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Is anyone else....


Android Enthusiast
Rabid about keeping your X's screen clean? I can't stand to see smudges or anything else on mine, and even have a special lint-free rag I use along with some monitor cleaner that I spritz on it. I have a Zagg IS on it, so no fingerprints for the most part, but still get greasy smudges - mostly from playing with it while I'm eating. And I HATE that! I'm not usually OCD in any way, but I swear I'm developing it over my phone screen!

Is there a support group for clean screen freaks?
I can't tell you how many people i see lick their fingers, lick their screen, or spit on their phone to clean it! So the big question is, who has done this to their poor Droid X?
Jesus age Christ that's disgusting! Do you know how much bacteria and dead skin cells there on that phone screen?! I think I just threw up in my mouth a little....
Jesus age Christ that's disgusting! Do you know how much bacteria and dead skin cells there on that phone screen?! I think I just threw up in my mouth a little....

I think you better think more about saying jesus @##$5 then throwing up.
you you kidding?! do you know where this mouth has been?! i like my phone too much for that. :P

i have a big box of lens cleaning wipes. the wet wipes for electronics you can get at office depot work great too. and i keep the little cleaning cloth that came with my screen protectors in my back pocket to wipe it off whenever it needs it.
Jesus age Christ

:confused: Age? I think you meant Jesus H. Christ. Anyways, no, I don't spit on my phone to clean it. Usually, just breathing on it makes enough moisture. Occasionally, I'll lick a finger and wipe it on the phone if there's something stubborn on it, but that's pretty rare.
my best friends.
Okay, how weird is it that two threads about cleaning screens showed up at almost the exact same time?
Jesus age Christ that's disgusting! Do you know how much bacteria and dead skin cells there on that phone screen?! I think I just threw up in my mouth a little....

You are blissfully ignorant of the filthy world we live in I see. The universe is not only chaotic, but filthy.

I can't tell you how many people i see lick their fingers, lick their screen, or spit on their phone to clean it! So the big question is, who has done this to their poor Droid X?

That is completely disgusting. I use a eyeglass cleaning cloth to wipe the greasy prints off of my screen.
Hey, I started a thread about this exact same subject (cleaning your screens), not ten minutes before this one got started. How bizarro world is that?
I just breathe hot air on it and wipe it with a cloth. Nothing difficult.

Added: Merged threads because of similarity of topic.
I bought the Anti-Fingerprint screen protectors. No, I don't care for the fact that they reduce the clarity and vibrant output of the screen to some extent (it's a "softer" look, not as sharp). But I dislike fingerprints that badly. Even the AF screen protectors need to be cleaned a little, but not *nearly* as much. You might want to consider one of those if you can live with a small trade-off in how the screen looks.
I have a screen protector... But, what I do is wipe down the screen and the phone itself with an alcohol wipe every few days. I pull off my Amzer case and wash it (the case, not the phone) in hot soapy water.
i would really appreciate it if you made your title something that gave me an idea of what was inside, so next time i dont waste my time opening a thread im not interested in
i would really appreciate it if you made your title something that gave me an idea of what was inside, so next time i dont waste my time opening a thread im not interested in

Well Sunshine, I'll be sure and do that next time, just for you. Never mind that I already mentioned that I wish I could re-title it. :rolleyes:
i would really appreciate it if you made your title something that gave me an idea of what was inside, so next time i dont waste my time opening a thread im not interested in

Agreed. However, you can hover over the name of the thread to get a quick preview of the first post. Save yourself all that wasted time loading the page.

I usually find some pond water or a puddle (if I'm in a pinch I'll swab out the urinal in a porta john) and splash that on my screen. Then I rub it on my son's head.

Yeah, I'm compulsive about keeping the screen clean but I've found the huff of hot air followed by a clean section of a cotton shirt, chinos or jeans works great.
I recently had to reset a user's email on their phone, and the very first thing I did was clean the screen. I swear, I don't know how they saw anything on it, it was so grimy! It was totally unprotected though, and I'm guessing that had something to do with how dirty it got.
Levis are my preferred DX cleaning cloth. Just wipe the screen on my jeans. Works great, no scratches and no spit or screen protector required.
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