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Help Issues With Storage and won't Update.


Jul 21, 2010
I was trying to download The Walk app and I keep getting an insufficient space message. Meanwhile I just deleted the majority of my apps including those that store user data so there should be about 1 Gb of space + for the app. Apparently it's being a pain and deciding not to cooperate :S


Also wondering if I can update my phone system to a newer Android version since that helped last time I had the error (last year).

I'm computer literate but sometimes smartphones are finicky.

If you really, really, really want to download that space consuming app?!
Than you better create a second partition on your external sd card to increase the internal storage space... (link2sd) or any similar app can do the job.
But the downside is that you will likely find new problems with your phone after, such as slower response from the hardware of the little ace 2... not a happy ending.

I don't think you will be getting anymore operating system updates from Samsung anymore, as this device in question is a under performer and is a legacy device now.

You can update your device to a new operating system with a custom rom, just look for it in XDA forums, where there is plenty of roms to choose for.

But maybe the best advice I can give you is, Buy a newer phone!

Good luck to you.
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