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Ideas for features in Android Lollipop?

There's that new camera stuff: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.GoogleCamera

And the technical details on the most exciting new feature of the app, Lens Blur: http://googleresearch.blogspot.com/2014/04/lens-blur-in-new-google-camera-app.html

One of the biggest advantages of SLR cameras over camera phones is the ability to achieve shallow depth of field effects (also known as bokeh). Shallow depth of field makes the object of interest "pop" by bringing the foreground into focus and de-emphasizing the background. Achieving this optical effect has traditionally required a big lens and aperture, and therefore hasn’t been possible using the camera on your mobile phone or tablet.

That all changes with Lens Blur, a new mode in the Google Camera app. It lets you take a photo with a shallow depth of field using just your Android phone or tablet. Unlike a regular photo, Lens Blur lets you change the point or level of focus after the photo is taken. You can choose to make any object come into focus simply by tapping on it in the image. By changing the depth-of-field slider, you can simulate different aperture sizes, to achieve bokeh effects ranging from subtle to surreal (e.g., tilt-shift). The new image is rendered instantly, allowing you to see your changes in real time.
What does this actually mean?

This is from a custom 2012 rendering in Viper4G rom, I can post the simpler HTC stock 2011 version later if you like.


Not all switches shown in the picture.
Drop MTP. Reinstate UMS and expect vendors to provide SD card slots.

Drop every WebKit advancement from Jellybean on - it was working before, it's broken now and no, some of us do not buy into the awful browser that is Chrome. Stop hamstringing WebKit - it was only done to make Chrome look good. You Failed.

Replace the drop down tiles (widget switches) with line-item switches - just like the ones that HTC did first in 2011. They did it first, they did it best, you didn't invent it in 2013 like most people think, you just screwed with it. Only people who never used the original were fooled.

Stop telling people that on-screen buttons are THE standard. It's a simple configuration switch in the build to support either hardware or software buttons. And yes, hardware buttons are too programmable, just like on-screen. And the switch is still there in the Android source code - and while you may be fooling some people, you aren't fooling all of us.

Have the storage settings show filesystems, partitions and mount points. Stop leading new users to believe that Pictures, Music and Storage numbers are actually true. Prevent Samsung from telling the huge ass lie here that they tell with the SGS4 in the USA (but not elsewhere) ever again.

Require all new device setups to tell the user in three different places that this is not iOS and no, apps do not need to be multi-core optimized. And haven't for a long time. Like - ever.

Provide a setting to store all SMS/MMS to the SD card or user-exposed storage. It's past time for that.

Allow users to drop Hangouts in favor of Gtalk. Gtalk worked.

Put ad blockers back in the Play Store. You haven't stopped us from safe web browsing yet and you're not going to unless you break the *nix networking model. Give up, suck it up and shut up about how evil they are when they're not.

Stop hiding the developer options. It's not kute and it's not funnie.

Complete every part of the missing Bluetooth stacks in the base software. Stop conforming to Bluetooth levels for marketing and put in everything required to work - with everything. Missing Bluetooth functions that feature phones had five years ago is also neither quute nor phuney.

Put Andy Rubin back in charge of Android. Make him happy, keep him happy, don't argue with him. Let him hold press conferences where he gets to moon people when things like "Chrome-Android fusion" or "maximizing the user experience space" are mentioned. Give him bonuses if he does actually moon people for that.

Do all of that and only then will I have an Android superior to the one I'm running.

That's my wish list. :p

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