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Help Is there anyway to save your apps to sd card before a factory reset then use your sd card + choice a


Jun 12, 2013
I thought i knew enough to be safe (info wise), when it came to digital storaging, but recently had caught a virus on my connect and was told to bring in the phone, worrying just a little, i moved all my apps to sd (that it allowed) using the only tool app i could find.....super tool box 10+ , i always suspected that it were a lil outdated but i couldnt quite put my finger on it, till two days ago when i reset my phone, i got home, inserted the sd, and had everything i had before, except all my game and tool apps, any apps period! The storage reads something is on the sd, but phone doesnt wanna read it. Is there/will there ever be an app that could allow me to at least dump those apps of my sd, and if so, whats wrong with useing them? What would it be called and where can i find it??:(
Hmm,.......the more researching i do, the more rooting seems to be the only answer,...a lil afraid to do that just yet, but if it looks good enough, will definitely keep that option open. However, in the meantime, i have found a better app 2 sd app. But it still falls short of what i need,....the problem is i dont have anothet device that uses micro sd from where to play god with the sim, i know i had 14.45 gb of free mem space before i started saving my apps to sd, when i finished, my phone said my sd had 14.00gb free bit my app 2 sd said i had 14.14gb free, so i still have that readout now, but now both my phone and app drivers tru to tell me it has 14.14 gb free space but there are absolutely no apps on it! and the reason it worry me is metro said, if apps go soir like that and you do mothong, more and more things can go wrong until yur phone actually dies! Im pretty sure if i got it to a computer, it would show 14.14 gb but also photos, and some kind of apk files resembling apps, and all i want to do is erase those darn apps and save the rest and move on. Any idea how to do this feat on my phone, short of buying a special devices computer?
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Thank you, guy "metro prime" above there, for that piece of information.....i didnt know that, that makes way more sense of app moving/saving tech, to me. I think ive decided to root, but i dont wanna ruin the phone,....if you know, when is a good time to root, and what do i start with...? The phone is abt. 6 weeks old....
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