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I'm thinking of returning my Atrix

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Jul 24, 2010
Because it doesn't heat my coffee and oatmeal in the morning through AT&T's frequency of signal. Come on AT&T up the frequency to heat my coffee!

In all seriousness, I do love this phone. I thought I'd be facetious and post that to get attention as most people do here. I figured an "I will not be taking this phone back" wouldn't meld well with all the other posts on this board. :rolleyes:
Funny that was my only complaint in the first week of use, it does NOT make me breakfast in the morning. It does not scramble my eggs, brew my coffee, fry my bacon to a just crispy but not burnt consistency. What a P.O.S.!!!! AND I PAID GOOD MONEY FOR THIS?

Wow yea some people. I LOVE THIS PHONE - the hardware is just ...well... SEXY! And it hums along never lags .... OK I'll stop I am starting to come off like a Moto Fan Boy.

That is all, continue thread.
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I absolutely love this phone too. I never thought I would. I bought an Inspire first, and that phone just blew me away right off the bat. The screen was so big and sense was so cool, I just loved the phone. Then, over time, I started to realize the phone was HEAVY, and the battery life was terrible. Finally returned it when I could not hear the gps turn by turn directions because the speaker on the phone was so bad.

Next got the Atrix. I was immediately underwhelmed. Thought I had made a mistake trading in the Inspire. But over time, I realized that this phone is awesome. It is so smooth, so fast, and I love the size and weight. It just feels right holding the phone.

First impressions, the Inspire is much flashier. But this phone is the real deal. I think a lot of people who have returned the Atrix just did not have the phone long enough to "get it".
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