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iPhone outselling all Android versions combined

Honestly, I think and accurate and honest analysis would confuse most consumers. It's the same reason why, IMO, general consumers should not be in the stock market. They'd rather watch the rantings of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Nancy Grace, Jimmy Kramer, Maury Povich, et al., than a modern day Murrow.
Well, in all fairness we have given the media an enormous amount of power in this country. We gave them to ability to tell us how live our lives, what to buy, what to eat and they even told us who to vote for in the last election. It isn't really all that surprising that we can't get an unbiased report about anything these days. We have more or less asked them to help run our lives for us.
Well, in all fairness we have given the media an enormous amount of power in this country. We gave them to ability to tell us how live our lives, what to buy, what to eat and they even told us who to vote for in the last election. It isn't really all that surprising that we can't get an unbiased report about anything these days. We have more or less asked them to help run our lives for us.

I can't stop thinking about this -

"Well, you’re obviously being totally naive of course", said the girl, "When you’ve been in marketing as long as I have, you'll know that before any new product can be developed it has to be properly researched. We’ve got to find out what people want from fire, how they relate to it, what sort of image it has for them."

The crowd were tense. They were expecting something wonderful from Ford.

"Stick it up your nose," he said.

"Which is precisely the sort of thing we need to know," insisted the girl, "Do people want fire that can be fitted nasally?"

As a former internet marketing manager I have to say that most of my staff that came straight out of college were just like that. It cracked me up in meetings when they would start asking about the type of research we planned to do. My personal favorite was when I gave a new guy a research task his immediate response was, "What size focus group do you want me to use." We laughed about that for two months.
This thread has morphed into a much deeper discussion than I anticipated. A sign of that is my desire now to start from the idiocracy thing and work my way to the blog I linked in the OP.

Ok never mind, that turned into a full circle thing and it now feels like the thread is in the wrong order.

I've got to research this. I'll get back to you.

So if we are to believe the chart (and I have no reason not to) then Android handset sales in Q4 of 2011 was slightly more than 60M units. It must then be some form of new math where 37 million is a greater number. ;)
So if we are to believe the chart (and I have no reason not to) then Android handset sales in Q4 of 2011 was slightly more than 60M units. It must then be some form of new math where 37 million is a greater number. ;)

Yes. Define "sales." Define "units." Define "handset."

I just realized I saw that in Bill Clinton's hearings.

..or was it "Cops?"


I found some factual errors in that chart's data, that put it several million too high. My figures put the number as at least 47 million, but below 55 million.

As Pitamakan pointed out, the 37 million figure for the iPhone is for 9 countries, and is based on an analyst's findings, the same analyst I am using to derate Samsung from 35 down to 30 million, and then we have to conclude that there must be at least 10 million more uncounted iPhone sales required to match Android. The actual figure of missing iPhone sales required to beat Android could easily be 15 million more. That works out to a 40% error in the estimate used to make worldwide claims.

Bottom line, there are insufficient data to accurately gauge what the total sales for either iPhone or Android were in Q4 2011. Therefore, the BGR article was wrong to claim so.

However, the indicators biased in favor of the iPhone suggest that it did not outsell Android in numbers shipped in any way, shape or form, making the BGR article hilariously wrong.

There is a very high probability that Android outsold the iPhone last quarter. However, the internet has now stirred belief that the opposite is a fact. When more information becomes available this quarter, we will likely see continued dominance by Android. That will be spun into the exciting lie that iPhones are in some cyclic battle with Android.

The chart is from the last link in my first post.

And my favorite will be the people who want to tell me that I am misinformed because BGR put other on the internet, where it's not what you know or can substantiate, it's how many clicks you get. ;)

PS -Naturally, when I say Android here, I am referring strictly to phone sales and not biasing upward with all Android.

the proper representation is


But the function that actually applies here is


for every real number ξ.

No fooling. Not even a bazinga, Leonard. :) :D

You know, I actually understand that except what does the caret above the function symbol mean? I must have taken a nap that day in class.
Actually as a daily Apple user this doesn't surprise me... However I have just switched from an iPhone 4 to Nexus S running ICS.. I'm in LOVE!

(90% of people I know don't even know the iOS basics and just play angry birds, text and call from their handsets... I was a heavy user, but stick to my iPad for home entertainment needs)
You know, I actually understand that except what does the caret above the function symbol mean? I must have taken a nap that day in class.

That the resulting function of frequency is not the same as the time function used in the transform.

Others will often simply change the two functions into F(s) and f(x) to indicate the difference at a glance. (And naturally replace Xi with s elsewhere.)
Actually as a daily Apple user this doesn't surprise me... However I have just switched from an iPhone 4 to Nexus S running ICS.. I'm in LOVE!

(90% of people I know don't even know the iOS basics and just play angry birds, text and call from their handsets... I was a heavy user, but stick to my iPad for home entertainment needs)

Welcome to the forums! :)

Hard to beat that big HD screen, isn't it? ;)
people... this has gotten to high brow.. dumb it down for the rest of us!!!!

and from the OP linked blog... i think they are only comparing iphone sales vs samsung android sales.. they are assuming samsung is the huge big dog that is 95% of the android market.
people... this has gotten to high brow.. dumb it down for the rest of us!!!!

and from the OP linked blog... i think they are only comparing iphone sales vs samsung android sales.. they are assuming samsung is the huge big dog that is 95% of the android market.

Good idea, how about this?

1. Your take on the blog article is correct.

2. The blog suggested its numbers were absolutely true, when they were really only limited estimates.

3. No one besides the manufacturers know the real numbers and they're not talking.

4. Using a fair analysis of all Android phone vendors plus upping the iPhone estimate to show worldwide sales strongly suggests that the iPhone probably did not match Android phone sales, much less beat them.

How did I do?

I tested my hypothesis.

I had a Blake's green chile burger last night. It was fabulous.

It was the burger, not the chili ("chile" is a country ;)).

Sorry about the woop noises.. that may have thrown a monkey wrench into the whole danged celebration.

:eek: :D
They do use excellent meat and fresh ingredients, but it's chile and it only grows here. The green pepper is roasted until the skin blisters so it can be peeled away, the seeds are discarded, and the firm green flesh is chopped into a coarse relish.

It comes from here -

Hatch, New Mexico - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Looks like this (they're not small) -


And taste like this -


But you've been here, know that, and while I knew you were yanking my chain, you were right - a New Mexican will defend his chile every time! :D :)

We're like Pavlov's dogs when someone says chili. ;)
There has to be a large number of people who just don't want to switch from Apple. (Oh no, change :( ) due to the fact that Apple beat Android to the gates, its quite possible it may take a long time to do a complete swap ddue to the fact that everytime a new iPhone comes out they need to choose between that and the newest Android phone. And even then there will be the people who don't like Android because its "too complicated" however they just refuse to learn. iPhone is largely catered to (partial) idiots :rolleyes:
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