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iPhone outselling all Android versions combined

There has to be a large number of people who just don't want to switch from Apple. (Oh no, change :( ) due to the fact that Apple beat Android to the gates, its quite possible it may take a long time to do a complete swap ddue to the fact that everytime a new iPhone comes out they need to choose between that and the newest Android phone. And even then there will be the people who don't like Android because its "too complicated" however they just refuse to learn. iPhone is largely catered to (partial) idiots :rolleyes:

There are people that just like iOS and the iPhone too. I've known plenty of people that just prefer the iPhone over Android. They aren't idiots, they just like the interface, the OS or the compatibility. I know a couple of people that chose the iPhone over Android simply because the iPhone has so many accessory options. They were looking for something with desk docks, music docks, car docks, cases, etc. iOS offers that type of integration and most Android products don't.
people... this has gotten to high brow.. dumb it down for the rest of us!!!!

and from the OP linked blog... i think they are only comparing iphone sales vs samsung android sales.. they are assuming samsung is the huge big dog that is 95% of the android market.

Good idea, how about this?

1. Your take on the blog article is correct.

2. The blog suggested its numbers were absolutely true, when they were really only limited estimates.

3. No one besides the manufacturers know the real numbers and they're not talking.

4. Using a fair analysis of all Android phone vendors plus upping the iPhone estimate to show worldwide sales strongly suggests that the iPhone probably did not match Android phone sales, much less beat them.

How did I do?

did great!!!!

but it was a joke.. on all the crazy formulas and explanation of the symbols...

i guess it will help others .. catchup. :P :rolleyes:;)

I gotta remember to remind myself...

There are people that just like iOS and the iPhone too. I've known plenty of people that just prefer the iPhone over Android. They aren't idiots, they just like the interface, the OS or the compatibility. I know a couple of people that chose the iPhone over Android simply because the iPhone has so many accessory options. They were looking for something with desk docks, music docks, car docks, cases, etc. iOS offers that type of integration and most Android products don't.

Also, you can use the docks for a couple of iPhone version before you have to buy a new one. With Android, every new Android phone you get, you need new docks caused your Nexus One docks not compatible with you Atrix docks and won't be compatible with your new SGS2 etc etc. So if you upgrade yearly with an Android...you'd be shelling out more money than your iOS counterpart.

Before I had a smartphone, I thought those that have an iPhone was wasteful because they change them annually. Getting an Android and seeing those with an Android having to change not on the phone but ALL of their accessories. It's beyond wasteful.
From advertising alone, I'm of the impression that iPhone accessories sales far outweigh those for Android. And I think that started with iPod accessories, where you can forget form factor standardization. The iPod, unlike the iPhone, has come in many shapes and sizes. Odd that Steve called the iPhone the best iPod ever, when after all these years it's managed to come in only two sizes.

Android didn't see the first nearly-universal dock or dock that would work with a case until the second half of 2011, so far as I know.

Perhaps with Android outselling iPhones, we'll see that change if the demand is truly there.
Well, there are lies, damn lies, statistics - and then there's Boy Genius Reports.

Here's the article they used as source material -

Core suppliers savor bigger Apple pie | Reuters

What was said was that Samsung beat them in Q3, but Apple beat Samsung in Q4, with 37 vs. 30 million units shipped. (Based on estimates, Samsung to release numbers on Friday.)

And that because of that, Apple grew more quickly than Android to rise to a share of 44.9% vs. 44.8% for Android. (Down from 50%.)

But how tricky are the numbers? Only as tricky as blogs want them to be, and I think a few of them were asleep in math class.

How about HTC? Plenty of dark, distorted news about their 4th quarter. Poor dears appear to have only sold about 10 million smartphones and tablets to get their US$3+ billion in revenue.

MobileBurn: HTC's profit growth skids to a halt in Q4 2011

We have to play analyst to guess the phone sales. Given that Android is their big OS, and that HTC isn't the world's biggest tablet seller, what number sounds good, down from 10 million?

With similar numbers, Motorola sold over 5 million smartphones in Q4. Anyone know of a non-Android OS for Motorola smartphones?

Motorola Mobility Gives Quick Preview of Q4
Actually a great many of the members and staff own both Android and iOS devices and keep up with the blogs. MacRumors as the name suggests is going to slant the reporting to be favorable for apple. I really wouldn't expect them to do otherwise and their job is to keep the buzz going. Sensational data such as that reported is just the stuff that blogs and "news agencies" use to drive traffic to their sites and generate controversy (as well as revenue).

What is being questioned here based on other independent sources is the accuracy of that reporting. Or more importantly, the analysis of that data. Apple historically has had the majority of it's sales in the US so limiting the market to it's major markets skews the results in Apple's favor. Marketing has always been Apple's forte.

With the iPhone finally being available on 3 of the 4 major carriers in the US I can see the Q4 numbers climbing. It only makes sense that they would.

The part that I actually have a problem with this is the lack of data for anything or anyone other than Apple. I am seeing market share percentages and I see sales numbers for the iPhone, but I'm not seeing any real figures for Android.

Most of the iPhone data looks to be based on new activations of the iPhone which I can understand. They are talking about Apple's growth in the 4th quarter, but nothing is being mentioned about any other OS. If Apple had a lot of growth during this time are we just going to make the assumption that nobody else had any growth at all? If we are then maybe the information is correct, but if we are doing things in the real world then we would have to assume growth in all areas (it is reality) and that information is not included. There are no figures that show the sales numbers or activation numbers for Android, WP7, BlackBerry or anyone else out there. That doesn't make for really believable information to me.

Again, if the data turns out to be accurate and the writers just left information out for whatever reason (doubtful) then good for Apple. As long as people are happy with their phone then I'm happy for them.

Your first link does the same injustice to the iPhone that BGR did, showing only 37 million sold - worldwide. Repeat, that analyst said he was tracing 9 countries, and I somehow do not think he overlooked the US.

Your next two links say that in the US, AT&T and Verizon accounted for 11.9 million units. How many more were sold for Sprint?

Meanwhile, worldwide, Android phones sold at the tune of 47 to 55 million units. We'll know better tomorrow when Samsung publishes its 4th quarter figures and we won't have to guess on that.

Yes, the iPhone sold really well last quarter. Yes, the iPhone was the biggest seller on the two biggest networks in the US.

But is that enough to support some blog claims that the iPhone sold more than 50% in the US in Q4 2011? (And I direct this more at the blog headlines that I've read that have literally read iPhone Crushes... rather than your own links.)


According to Neilsen, iPhone sales in the US accounted for 44.5%.

So, between AT&T, Verizon and Sprint, did the iPhone outsell all Android in the US?

I don't know, there are a few other carriers out there in the US. If you want to insist that the iPhone outsold Android in the US alone, I can't argue. As I mentioned, only the makers know for sure.

Apple's Record Revenue: By The Numbers - Hardware - Macintosh - Informationweek

BTW, from - Results for Q4 2011 Smartphone Sales in the US are Here


Wanting a thing to be so does not make it so.

The blogs are quite sure that the things they want to be true, are true.

However, the truth is held by the manufacturers, and when all data are considered dispassionately, the only point that remains defensible for the iPhone vs. Android is that iPhone sales seem to be growing faster than Android sales.

All other indications refute the blogs in AppleVille. :)

And the expression, by a country mile, is starting to come to mind. ;)

Maybe the iPhone did outsell Android in the US in Q4 2011. And maybe it didn't. Without complete data, who can really say?
Did you even read any of it? Guess all you read was Macrumors, IT MUST BE BIASED REPORTING OMG!!!!

Actually, I used to be somewhat well-known on MacRumors for my positive contributions bringing OS X tips and tricks forward and I still consider them to be rather fair, overall. Excellent self-help community happening there.

No need to get upset, everyone has a right to their opinion. ;) :)
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