I found some factual errors in that chart's data, that put it several million too high. My figures put the number as at least 47 million, but below 55 million.
As Pitamakan pointed out, the 37 million figure for the iPhone is for 9 countries, and is based on an analyst's findings, the same analyst I am using to derate Samsung from 35 down to 30 million, and then we have to conclude that there must be at least 10 million more uncounted iPhone sales required to match Android. The actual figure of missing iPhone sales required to beat Android could easily be 15 million more. That works out to a 40% error in the estimate used to make worldwide claims.
Bottom line, there are insufficient data to accurately gauge what the total sales for either iPhone or Android were in Q4 2011. Therefore, the BGR article was wrong to claim so.
However, the indicators biased in favor of the iPhone suggest that it did not outsell Android in numbers shipped in any way, shape or form, making the BGR article hilariously wrong.
There is a very high probability that Android outsold the iPhone last quarter. However, the internet has now stirred belief that the opposite is a fact. When more information becomes available this quarter, we will likely see continued dominance by Android. That will be spun into the exciting lie that iPhones are in some cyclic battle with Android.
The chart is from the last link in my first post.
And my favorite will be the people who want to tell me that I am misinformed because BGR put other on the internet, where it's not what you know or can substantiate, it's how many clicks you get.
PS -Naturally, when I say Android here, I am referring strictly to phone sales and not biasing upward with all Android.