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iPhones on The Big Bang Theory

If someone buys a certin phone just because they see actors using them on a TV show, then they deserve what they get. The people who actually do research on different phones before they purchase one usually end up happier with their choice.
Yeah, any decent adult who gets influenced by a character on TV deserves what they get.

But for little kids I think it is dangerous.
They do tend to choose things because so and so has it on TV.
Yeah, any decent adult who gets influenced by a character on TV deserves what they get.

But for little kids I think it is dangerous.
They do tend to choose things because so and so has it on TV.

The media's propaganda is dangerous onto itself. You wonder what's wrong with the world when girls as young as 6 have eating disorder (anorexia and bulimia) and believe they aren't pretty (like the models/actress on tv) and are fat (because they aren't as thin as the models/actress on tv).
It's funny and very inconsistent as to what they use on the show as their tech gadgets and some of their tech based jokes. At some points they seem very pro-Apple and at others you could see them as being anti-Apple.

Raj uses a Macbook while Sheldon is normally using Alienware and Leonard a Dell.

Sheldon refers to Windows Vista and Windows 7 in one episode saying he doesn't like Windows 7 because it's more user friendly than Vista (after his old laptop was stolen and his new one came with 7).

In a flashback, one of the characters (think it was Sheldon) told another (Raj maybe?) that he would be sorry he bought the iPod when Microsoft came out with one.

They constantly take hacks at Apple Fanboys and the Genius bar. I believe Leonard went to Howard's house wearing a blue Apple shirt and Howard figured out he had been using it to act like an Apple Genius to hit on girls. They constantly snicker and make jokes at Apple "Geniuses".

Sheldon says in one episode that Ubuntu is his favorite Linux distro.

Very funny when you sit back and watch what they like and don't like from episode to episode. Could be interpreted as regular old joes using Windows 7 or Vista in some, Apple fanboys using their iPhones/iPods/iPads in others, and uber tech geeks reformatting/re-partitioning and installing multiple OSes including Ubuntu.
So this is only going to pertain to anyone like myself who watching the tv show The Big Bang Theory, but has anyone here noticed that the four main characters...4 physicists who are all computer nerds and extremely tech savvy...use iPhones?
If so, does anyone think that is ridiculous?
Just thought I'd post.

I think its unrealistic that all 4 have iphones, but in the IT world (certainly places I have worked) it has been surprisingly iphone heavy amongst the systems, networks engineers, operations engineers etc.

I think 2 iphones, 1 blackberry and 1 android would be more realistic.
My own personal experience is that tech types don't really have a bias one way or another. I work directly with over a dozen other Engineers of various fields, CS, CE, ME, EE, and a couple combinations (CS myself).

8 of them use an iPhone (most of them also use Macs for personal use).
5 of us (including me of course) use an Android based phone.
Several others don't use any sort of smartphone at all, mostly the MEs and one EE, but also one CS, go figure.

If anything the data indicates a bias more towards the iPhone, but the sampleset is really too small to draw any real conclusion other than there certainly doesn't appear to be any trend towards Android based devices.
My own personal experience is that tech types don't really have a bias one way or another. I work directly with over a dozen other Engineers of various fields, CS, CE, ME, EE, and a couple combinations (CS myself).

8 of them use an iPhone (most of them also use Macs for personal use).
5 of us (including me of course) use an Android based phone.
Several others don't use any sort of smartphone at all, mostly the MEs and one EE, but also one CS, go figure.

If anything the data indicates a bias more towards the iPhone, but the sampleset is really too small to draw any real conclusion other than there certainly doesn't appear to be any trend towards Android based devices.

I agree.

Many of the people I know are IT guys and they have no bias against any particular brand.

And I don't know about the US but in Japan, if you have an iPhone you tend to use Softbank as your carrier, and Softbank allows Their users to speak for free to other Softbank users.
Hence, more people choose iphone as a result of the combination of the carrier and phone.
(though things are changing now that another carrier has iPhones )

Of c ourselves that has nothing to do with the big bang theory, and of course this is more due to endorsements and marketing, but think it is still possible for geeks like them to choose iPhone over android.
I think you do not notice that beside of the Sheldon's computer there is an Android Robot.
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