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Impressions after a week with my new Bionic

Just thought I'd make a post and let you folks know how things are going with my new Droid Bionic, which arrived last Thursday.

I ordered a Diztronic TPU case for the Bionic and it arrived the same day as the phone. AWESOME case, really no need (for me, anyway) to pay more.

It's a very fast device. I remember how awful my Droid X was when it was unrooted on a stock Gingerbread (either .602 or .605, can't remember) ROM. I had concerns that Motoblur or whatever it's now called would cripple an otherwise well-spec'd device, but they were unfounded. No lag whatsoever. Hopefully it will stay that way...I'd like to stay on the upgrade path for the eventual arrival of ICS next quarter. It helps that this version of Motoblur is pretty unobtrusive...I actually like it quite a bit.

The screen is a disappointment. The screen on my Droid X was superb, especially when it came to color accuracy, and my better-than-average vision had a hard time recognizing the pixels that made up whatever I was looking at, whether it was text, icons or images. The Bionic's screen, however, has trouble with yellows and oranges (especially yellows...they have a particularly ugly green cast to them), and on more than one occasion I have easily been able to see individual pixels in letters and images. Early reviews of the device were quite kind with regards to the display; I wonder if Motorola changed course and used different displays later in the manufacturing run. Just speculation, of course...but it's difficult to believe initial reviewers of this device were looking at the same display I've got. It's mediocre.

I am in love with 4G and hate that I waited so long to make the jump, but I think that was in my best interest given the teeth-cutting devices have been going through. The only bad thing is that 4G is present where I work, but not where I live. But I mostly use wifi at home anyway, so no big whoop.

I've had three occurrences of the Black Screen of Death (all within the last 24 hours), but I feel very confident they were related to signal strength/power issues. I'm troubleshooting it now and feel like I can get it licked. (I'm on .902 BTW) My office is like a dungeon, in the middle of a large building, so signal is hard to come by. Because I have open access to Internet on my work computer, I've elected to simply switch off data on my phone to eliminate the possibility of signal issues. We'll see how that works. I'm also being very careful to use only the charger and cable that came with the phone. I removed and reseated the SIM card. And I've removed a few apps which I suspected of being buggy and/or troublesome, based on my experience with them in the past. Keeping my fingers crossed...battery pulls get old after a while.

Build quality of the Bionic, as expected, is excellent, as has been my experience with the many Motorola mobile devices I've owned in the past. And it looks WAY better with that Verizon logo removed from the front--the penny trick worked like a charm.

Haven't done much with the camera yet, but the pictures I have taken were more than acceptable. I don't like that the Moto camera app only gives the user a choice of two resolutions when third party apps unlock and offer more. Why lock this down?

I guess that's about all I've got for now. I'll check back in later about the BSOD issue. I believe, however, that the actions I've taken will squash it and smooth sailing will ensue. Thanks for reading!
why write a critique so many months after the Bionic launched?

this is the Bionic section of the board, what's wrong with writing a critique? These are exactly the kind of posts that makes helpful contributions on here. I don't agree with some of it but still it's still a useful post
I've had three occurrences of the Black Screen of Death (all within the last 24 hours), but I feel very confident they were related to signal strength/power issues.

Welcome to the Bionic. It was a good choice.

I'd like to hear more about your BSOD reference.

BSOD was a phrase that was thrown around a lot in the past to cover a wide variety of conditions and as a result a lot of confusion followed. I have not heard it for a while.

What was the problem you were having?

In some cases there is a "hang" where id doesn't respond and you can overcome that by simply power off/power on.

There is a sensor in the front near the top and if it is covered all manner of problems can occur. (Your users manual mentions this with a reference that even a clear covering can cause the problem.

I perspire heavily at times and the screen does not like being wet. The only solution is to wipe it dry and try to keep it that way.

So ... any of those fit the issue?

... Thom
Thom, I'm thinking my particular BSOD issue is power-related, as alluded to in my other thread about the ridiculously sudden battery death I've now experienced on a couple of occasions.

In all four instances, I'm pretty sure my device has been completely shut off. I believe most folks who have the "classic" BSOD problem have devices that are on but are unresponsive, evidenced by notification lights that sometimes blink. This last time, I plugged a charger into the Bionic, and it came back to life (but did not power up--battery icon appeared) without the need for a battery pull. The other three times, I pulled the battery and upon replacing it, I was able to power up the Bionic just fine and with the expected amount of battery juice remaining. Kind of weird, really...just wish I'd thought to plug it in each time before...will be sure to do that if it happens again.

I'll be thrilled if it's just a bad battery. IIRC, I read in your tips thread that a batch of bad batteries got out some time ago. Maybe I got one.
Try the obvious stuff ...

Remove the back and look at the cards. Do they look like they are firmly and squarely seated?

You can pop the battery out and pull the SD-ext card. Ara all the pins clean?

Put the card in and see that the SIM card is also firmly and squarely seated.

When I first got my Bionic I was having some problems and when I popped it open I found the SIM card at a slight angle.

This was in the first days of the Bionic and few people ever looked at the SIM card. It was installed at the store and you forgot about it.

Dropping the phone like on a soft carpet can jar them loose.

... Thom
I thought today was going to be smooth sailing, but alas, not to be...but I think I induced it and am getting closer to the root cause.

I followed my plan--turned off data/sync once I got to my office this morning. The battery was draining at a nice, smooth pace...around 70% after approximately 5 hours off the charger. I was messing around on my work computer and saw an app I'd like to try in the Play Store. So I grabbed the phone and fired up data/sync.

I made it to the Play Store, and noticed while the app was downloading the 4G icon disappeared. Less than a minute after that, the screen went black--the phone had powered down.

Instead of doing a battery pull, I plugged it into the wall charger (I have the original here at the office) and I got the Moto logo followed by the battery icon, still at 70% charge. (versus the 5% I saw yesterday afternoon) I then powered up the phone with no problem, and immediately switched data/sync off again.

I really have to remember that, within the confines of my office (which is "deep" inside the first floor of a large building and, obviously, without windows), getting data is going to be next to impossible and I should just leave it off. I suspect I would have made it through my workday without incident had I left it alone. My guess is I will be fine for the rest of the day...we'll see.
Do you have wi-fi access in the office? Wi-fi support in the Bionic is great.

If no wi-fi you could connect the Bionic to your PC with a USB cable, download files to the PC, transfer them to a staging area in the Bionic, disconnect, and then install from the staging area.

Wi-fi would be better to keep the records straight at Play Store.

... and another ...

I wonder if you have GPS on and it can't find a signal and keeps beating away trying to do the impossible eating the battery.

... Thom
We had WiFi here in the office up until a few months ago when the router broke. For some reason, the IT guys have not been in any hurry to replace it. :rolleyes:

GPS is not on presently, hasn't been on since yesterday sometime.

Downloading files from the Play Store is normally something I do at home when connected to my own WiFi network. For some reason, I felt the need to play today. :)

It's still rolling along, though the battery still indicates 70% charge, which is where it was over two hours ago. I'm hoping that's not a false reading. Guess I'll find out if it goes over the cliff again, right?
Some more odd behavior this afternoon...phone shut off again...compelled me to do a factory reset when I got home from work. What's the harm? I'm completely Google-fied so restoring everything is simple.

Before doing the reset, I noticed that in just under a week I had downloaded and installed over 30 apps. Good chance one of 'em was running amuck.

I made a list of the apps I downloaded and plan on installing them only when I specifically run into a need for them. We'll see how it goes.
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