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It's out! It's out! No more rumors!

Nope, the A7 is an absolute CPU beast and per Anandtech, due to the 64bit architecture. It helps the CPU, but not the GPU. A good example is MAME 139. Per the devs the IOS and Android versions are compiled virtually the same, but Dead or Alive +, Soul Calibur and other 3D games are literally arcade smooth on the Air, but herky jerky messes on the current Octa chips and the 805. I always use MAME as the litmus for CPU power, since MAME is all CPU for game emulation.

The A7 backs up the benchmarks with CPU performance. The previous iPad 3 had the A6 and MAME was slow like the Octa and Qualcomm chips.

The higher CPU speed and extra cores should benefit emulation more than 64 bit support, that's app issue and not a good example.
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Yep, and can depend on if paying full price or not. If already own an N3, I do not see $800 worth of improvement in the N4.

If upgrading and paying $300, perhaps... The key is if you like all the new bloat bling and display enough to jump. Battery life and performance will be the same.

I find a lot of the stuff on Sammy devices superfluous and deactivate the stuff as soon as I get the device. Multi window, smart stay, NFC, air view, etc. OFF. I know folks like some of the stuff, but see it all as resource hogging fluff.

I do not even see $300 worth of new phone here due to the battery life and performance being the same. Again, I am more than fine with a 27" 1080p LED computer monitor. The main difference on the N4 is the display to me.


I need to pay full price, so I do not even see $800 worth of device compared to my S4. Now, if the CPU was a lot faster for emulators and the battery life was better- Perhaps. The reality is the 805 has the same basic 28nm silicon as the S600 and the CPU is not much faster. This chip family hit the CPU performance ceiling a year ago. The gains have been GPU and they do nothing for emulators. The S4 plays all new Gameloft and other 3D games smoothly.

Would like a bigger display though, but not for $800 smackers. N3 for $500 seems the better buy.

I'm eligible for upgrade and nothing really compels me to swap for the Note 4, especially because I just got a warranty replacement recently.

That said, if the edge or 4 come in 64gb offering, I would consider it, but wouldn't be definite.
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The higher CPU speed and extra cores should benefit emulation more than 64 bit support, that's app issue and not a good example.
The A7 CPU benches and performs better with a lower clock and dual core, so nixes that convention ;) It is due both to the 64bit architecture and the core design. Anandtech did an analysis showing this

As far as MAME, it is the perfect practical app to test actual cpu power and both versions are compiled similarly, so respectfully disagree on both counts.
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Sorry if old but I've really liked this video. Gave me hope about the build quality.
Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Impressions!: Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Impressions! - YouTube

Thanks for posting the link. That video has swayed me far more towards upgrading than anything else I have seen or read about the N4 thus far. Really looked like a bigger upgrade (to my eyes) than I expected. I actually like the floating/resize app thing, it might be worth keeping that function, although I always use Nova launcher so I'd probably lose that function with Nova. I am very interested to hear how the speaker sounds also. The N3 has a weakfish speaker. So again thanks for posting, it was the best info I have seen on the N4 to date.
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No thanks needed but appreciated. I too feel better about a potential upgrade. As I wrote on another thread, I'm sort of strong armed into giving my wife my N3 which I love, but this video makes me feel like I'm getting a premium version of the 3 with some nice added software increases. Plus, I'm hoping that when lollipop or whatever it's called, will get to the 4 quickly since it's Samsung's premier phone.
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Nothing the Note 4 has over the Note 3 is worth $300 more. If you can get the 3 for $300 less, it's a steal. We all know the new UX and a bunch of other features will be back ported to the Note 3. The New S Note, etc.

You're basically paying $300 for a better camera, and whether you think it's worth that much is up to you. The hardware upgrades are noteworthy, but not worth that price unless you plan to use some of the accessories specifically designed for the Note 4 (like the VR headset).

1080p is still fine. Some may think the screen is worth it. I'm pretty meh on the spec wars these days, so I'm a lot less willing to pay for hardware upgrades that don't offer much more from a usability perspective. The new Digitizer features are not of use to me. I'm not an artist, though the PC mouse-like functionality (which is totally viable on a Note 3, so it's best to wait a while if that's what most interests you) is kind of nifty.

I can almost guarantee the new Multi-Window features will come to the Note 3. Samsung will *still* want to sell those even after the Note 3 launches, just as it does with the Galaxy S series and their predecessors.

May be true, but also a subjective opinion. For me, having to already pay for 4 smartphone lines (plus 18gb of data a month), I am already paying a big monthly bill, so I get to have an upgrade every year. as the bill payer (I take the upgrade on the line that has it and switch it over to my line). $300 is less than my monthly bill w Verizon so if I feel like the N4 is worth it I am upgrading and letting one of my other lines use one of my retired phones on it. That video actually has me pretty much convinced that the N4 is likely to be my phone in a couple of months. Like the N3 was to the N2 - not a huge upgrade, but enough upgrade to be worth it. For me at least.
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No thanks needed but appreciated. I too feel better about a potential upgrade. As I wrote on another thread, I'm sort of strong armed into giving my wife my N3 which I love, but this video makes me feel like I'm getting a premium version of the 3 with some nice added software increases. Plus, I'm hoping that when lollipop or whatever it's called, will get to the 4 quickly since it's Samsung's premier phone.
No updates come quickly to Verizon phones. Look how long it took to get kitkat on the note 3...this is one of my biggest reasons for passing on the 4, as android L will be released in the near future and the Verizon note 4 will be suck on kitkat for God knows how long. I'm thinking of holding out for the lg g pro 3. This is the only flagship large screened phone that fits the timeframe if being released with android L and the snapdragon 810 chipset since the g pro 2 was released in April
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No updates come quickly to Verizon phones. Look how long it took to get kitkat on the note 3...this is one of my biggest reasons for passing on the 4, as android L will be released in the near future and the Verizon note 4 will be suck on kitkat for God knows how long. I'm thinking of holding out for the lg g pro 3. This is the only flagship large screened phone that fits the timeframe if being released with android L and the snapdragon 810 chipset since the g pro 2 was released in April

Will it have a stylus?
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May be true, but also a subjective opinion. For me, having to already pay for 4 smartphone lines (plus 18gb of data a month), I am already paying a big monthly bill, so I get to have an upgrade every year. as the bill payer (I take the upgrade on the line that has it and switch it over to my line). $300 is less than my monthly bill w Verizon so if I feel like the N4 is worth it I am upgrading and letting one of my other lines use one of my retired phones on it. That video actually has me pretty much convinced that the N4 is likely to be my phone in a couple of months. Like the N3 was to the N2 - not a huge upgrade, but enough upgrade to be worth it. For me at least.

Unlimited data makes me biased :)

Full price, so I would rather stay with a good device like the S4, or get a N3 since have to pay full price. The unlimited is more important to me than new phones every year :) S4 is still fine and even better with the Note 3 :)

Still, if the G3 had a good 1080p display I would have one of them already. It IMO got everything right but the weak contrast, power hog of display.

Great for their sales though!
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I'm probably going to buy a Note 4 but I really would like to see Samsung drop the stupid physical home button at some point.

Whuuu? That is what makes the Sammy devices the bestest :) No lame a$$ nav bar taking space up. Losing 10% of display space on a small display IMO is whack. I do not even like it on a tablet and is why I have a Note 2014 :)

Display nav bars are worse than all Michael Bay movies combined. Well, Bad Boys and the first Transformers were good. Take those out. :)
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I think there was confusion...
I was asking for a link to the LG Pro 3 that was being talked about when I asked if it would have a stylus like the Notes do. The link given to me is to the Note's release. Sorry if I wasn't clear.

That makes more sense ;)

LG is releasing a bigger phone with stylus function, but I think it is a lower res (720p), lower spec device.
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That makes more sense ;)

LG is releasing a bigger phone with stylus function, but I think it is a lower res (720p), lower spec device.

Can't help but think I'm just going to go for the 4. I believe the process will be that I have to buy out the remaining balance of my 3 (i'm on the EDGE program) so I can actually keep the 3 (for my wife) and then EDGE UP for the 4. Can anyone confirm or deny that? Thanks.
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The Note 4 will likely be fantastic. Same battery life and performance, but an even BETTER display than the Note 3. Considering the Note 3 display IMO is already great, that is good thing.

This is the one place where LG is a distant second for display efficiency and quality for Qhd. I still do not see what people like with the G3 display due to the contrast, heat, performance and battery life hit.

Seems a spec placebo to me. What good is a little more detail on a 5.5" display with all the compromises noted above?

Ignorance is truly bliss. No offense to G3 owners, since there are now a LOT of them :) ;)
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The A7 CPU benches and performs better with a lower clock and dual core, so nixes that convention ;) It is due both to the 64bit architecture and the core design. Anandtech did an analysis showing this

As far as MAME, it is the perfect practical app to test actual cpu power and both versions are compiled similarly, so respectfully disagree on both counts.

I'm not interested in benchmarks and I don't trust your experience from MAME, users can be very selective with what they link too, like this for example.

3DMark Physic Scores (CPU Performance) Higher is better.

Note 3 - 16597
iPhone 5S - 8098 (64bit)

Wonder what happened there..
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I'm not interested in benchmarks and I don't trust your experience from MAME, users can be very selective with what they link too, like this for example.

3DMark Physic Scores (CPU Performance) Higher is better.

Note 3 - 16597
iPhone 5S - 8098 (64bit)

Wonder what happened there..
Not sure but you are wrong. Let us agree to disagree.
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