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Help Incredible, waiting for my 2nd replacement, Help!

I first called tech support because my 1x signal and my 3g signal was 0-1 bars with my new Incredible. My 3 year old LG flip phone and the 3 other phone on my account (motorola moto's x3) ALL have have 3 bars of signal. When Im talking on the phone (incredible) it will disconnect and a message would come up "signal Fade, call dropped" also I have been on the phone with someone, and right in the middle of a conversation I would here a bunch of digital sounding blips and a message would say"all circuits are busy, please try your call gain later" and then the call would disconnect. I have not experienced either one of these problems with and of the other 4 phones. Tech support said its a bad phone, we will ship you another phone.
They did, I started it up and activated it, On my home screen I saw 3 widgets that does not come stock with the phone, (wifi widget, bluetooth widget, gps widget) at first I thought maybe this phone had a newer software ver in it, not so I compared all software/hardware/build versions from first phone and second phone, there were both identical. So I looked in my programs, widgets, shortcuts and I cannot find those widgets anywhere. with this replacement phone I cannot recieve new gmail unless I open it , hit menu/refresh. another problem with this replacement is i cannot use wifi, It shows Im connected to my wifi but it wont work, (transmit/receive)
I called tech support again, told him what is going on with this replacement phone, they said they will send me another replacement phone.
This will be my 3rd phone.
What good is the phone if it cant do the most basic function, (make a call)
Anyone else having issues like this? If this 3rd phone doesnt solve my issues, they said they will probably let me out of my contract,

thanks for any input
The widgets you describe are under Menu -> Add widget -> Settings and just toggle the things on/off, no big deal. The phone probably just had a different scene loaded that you weren't used to.

For the signal issue; rather than going through new phones, call and ask for a signal amplifier or extender (whatever they're called). Basically you would plug this little device in near a window or area you DO get good signal (Maybe in an upstairs window or something). It will then receive and re-transmit the signal so you get better signal in your house, kind of like a mini cell tower. They're like $80-150 retail, but if you nag them about it they may send you one (they have for me and one of my friends, too).
thanks for the reply, I was thinking of the mini cell thing, sux that I would need that for a high tech phone when my 3 year old dinosaurs get good signal.

as far as the widget goes, on home screen I hit menu, I have no option to "add widget" my options are, all programs, scenes, add to home, wall paper, notifications, settings.
Of course I can hit the "add to home" and add widgets, programs, shortcuts that way, but there is No option to add wifi toggle, bluetooth toggle, gps toggle. those toggle widgets appear to be from the market, down-loadable. The appearance of these widgets look like the came from the author "curvefish"
tech support already sent my 2nd replace out fedex, so i will have to wait and see what this 3rd phone brings.
seems like no matter where I am the signal sux really bad, comparing it to other phones.
a good example was yesterday, I was in Harrisburg, Pa. two of my friends had full signal and I had 1 bar, thats just not right, HTC must have screwed up somewhere.
anyone else having major signal issues?
This is a common thing. HTC's answer was that it's a power-saving technique their phones use. Basically once it has a lock on a tower, it turns the cell receiver down to the bare minimum to mainintain a signal. Then when you need it (making a call, transmitting data, etc) it will boost it up to full power. Try it out; when you notice that happening, make a call and the bars should jump up to where your friends' is at.

HTC says they're releasing a software update to make this less noticeable.

For the toggle widgets, they are there, trust me. The exact steps are:
Menu -> Add to Home -> Widgets -> (Scroll down) Settings

Here you should see:
Airplane Mode
Mobile Network
yeah I have the Network extender at work, it works great, fullbars, it plugs in the WLAN, it costed 199.99 but there was a 100.00 rebate. I work in a Metal buliding and its hard to get a signal, if I go over to a window I can get 2 bars, but the Network extender solved my problem but unfortunate there is no 3g with the unit just 1x speed, but I have wifi at work and I just use that for my data. calls sound perfect with the extender.:D
This is a common thing. HTC's answer was that it's a power-saving technique their phones use. Basically once it has a lock on a tower, it turns the cell receiver down to the bare minimum to mainintain a signal. Then when you need it (making a call, transmitting data, etc) it will boost it up to full power. Try it out; when you notice that happening, make a call and the bars should jump up to where your friends' is at.

HTC says they're releasing a software update to make this less noticeable.

For the toggle widgets, they are there, trust me. The exact steps are:
Menu -> Add to Home -> Widgets -> (Scroll down) Settings

Here you should see:
Airplane Mode
Mobile Network

Well this 2nd phone is definitely messed up, I did what you said and I dont have any of those widgets as options, all the other stuff, like calender, clock, facebook, music, people etc.
I did check to see if the signal jumps when making/receiving a call, It doenst chance.
Thanks for your input

You don't have a "settings" listed under widgets?

My bad, you are correct, I didnt look in the settings folders, I didnt realize there was widgets in that settings folder
menu/add to home/widgets, I was looking for them there, didnt realize those widgets were in the setting folder, when I saw the settings folder in the widgets menu, I thought it was the same settings folder you find when you hit the up arrow to the left of the word phone (all programs)
two totally folders with the same with different content inside.
Well that solves my widgets mystery.
Now if I could just make and receive a call without dropping it, I'd be set

I owe ya a Beer!

tx for the help
I'm tellin ya, call Verizon, tell them about it and how it's ridiculous that your old phone gets service but this one doesn't, and how this is your third incredible, etc etc. Ask them about a "signal booster or something" to fix the problem. They'll take care of you. ;-)

Get really offended if they tell you that you can purchase one, because it's due to their network/phone that you can't get service on this brand new phone.
The widgets you describe are under Menu -> Add widget -> Settings and just toggle the things on/off, no big deal. The phone probably just had a different scene loaded that you weren't used to.

For the signal issue; rather than going through new phones, call and ask for a signal amplifier or extender (whatever they're called). Basically you would plug this little device in near a window or area you DO get good signal (Maybe in an upstairs window or something). It will then receive and re-transmit the signal so you get better signal in your house, kind of like a mini cell tower. They're like $80-150 retail, but if you nag them about it they may send you one (they have for me and one of my friends, too).

A friend of mine just got one. It's $100 at BB. Prob find it cheaper online. It works.
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