I live in Utah. We are the major hub of Mormon activity worldwide. Joseph Smith founded the LDS Church and arrived in Utah proclaiming, "This is the Place."
Some will tell you that Utah rises and falls with the whims and desires of the LDS Church. Very true in so far that many leaders are also LDS and they sometimes decide that their way is God's way and make rulings that support the Church. That said, most do not because we are carefully watched and any attempt to write laws that are perhaps questionable, someone is called on the carpet.
The State of Utah was founded by Joseph Smith, also the Founder of the LDS Church. I am not disputing that it must have been difficult if you were not LDS in 1847 or so.
But LDS people paid a price for blindly asserting that they could do anything they wanted to do. The US Government arrived in force and changed a few minds.
But with all that, the LDS Faith is still not a state religion. There are no laws on the books that say Mormonism is the official state church because that is clearly unconstitutional. Not one single state has any official religion because that is unquestionably unconstitutional, as it must be.
That is not to say that in some places, kiss your aspirations good by if you are not a Catholic. Still not sanctioned by the Church and definitely not a state religion.
So tell me which states have an officially sanctioned religion. Do not tell me about states where a predominant religion is considered the defacto "state" religion, but a state that has an official state religion. And please, not some old examples from early in our founding, but current states with a official state church.