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If Verizon announces an IPhone in June....


I know most of us here are anti Iphone, however I do have to ask.....A lot of people are buying the Incredible just because it is the very best phone you can get on Verizon. If Verizon unveils the Iphone4 for Verizon in just a couple months, how many of you would be upset and want to return the Incredible?? Of course this is tough to say today, since we have not had time to fall in love with our Incredibles yet. But I would assume a lot of us are getting the Incredible simply because we can not get an Iphone........What if that were to change?
I know most of us here are anti Iphone, however I do have to ask.....A lot of people are buying the Incredible just because it is the very best phone you can get on Verizon. If Verizon unveils the Iphone4 for Verizon in just a couple months, how many of you would be upset and want to return the Incredible?? Of course this is tough to say today, since we have not had time to fall in love with our Incredibles yet. But I would assume a lot of us are getting the Incredible simply because we can not get an Iphone........What if that were to change?

I'd assume that's a pretty terrible assumption.
i wouldn't be upset at all honestly....this phone is way beyond adequate for all my needs..

i hope the iphone stays off of verizon....we don't need that garbage clogging up out network
since i bought an iphone for over $500 on a 2 yr contract that didnt have video recording or mms until recently, and they came out with one that was twice as fast for half the price 6 months later, i refuse to give any more money to apple. period.
This is my second android phone. I've already fallen in love with the android platform. If this is your first android phone give it a week and you'll see what i mean. The last 11 days has been hell since i returned my eris and have been waiting for the incredible. I didn't realize just how much i depended on it. Life just hasn't been the same. I'm out of the loops on the local weather, i have to check the cubs website to know when they play their next game and at what time. I don't check emails as often as i used to. I don't post to facebook as much anymore. And i really needed the wifi analyzer tool last week and didn't get a chance to use it :/ I miss my android!!!
AT&T has exclusivity until the end of 2010. The CDMA version of any iPhone will not begin production until September of 2010.

There is NO iPhone being released for Verizon this year.
I think it is best that Verizon is not exposed to the Apple app market. They are the largest carrier with the strongest network. If they put some money into the android market and keep us stocked with quality phones, it will all be bigger than the Apple/AT&T monopoly.

I am very anti-apple. I think they try to monopolize and control too much. It's a good business practice but I am a stubborn consumer. I like options and apple doesn't provide them.
I know most of us here are anti Iphone, however I do have to ask.....A lot of people are buying the Incredible just because it is the very best phone you can get on Verizon. If Verizon unveils the Iphone4 for Verizon in just a couple months, how many of you would be upset and want to return the Incredible?? Of course this is tough to say today, since we have not had time to fall in love with our Incredibles yet. But I would assume a lot of us are getting the Incredible simply because we can not get an Iphone........What if that were to change?

That is an awful assumption. I can switch to any plan I want, AT&T or Verizon (from T-Mobile). If the iPhone was really that great I would go with AT&T.

I actually did research and the Droid is a much better phone - and it's different and customizable.

My dad has an iPhone - I've used it and it isn't great at all. I'm not going to waste my time with details.

The HTC+ Google + Android owns Apple.

The iPhone is a fashion icon and trend setter - however, it simply doesn't live up to the new HTC phones (especially in terms of customization) even though most won't admit it.

Apple screens are locked and booorrrinnng. You can't even remove your battery - you have to send it into Apple?. garbage. lol . I'll pass.
I think if the new iphone has the 8mp camera with flash, among some other upgrades, people on Verizon will want it. Not us Android geeks, but the normal public.
I miss using google skymaps to show my daughters which stars are which. I miss my mp3 player to play my daughters favorite songs when we go for evening car rides to put them to sleep. I miss the mlb at bat audio when processing orders away from my am/fm radio. I miss the google navigation and hands free phone calls via blue tooth. I could go on and on.
Honestly, originally about a month ago I was going to switch to AT&T to get an iphone. I spent some time messing with my girlfriends ipod touch for a while and realized that its really not that great at all. The only thing it has going for it is the abundance of stuff on the App store. Granted I don't know what the ipod 4g will be capable of, but I chose to go with the Incredible and ultimately the Android platform for the same reason I won't get a macbook. Sure they are slick looking, have lots of cool bells and whistles, but ultimately its more a fashion statement than a practical decision. When the iphone first came out it was the only show in town, so obviously it made sense. But now these smartphones are freaking "Incredible." (and also have way more bells and whisltes) Why backtrack just to have the shiny toy everyone was rocking last year.

Plus, I just don't feel comfortable locking myself into Apple.
I think if the new iphone has the 8mp camera with flash, among some other upgrades, people on Verizon will want it. Not us Android geeks, but the normal public.

Honestly the camera on a phone makes no difference to most people including myself. I would be fine with a 1mp camera with no flash. I don't use it hardly ever. I have a nikon dslr when i need photos and it does a great job ;)
I'm ditching my iPhone for the Incredible so if this happened I wouldn't give a hoot. The iPhone is a cool phone but I can't buy into Jobs' philosophy any longer.
I know most of us here are anti Iphone, however I do have to ask.....A lot of people are buying the Incredible just because it is the very best phone you can get on Verizon. If Verizon unveils the Iphone4 for Verizon in just a couple months, how many of you would be upset and want to return the Incredible?? Of course this is tough to say today, since we have not had time to fall in love with our Incredibles yet. But I would assume a lot of us are getting the Incredible simply because we can not get an Iphone........What if that were to change?

When the iPhone launched it was the most outstanding smartphone available. Except for the fanboys, who would buy Apple even if it were a POS, everyone else pretty much sees the iPhone as just another smartphone. Some people will like it and others will opt for something else.
Not interested. Don't like being forced to use iTunes. Like my Sansa Clip+ (go Ogg!). I have no need for crApple.
I am leaving the iPhone to get Android (and the Incredible). So, I have no intentions of switching back to Apple's closed system even if it comes to Verizon. I hope it does come though, because my wife won't switch with me until VZW offers the iPhone.

Oh and based on the new iPhone leak, I won't be missing anything by not upgrading. I don't need a front facing camera and pretty much everything else it offers, the Incredible already has, and on a much better network.
I will never own an Iphone at any price on any carrier. Apple will fail as they did before because of greed. The MAC was a monster until PC came along and said hey you can do anything you want with us and people said screw that proprietary crap...... Fast Forward to current and Apple is doing the exact same thing with the exact same faults and they will experience the exact same failure.

Iphone will let you do anything that APPLE wants you to do while android will let you do anything YOU want to do ;)
Its pretty much like the windows vs mac os scenerio. If you are proficent with pcs then windows is the obvious choice, it allows for customizations and access to tools that mac hides on you. If you just want a pc that works then you spend the extra money and go with mac. With windows you can get a pc from any number of manufacturers, with mac os you can only buy it from apple. You are allowd root access with android, with apple they purposely lock you out of the app store if you don't have the latest update that unjailbreaks your phone/ipod touch. The list goes on and on and you could create a whole website discussing the differences between the 2. If you don't mind getting your hands dirty you go with android, if you just want it to work and don't want to fuss with ever fixing anything then the iphone is your daddy.
AT&T has exclusivity until the end of 2010. The CDMA version of any iPhone will not begin production until September of 2010.

There is NO iPhone being released for Verizon this year.
Production in September of 2010 for release in late November / December 2010 in time for the holiday season - thats still this year. And thats what a lot of the analyists have been predicting. I know that doesnt really mean anything, so we'll just have to wait and see.

I'll be excited if the iPhone comes to Verizon - more choices is always better. I've never had either (iPhone or Android) so right now I cant say which one I like better.
Imo mac os will eventually be just an os and not tied to hardware like it is now. Thats the direction they are moving and only makes fiscal sense. They already use x86 hardware with their latest offerings and have done so for the last couple years since the powerpc platform was abandoned. But regardless they do offer a closed but streamlined experience and you'll be paying full price for any software you buy for it. At least with windows i can always get discounted licenses or free alternatives via open source software.
i will buy it day 1. every new phone that comes out that interests me i buy, full retail. done. Incredible will be fun for a few months, then i'll be bored with it.

In the end, nothing beats an apple product.
analysts dont know shit...some pencil pusher sitting behind a desk looking at the best way for apple to make money...the obvious choice is verizon, largest carrier, best network...but do you really think Apple is going to spend resources to create an iphone for the cdma market when within the next two years we are going to see LTE phones starting to be produced...i say NO the iphone will stay GSM until LTE is up and running...THEN they will release the long awaited iphone on verizon..if android hasn't taken over the world by then
I don't want the iphone on our network yet, i say ours but its verizons obviously. The reason is we need more android users to grow the platform and cement its place in the marketplace. If the iphone comes over there is a chance, albiet a slim one that it could take the market over completely, if not right away eventually. It will push some developers back over to that platform as the money in it will only make sense, whereas right now they are 2 completely different marketplaces. The apple market place is cut throat and alot of developers are losing money in it, whereas the android market is not as competitive so we are getting stuff that might not perform well on apples marketplace. One prime example is Swype, its only available for the android for now but is far and away the best virtual keyboard available for any platform.
Production in September of 2010 for release in late November / December 2010 in time for the holiday season - thats still this year. And thats what a lot of the analyists have been predicting. I know that doesnt really mean anything, so we'll just have to wait and see.

I'll be excited if the iPhone comes to Verizon - more choices is always better. I've never had either (iPhone or Android) so right now I cant say which one I like better.

But will Apple break their product release schedule of summer? They will build it up and release an identical iPhone 5x across all carriers in Summer of 2011.

*EDIT* As noted above the CDMA version released in Summer of 2011 will most likely feature an LTE radio.
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