Want more evidence Sheldon isn't a genius or a nerd? He has been seen in many episodes using Internet Explorer. No genius or nerd would ever use IE.
So true.
I hate IE users. i make websites, they fall apart on IE.
Comobination of IE and Vista are the WORST for me.
Sheldon does have the Android robot on his desk and uses an Alienware laptop. Penny did have an Inspiron laptop and Leonard made a point of asking Sheldon one time if he "wanted to go down to the Apple store and make fun of the people working the genius bar"!
I loved that scene!
I do think that although the show is endorsed by Apple, because of who the characters are, they often make fun of Apple too.
Must be a dilemma for the writers.
Way off topic but I did enjoy seeing G1s in the hands of the main actors of "Dinner with schmucks"
That movie was actually funny.
No one I know saw it, and I dont think it was even released in japan (I live there).