc tag library called JAudiotagger Library that a few devlopers would like to use for developing Android apps, hence my interest in your issue.
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