What about the things the iPhone5 simply doesn't offer?
1. NFC
2. Watching videos in 720/1080p
3. Widgets
4. Removable battery
5. Memory expansion via SD card
6. Flash support ( get it while it lasts!)
7. Freedom of customization!
8. Face unlock?
9. Gorilla glass ( really?)
10. Oh yeah I forgot.... NFC! NFC! NFC! NFC!
I picked up my friends 4s one time and I was completely shocked when I found out I couldn't take certain things off the home screen. That's nuts! It's supposed to be a home screen apple...not an app drawer.
Those are to name a few . I'm sure I'm missing more but this is just quickly off the top of my head. Any "new" features the 5 is packing is all seeming like catch up for Apple... 4glte / Panorama / turn by turn etc android has had for some time.
The argument about Apple having the best build quality is interesting to me. I'd say 80% of the iPhones I come across have broken glass. I barely see a broken android. But sh** happens. Lol. I have the HTC evo 4g lte.. It's built out of an aluminum unibody and is flawless. Not every android is plastic. But since when is plastic cheap? It won't shatter, bend, scratch(as easy as aluminum), and it's very light. Plastic is probably the best material for durability. Everyone wants to knock on Android for one reason. Yes there are 50 dollar android phones. Yes they are crap. But we aren't talking about one phone were talking about android. We all know what the super phones are. Sgs3/gnex/razr/onex/evo lte.
Android is ever changing. Every time a new super phone comes out its packing heat. And usually something never seen before.( HTC evo line for one. First 4g phone/ first 3d phone / first hd voice compatible phone) But on the contrary it seems every time apple releases there iPhone its " a disappointment, but I'm still gonna get it bc its the phone" They are always "innovating" just enough to stay relevant. I keep waiting for Apple to blow us away, because I truly believe they have it in them. But for now android is the OS to go with if you want to be the first to enjoy the latest and greatest technologies.