The Friendly Undead
There has to be a large number of people who just don't want to switch from Apple. (Oh no, change) due to the fact that Apple beat Android to the gates, its quite possible it may take a long time to do a complete swap ddue to the fact that everytime a new iPhone comes out they need to choose between that and the newest Android phone. And even then there will be the people who don't like Android because its "too complicated" however they just refuse to learn. iPhone is largely catered to (partial) idiots
There are people that just like iOS and the iPhone too. I've known plenty of people that just prefer the iPhone over Android. They aren't idiots, they just like the interface, the OS or the compatibility. I know a couple of people that chose the iPhone over Android simply because the iPhone has so many accessory options. They were looking for something with desk docks, music docks, car docks, cases, etc. iOS offers that type of integration and most Android products don't.