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iPhone 5 live launch

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Ok, so I'm sorry that people wasted all that time being rude in their posts, but they have been deleted. There is no reason for name calling or rudeness. We attack issues and not each other here.

If it starts again, the thread will be locked and infractions gifted to those who have asked for them.

Keep it civil, we are talking about phones after all.
Ok, so I'm sorry that people wasted all that time being rude in their posts, but they have been deleted. There is no reason for name calling or rudeness. We attack issues and not each other here.

If it starts again, the thread will be locked and infractions gifted to those who have asked for them.

Keep it civil, we are talking about phones after all.

the last line made me laugh. but it's so true and i think it happens on most community forums about all sorts of items :)
Ok, so I'm sorry that people wasted all that time being rude in their posts, but they have been deleted. There is no reason for name calling or rudeness. We attack issues and not each other here.

If it starts again, the thread will be locked and infractions gifted to those who have asked for them.

Keep it civil, we are talking about phones after all.

Thank you.
Engadget is basically in Apple's pocket. They give every Apple product rave reviews. It's why they get preview units.
iPhone 5 reviews as of 9:00PM ET:

Walt Mossberg's review: iPhone 5 Review - Walt Mossberg - Personal Technology - AllThingsD
CNET's review: iPhone 5 Review - CNET Reviews
Pocket-lint's review: Apple iPhone 5 review - Pocket-lint
Michael Steeber's (Cult of Mac) review: The Definitive iPhone 5 Review
Engadget's review: iPhone 5 review -- Engadget
The Loop's review: Review: iPhone 5
David Pogue's review: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/09/19/t...-quibble-review.html?_r=1&partner=rss&emc=rss
Telegraph UK's review: iPhone 5 review - Telegraph
Slashgear's review: iPhone 5 Review - SlashGear
What about the things the iPhone5 simply doesn't offer?

1. NFC
2. Watching videos in 720/1080p
3. Widgets
4. Removable battery
5. Memory expansion via SD card
6. Flash support ( get it while it lasts!)
7. Freedom of customization!
8. Face unlock?
9. Gorilla glass ( really?)
10. Oh yeah I forgot.... NFC! NFC! NFC! NFC! :D

I picked up my friends 4s one time and I was completely shocked when I found out I couldn't take certain things off the home screen. That's nuts! It's supposed to be a home screen apple...not an app drawer.

Those are to name a few . I'm sure I'm missing more but this is just quickly off the top of my head. Any "new" features the 5 is packing is all seeming like catch up for Apple... 4glte / Panorama / turn by turn etc android has had for some time.

The argument about Apple having the best build quality is interesting to me. I'd say 80% of the iPhones I come across have broken glass. I barely see a broken android. But sh** happens. Lol. I have the HTC evo 4g lte.. It's built out of an aluminum unibody and is flawless. Not every android is plastic. But since when is plastic cheap? It won't shatter, bend, scratch(as easy as aluminum), and it's very light. Plastic is probably the best material for durability. Everyone wants to knock on Android for one reason. Yes there are 50 dollar android phones. Yes they are crap. But we aren't talking about one phone were talking about android. We all know what the super phones are. Sgs3/gnex/razr/onex/evo lte.

Android is ever changing. Every time a new super phone comes out its packing heat. And usually something never seen before.( HTC evo line for one. First 4g phone/ first 3d phone / first hd voice compatible phone) But on the contrary it seems every time apple releases there iPhone its " a disappointment, but I'm still gonna get it bc its the phone" They are always "innovating" just enough to stay relevant. I keep waiting for Apple to blow us away, because I truly believe they have it in them. But for now android is the OS to go with if you want to be the first to enjoy the latest and greatest technologies.

This is why some of us daredevils JB. We can do many great things when we do the deed.

Some people want a well crafted phone and many of the hits against Apple and comparisons to Android phones is a non starter and folks could not care less about the comparisons, the many lawsuits or anything else tech minded folks say they/we/them need.

Like the 3D that bloody darn Flash you think is needed.

Apple is a good choice and you can never go wrong. Android is a good choice and you cannot go wrong.

And for the record, the build quality is great.
Apple always releases review units to those who are going to give them positive reviews. It's part of how their hype machine works. I really hope Google and other Android OEMS are taking notes this time. This is how you launch a flagship product. It's not THAT difficult is it? You give a set street date, allow pre-orders while hype is in a frenzied state, release review units a few days before launch only to those who will give you positive reviews then release the phone while hype is still in a frenzy. Contrast this with just about every Android release where there is no set street date, the device comes out only once everyone has forgotten about it and pre-orders are ignored or delayed until weeks after the device has hit the street in the stores.

I carry the Incredible 4G these days. It got meh reviews from CNET where it was knocked for only having a 4" screen and being late to the LTE game. Yet Apple does both and these are considered to be "everything we've ever wanted." Ugh. The bias is nauseating.
Not to get "off subject" from the debate here haha but did you know that apple predicts that they will be making 40 Million in the next quarter from the new dock connector alone? They predict that 10% of the people buying an iPhone 5 will also buy a second cable. Not only that but they will also be buying adapters so they don't have to spend even more money on a new ipod dock like an iHome. And in the next year the predict that they will make 100 million.

Something to point out about the "Lightning" Cable.. its still USB 2.0.. from a technical stand point that makes absolutely no sense, especially since all the new mac books will be coming out with USB 3.0 and Firewire.. The lightning cable is said that it doesn't even act as a video out let alone audio out.. so they lost that feature from their old 30 pin connector .. so really the only thing this cable did was allow apple to shave 1.4mm off the phone? .. I'm sorry I don't carry around a micometer-caliper to tell which phone is thinner, cause honestly who can really tell at that size difference? Oh and it made it easier for incoherent people to plug their phones in.. I just don't see what all the hype is about.
To be fair, there's no reason it shouldn't get good reviews. I'm sure it's a nice piece of hardware. I haven't read all of the reviews, but the ones I did read had a lot of positives, as well as a few negatives, about the same as most of the reviews for high end Androids that I read. So it's a decent high end phone, but not a game changer by any means. Anyone who thinks it's that special I'd say is a little bit delusional.
To be fair, there's no reason it shouldn't get good reviews. I'm sure it's a nice piece of hardware. I haven't read all of the reviews, but the ones I did read had a lot of positives, as well as a few negatives, about the same as most of the reviews for high end Androids that I read. So it's a decent high end phone, but not a game changer by any means. Anyone who thinks it's that special I'd say is a little bit delusional.

Yes, but some are touting it as the best thing since sliced bread.
Yes, but some are touting it as the best thing since sliced bread.

You have to be fair though. There are plenty of reviews that came close to claiming the Nexus would cure cancer or the the new Nokia will offer world peace. There are plenty of biased sites out there. You have to sift through the garbage to find fair reviews.
You have to be fair though. There are plenty of reviews that came close to claiming the Nexus would cure cancer or the the new Nokia will offer world peace. There are plenty of biased sites out there. You have to sift through the garbage to find fair reviews.

Haha fair enough. I guess I'm tired of being surrounded by apples at home. :D
Haha fair enough. I guess I'm tired of being surrounded by apples at home. :D

I think everyone gets a little sick of bias, when it is an apposing opinion, but it is hard to avoid. News used to be very unbiased and now you can usually tell what brand of phone the reporter carries or who they voted for. I guess it is a good thing that there are so many tech blogs out there. We can read a bunch of reviews and form our own opinions.
I think everyone gets a little sick of bias, when it is an apposing opinion, but it is hard to avoid. News used to be very unbiased and now you can usually tell what brand of phone the reporter carries or who they voted for. I guess it is a good thing that there are so many tech blogs out there. We can read a bunch of reviews and form our own opinions.

Yeah. I'm also really thankful for helpful communities like this one :D
The bias is bad at this point because Apple deliberately only releases devices to people who are going to give them favorable reviews. If they know and/or suspect someone is going to pan their device, that person is not going to get a device as a review unit. They will have to wait until the phone has been out for a while or they'll have to get their own to review. So everything that's out there now is extremely biased.
The bias is bad at this point because Apple deliberately only releases devices to people who are going to give them favorable reviews. If they know and/or suspect someone is going to pan their device, that person is not going to get a device as a review unit. They will have to wait until the phone has been out for a while or they'll have to get their own to review. So everything that's out there now is extremely biased.

Man that makes me want to bitchslap someone
It's very controlled. Reminds me of governments lol

Mebbe, but it's effective. It's success speaks for itself really. Android OEMS should figure out some way to emulate this. Compare this to the N7 launch. Google announced the device. People got excited about it. No release date was ever announced. People got tired of waiting and bought something else. There were rumors that they were available in some stores. Google didn't comment. Stores got them and were selling them up to a week before pre-orders from Google got them. It was a gigantic CF and Google looked horrible. Apple has the whole launch thing down to a science.
The marketing monster that Google is has no marketing sense at all for themselves. They announce phones and then don't do anything else. Any and all marketing/advertising is left up to the manufacturers and carriers. The Droid line commercials have been the most successful in hyping a device, but Moto and Verizon still fall short on those a lot of the time.

The big problem with most of the Android advertising is that they market one thing or things that regular people don't understand. The Razr Maxx had a great campaign about how long the battery lasted. They also did a few talking up all the things the phone could do. That is just one phone on one carrier though.

Samsung has a bunch of carrier based commercials out there, but they need to do a full push of just the phone next time.
These forums seem to be less fanboyish than others I frequent so I'm confident I can post this here without getting roasted:

iPhone 5

This is a pretty gushing review of the iphone5. The reporter seems (seems) a bit of an apple fan, or it could just be excitement for the product. For those who don't know in the UK the guardian is a respected paper and i'd expect them to be unbiased with this type of thing but this a very good review. The old apple in me almost had a hint of regret because this is a good review lol.

Interesting read though but will probably only be readable to those who can look at these things more objectively, not the hardcore Android fans here. I merely post it for debate and discussion

"The amount of detail in Apple maps greater than Google Maps?"
"Siri dramatically better than anything on offer in Android"

Even though I've been swatting up on Android the last week or so I still don't know enough off my head to compare and contrast everything this reviewer is saying. You have to admit though he does sell it well even if it is only one mans opinion. Plus I like to be open to both sides of a debate, (even though my android is coming and ordered) blocking things out we don't want to hear makes us fanboys IMO. Would be interested in your thoughts. I thought it was an interesting read.
I've caught a few of these throughout the course of the day too. I was very disappointed in the Guardian review because as you say, it's a respected paper over here and the reviewer did seem very biased.

T3 seems to have been the most sensible review so far: iPhone 5 review | T3
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