I see the argument that android is a totally open platform where everyone can develop anything
You know, what's really sad is that I think the guys who hacked ripped copies of Windows Mobile 6 to run on older Windows Mobile 5 devices actually had an easier time than the guys trying to get the camera to work under Android 1.6, let alone 2.x, on the staggeringly huge crop of 1.5 phones that hit the market in October, November, and December... months after 1.6 was already yesterday's news. At this rate, it looks like HTC won't be releasing the sourcecode to 1.5 for the CDMA Hero until after 2.x is officially released, and 1.5 is nearly moot.
It's absolutely tragic, but right now, for people who own most 1.5 HTC Android phones, Android is no more free (as in liberty OR beer) than Windows Mobile. You can't get either OS without buying an expensive phone tied to an even more expensive ETF, and once you have a WM phone, as a practical matter you can download and bake your own ROMs until you're bored of it. Both allow unlimited freedom to develop and run apps, including native code. Android is theoretically free, Windows Mobile is de-facto free.
Case in point: Cyanogen got smacked by Google for being politically incorrect, despite being one of the best selling points for Android they have. Name one single site that's *ever* gotten a takedown notice from Microsoft over Windows Mobile ROM images. I'm sure that will change if they decide to sell WM7 as a boxed retail product to owners of older phones, but for now it does kind of make Google's boasts about Android's openness ring kind of hollow.
IMHO, it's a sad day when Android accidentally manages to make the most dysfunctional phone OS on planet Earth look
good by comparison. No, I don't mean out of the box. I'm talking about a fully tricked-out and tweaked WM phone vs a comparably tricked-out and tweaked Android phone shackled to Cupcake (at least, if you want the camera to work). The WM phone won't blow the Android phone away, but it won't BE blown away in any meaningful sense of the word BY the Android phone, either. And that's just wrong. It wasn't supposed to
be this way.
Google needs to push on HTC like there's no tomorrow and pressure them to get every last 1.5 phone sold to date upgraded to 2.x
yesterday. Every day a sizeable plurality of 1.5 users remains is a day that ultimately makes Google look bad, Microsoft look a tiny, tiny bit less bad, and Apple look (cough) good (cough, cough, cough). It's good that they've realized that they need to take a more active role in Android's future vis-a-vis the Nexus One, but they need to go a step further and send out the lifeboats to everyone currently marooned at 1.5, suffering limitations and bugs that ceased to be an issue with 1.6
months ago.