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Help Is there an app that will do this? A calls only notification mode


My wife and I are both coming from BBs and there's one feature we need but haven't been able to figure out yet. These are our only phones and they stay on the night stand while we sleep. With the BB there were sound profiles you could easily select and the most useful one was "calls only". You select that and all of your notifications go silent except for incoming calls which would ring. This was perfect for switching on right before bed.

This is more of an issue for my wife because she's usually on call 24/7 so it's important to wake up or hear incoming calls overnight so vibrate mode isn't going to cut it. But at the same time, she has various notifications for email and messages and all of that so it's incredibly tedious to have to manually tweak all of those each night before bed and then turn them back on.

So, at the very least is there an app or a way to easily switch the phone into a phone call notification only mode? A full blown sound profile app would be great too, but just being able to easily turn all notifications silent but the ringer with a few taps on the screen would be huge.
Silent Time does "something" like this. You set a time period for the phone to go silent and then add exception contacts so their calls come through. Would that work?
If you can live with texts too put the mobile network widget on a home screen and just toggle off@ night. This kills data but voice and TXT work.
Timeriffic will do this. Available free in the Market

Let's you preset profiles, based on day of the week, and time.

I have mine set to silence alarms/email notifications at 11 pm, allow phone to ring.

At 7 am, it restores my alarms/notifications.
If you can live with texts too put the mobile network widget on a home screen and just toggle off@ night. This kills data but voice and TXT work.

You know, that's not a bad idea. I don't think text messages will be an issue from about midnight to 6am so that could solve the problem for now.

Timeriffic will do this. Available free in the Market

Let's you preset profiles, based on day of the week, and time.

I have mine set to silence alarms/email notifications at 11 pm, allow phone to ring.

At 7 am, it restores my alarms/notifications.

Excellent, I'll check that out!
Or you could use the power widget (android) - and just toggle off sync at night...then turn back on when you wake up - that way you receive calls only while it's off - works great
Thanks everyone! I am just joining the droid world and can identify with other BB users about the different modes. After downloading Simple Sound Profiles and Timeriffic, I think I will probably use a combo of the two. Will have to see how that plays out. Have been thinking about how if I happen to be up late one night I'll have to remember to disengage my sleep timeriffic profile that will only allow calls to come through. Also, I think Simple Sound Profiles is a good initial fix for switching quickly between different sound modes without too much figuring.
I've had Timeriffic since the launch, and it definitely does everything you're looking for. Once you can figure it all out....it takes a little trial and error.
Get "Tasker" $6 on the market. It is a very powerful app that does tons of stuff. I use it to setup 3 profile widgets (bedtime, work, normal) so if I want to quickly change to those profiles I can plus I have conditions set up so that during certain days and times of the week, my work profile automatically activates.

For bedtime, I have conditions setup so that when I plug my phone in next to my bed, it automatically unlocks my screen and switches my sound profile to Bedtime. My bedtime profile had most my sounds shut off, with the exception of calls and alarms. I have seen some people that use Tasker to shut all sounds off, but trigger the ringer if a particular phone number calls.
Timeriffic will do this. Available free in the Market

Let's you preset profiles, based on day of the week, and time.

I have mine set to silence alarms/email notifications at 11 pm, allow phone to ring.

At 7 am, it restores my alarms/notifications.


I love Timeriffic.
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