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It's out! It's out! No more rumors!

The note 4 would really have to impress me to upgrade from the n3, as in it would have to have some groundbreaking feature that hasn't been leaked up until this point. I briefly considered the g3, but the 801 with that screen is a no go for me...having seen the g3 in person, the note 3 screen blows it away.
If I buy the note 4, I know I'm going to regret it the minute the 810 processors start showing up in phones...also android L will become available sometime around the same time that the n4 finally gets released on Verizon and I would rather not go through the whole waiting game for the update only to have it screw the radios like kitkat did on the n3. Probably a pass for me!
Well I'm finding no quality issues with opo. Note 3 come on the design is awful. Cheap chromed plastic, no quality feel at all.
Well I'm finding no quality issues on the Note 3. The design is fine. The phone handles well, is very light, looks nice, and doesn't slip out of my hand. What definition of quality are you using, the subjective one or the objective one?

Quality feel is in the hand of the beholder. My thing, hard spigen case feels very high quality on my phone, and I'm sure the other 75% of smartphone owners who buy a case with the phone would agree.

Note 3 owners will also enjoy the 2+ years of support Samsung gives their phone. Not sure if Oppo owners will enjoy the same thing. They don't have enough track record but what I've heard so far of them hasn't been all that great. The Oppo Find 5 won't even go beyond 4.1.2 while the GS3 is going all the way to 4.4.2 here...

The device I respect is one of the best out there, but opo being over half the price lower , better design /style (which I know is subjective) and performance on par, Samsung really have to try harder in future.
For years they've been criticised for design and bloat but each release seems to get worse in that respect.
Bloat is severely overstated - especially in the Note 3 which shipped over half of Samsung's Preloads as Links (not actual installed apps) and omitted some that were there in the past (like ChatOn on some devices). Carrier bloat is not worth discussing as they'd add it to any phone on their network that they have the power to, and it depends on the carrier. There isn't much bloat on the Note 3. We've already had this discussion in other threads.

Design is incredibly subjective and really so much so that it is barely worth discussing. Performance of the Note 3 is great. Someone would have to lie to say this phone lags, stutters, or otherwise performs poorly. It just doesn't, unless they did something to make that happen (which can happen on any device, even an iPhone). The Note 3 was noted for its swift performance in practically every review when it was released. 4.4.2 didn't change that - at least not on my device. It's noticeably faster than an S4.

All I'm saying is if opo can make a device as good and looks better for half the price, Samsung are up shit Street and this is being reflected in their share price!
Yes I know it has the s pen, sd card and removable battery, but I've twice the memory...
If Sammy release the n4 around
The part that keeps iOS users on iOS isn't the Hardware, or the design. It's the services and user experience.

And that's something that lies on Google's table. Samsung doesn't develop the Gmail, Calendar, Google Drive/Docs/Sheets/Slides, Photos, Hangouts, etc. apps for Google; nor do they run the services.

Would be nice if Hangouts was on feature parity with iMessage in iOS 7 - like, if I could send a Video or PDF to another Hangout user... It's 2014 and this thing limits you to Location and Emoji (Pictures only if you subscribe to Google+, hopefully they don't send sideways!).

Or if Drive worked more like iCloud Drive, especially in regards to Photos/Videos (and shared streams).

Or we could "Send via Drive" large attachments from the Gmail App (you can send from drive, but you cannot send a 50MB file through the Gmail app and just have it send via Drive).

Or if their Calendar app had gotten a decent update in the past year or so.

Or if the platform had SSO Support and integration for market-leading social services, so that you could post a video to Facebook without having the app installed (barring using a web site).

In order to get these conveniences, we must rely on the OEM to bake them in, or a third party to deliver them (which is not as great the OEM option).

Or you can switch platforms (or don't bother switching from iOS to Android if you were thinking about it).

Apple does as well as it does, because they have the best customers: The ones that know what they want, aren't willing to sacrifice in quality of user experience, are loyal, and spend [lots of] money. Because their services are good and have platform lock-in potential, it turns all of their users into fierce advocates of the platform. Android users aren't like that. I just had a discussion where someone was asking me if I was willing to use WhatsApp or Skype or Kik or Viber or Facebook Messenger, etc. Doesn't happen on iOS. "Just get an iPhone, and it'll just work." for that stuff.

Generally speaking.
Note 3 owners will also enjoy the 2+ years of support Samsung gives their phone. Not sure if Oppo owners will enjoy the same thing. They don't have enough track record but what I've heard so far of them hasn't been all that great. The Oppo Find 5 won't even go beyond 4.1.2 while the GS3 is going all the way to 4.4.2 here...

I can say from personal experience that Oppo owners get good support in China. Internationally they suck. The Chinese N1 is getting ColorOS 2.0, elsewhere it seems to have been abandoned after less than a year, no more upgrades, unless you want to do custom ROMs. But then things like CyanogenMod and Nameless are far better than Oppo's lobotomised travesty of Android.

Build quality Oppo phones are top notch, things like titanium alloy chassis, good fit and finish, same with Lenovos. I always thought some Samsung phones to be a bit creeky and flexible, toy like, even the S4. In fact a friend of my has a Samsung, and much of the chrome metallised escutcheon has worn off of it, exposing the plastic underneath. It would be the same with my Galaxy Win, but I kept that in a rubber case so the metallisation hasn't worn out at all, and still looks quite presentable.
The Note 3 has an awful design? All because of the chrome? Battlestar Galactica anyone?? Chrome is cool! ;) :)

The Note 3 design is efficient. I actually like the design since big display, no nav bar (hate em) taking space up and has some bezel for the hands to grip. 3.0 USB is a nice touch too, but MTP file transfer kind of negates a lot of the value of that.

I have actually read more concerns with the Oppo build and display quality a lot more than the Note 3. Factor in the sd slot and the Note 3 makes the Oppo seem like a leetle gurleee phone ;) No offense to girls :) Yes, I am biased due to no sd slot.

On a Note 4 note.... The Note 4 better WOW people and better release soon using that momentum. Samsung truly has a small window to make it's mark, thanks to the looming iPhones. Enterprises alone are going to scarf the new iPhones up in droves. They will sell HUGE and there will be a big market of cheap used 5s devices.

Samsung screwed up trying to battle this with the devices they have now. Should have pushed the S5 Qhd with 32GB as another soldier in the battle. This could get nasty. LG watches and laughs (at Samsung and those whining about their power hogging display G3). Well played LG. The G3 is an albatross (due to display) to me, but not to the masses!

Added: Another thing ironically battling the Note 4 is the Note 3. For a lot of folks, the Note 4 would have to be REALLY amazing to update from the Note 3. The same thing happened to the S5, since a lot are still happy with the S4. Not having a 32GB option did not help either- that killed the S5 for me.
The Note 3 design is efficient. I actually like the design since big display, no nav bar (hate em) taking space up and has some bezel for the hands to grip. 3.0 USB is a nice touch too, but MTP file transfer kind of negates a lot of the value of that.

Something I did observe with the Note 3 screen in a phone store in Hong Kong a couple of months ago. It wasn't quality, it was noticeable screen-burn on the display models, where they'd been left showing the home screen and left on all day long, could definitely see the shadows of the icons and status bar burned-in, just like what happens sometimes with plasma TVs. This is something that can happen with AMOLED screens though, happened with my original Galaxy S, that started to go dull and a bit green after about 18 months.

I have actually read more concerns with the Oppo build and display quality a lot more than the Note 3. Factor in the sd slot and the Note 3 makes the Oppo seem like a leetle gurleee phone ;) No offense to girls :)

The Find 7 has SD as well, the Find 5 didn't and neither does the OnePlus One. Yellow staining on some, same with the OnePlus. It's the glue that's used to bond it all together, and it does eventually clear. iPhones had the same thing as well. I've actually talked to the local Oppo repair techs about the screens as well. Didn't notice it on mine though. Actually Oppo have had more problems with their software, it can be buggy and quirky as hell if not using the Chinese version(or maybe they're less fussy in China?), I just don't use it at all.
Note Edge with 64gb internal and micro sd has my attention, especially if it's coming to all the US providers. But, ultimately, I'll be waiting for the folding phone. It's not necessarily the curved screen that intrigues me. It's the 64gb internal!

Note 4 is taller, slightly less wide, and same thickness...so, that will be a pass for me. Nothing over the Note 3 that makes me jump for an upgrade.
Disappointing. I'll stick with my opo. Afraid Samsung have lost me. It's wider, longer and heavier. Compared to the oneplus one the n3 is a brick.
Oh well. It was good while it lasted.
October is too late, so a weak launch window.

Note 4 looks a good upgrade, but still not seeing anything compelling from the Note 3.

The Edge display seems like a gimmick and a crack magnet.

Added: Apple will get even better placement and share with this window.
October is too late, so a weak launch window.

Note 4 looks a good upgrade, but still not seeing anything compelling from the Note 3.

The Edge display seems like a gimmick and a crack magnet.

Added: Apple will get even better placement and share with this window.
Not really difficult, Apple only does one or two new phones a year, Samsung seems to do them every month, or even every couple of weeks sometimes.
Disappointing. I'll stick with my opo. Afraid Samsung have lost me. It's wider, longer and heavier. Compared to the oneplus one the n3 is a brick.
Oh well. It was good while it lasted.

I'm confused. The One Plus One is only .6mm shorter than the Note 4, but by comparison, the One Plus One is 1.7mm longer than the Note 3...but yet, the N3 is a brick?

Sorry, you lost me.
October is too late, so a weak launch window.

Note 4 looks a good upgrade, but still not seeing anything compelling from the Note 3.

The Edge display seems like a gimmick and a crack magnet.

Added: Apple will get even better placement and share with this window.

Note 4 looks like a marginal upgrade from the Note 3. Note Edge having 64gb internal with microSD makes it a worthy upgrade, for me. I don't even care about the edge portion, just the storage option.
Folks, the Edge is expected to be at least $1,000, so expect even a two year to be at least $450. It is wider than the N4, which is wider than the N3.

N4 is .6mm wider and 2.3mm taller than the N3. I think that is near correct.

Also willing to bet the edge display function is proprietary and perhaps a way for Samsung to force people to use their version of Cheese Wiz.

Added: A Trojan horse UI?! ;)
I was comparing the note 3 and 4 for size. The note 3 is thicker and heavier than the opo. The note 4 is heavier again.
The Note 4 being heavier AND bigger in all directions than the Note 3?? Very disappointing. I expected slightly smaller - why in the heck would it need to be bigger?? IF that much bigger than it should have a bigger battery than it does. I am worried the higher res display won't actually be an upgrade to the N3, which IMO has an awesome display. I guess I will have to see them side by side to really compare.

EDIT: I see the N4 is longer, very slightly narrower and the same thickness as the N3 plus a tad heavier?? If so, that is a fail IMHO. Still disappointed they left out ip67 rating. Also not understanding leaving off the USB 3.0 either.
I was comparing the note 3 and 4 for size. The note 3 is thicker and heavier than the opo. The note 4 is heavier again.

I see, but the opo still is bigger overall than the Note 3,so it really is a potato / patato comparison... Lol
USB 3.0 is negated some due to MTP transfer rather than true drive storage mode. They wanted the space back so that area looked smaller to help offset the fact the device is larger than the Note 3.

I am getting the Note 3 now. Will get a refurb from Verizon for $489, but might wait for the N4 to release. Maybe the N3 price will drop? Then again, that is at least a month away. At least.

I prefer getting used devices form Verizon due to the one year warranty for defects and much better support than an eBay purchase. The wishy washy days of Verizon supporting devices wherever you bought them are looooong gone.
Folks, the Edge is expected to be at least $1,000, so expect even a two year to be at least $450. It is wider than the N4, which is wider than the N3.

N4 is .6mm wider and 2.3mm taller than the N3. I think that is near correct.

Also willing to bet the edge display function is proprietary and perhaps a way for Samsung to force people to use their version of Cheese Wiz.

Added: A Trojan horse UI?! ;)

I will likely have to see in person to decide, but I will get whichever device offers 64gb internal with a micro sd slot. If neither, then I am waiting till 2015.

Here are the dimensions, which are very close, but disappointing that physical dimensions couldn't be shrunk overall.
5.96 x 3.24 x 0.33 inches (151.3 x 82.4 x 8.3 mm)

6.04 x 3.09 x 0.33 inches (153.5 x 78.6 x 8.5 mm)

5.95 x 3.12 x 0.33 inches (151.2 x 79.2 x 8.3 mm)
The biggest fail is that the software simply was not... an impressive step forward, IMO. There is very little in there that can't be easily back ported to the Note 3, and that should happen if they want those users to upgrade otherwise they risk giving people to idea that they will be left behind every time a new phone is launched.

The Note 3 camera is good enough for me, and that's really the biggest reason to upgrade to the Note 4 given what we heard in the launch announcement.

Some of the jokes they cracked on stage were genuinely funny, and the people in the audience were like zombies. How disappointing of them.
I will likely have to see in person to decide, but I will get whichever device offers 64gb internal with a micro sd slot. If neither, then I am waiting till 2015.

Here are the dimensions, which are very close, but disappointing that physical dimensions couldn't be shrunk overall.
5.96 x 3.24 x 0.33 inches (151.3 x 82.4 x 8.3 mm)

6.04 x 3.09 x 0.33 inches (153.5 x 78.6 x 8.5 mm)

5.95 x 3.12 x 0.33 inches (151.2 x 79.2 x 8.3 mm)
The Note 3 and 4 are practically the same size. Anyone complaining about the Note 4 being bigger need to seriously get over themselves. 2mm taller, < 1mm wider. 0.2mm thicker.

Seriously, this is one of the worst things to complain about if your goal is to be taken seriously.

This is actually a better upgrade than the LG G2 to G3, but it's still not good enough for the tech press especially since LG didn't negate a lot of the changes (by announcing them on an earlier phone) with a previous flagship launch (like Samsung did with the S5) when they did the G3. That made the G3 feel like a massive upgrade compared to this.

I'm almost at the point where I think Samsung should just release a Note Series and a Note Mini with a smaller screen to appease those who don't want a huge phone, and just get rid of the S Series.


"What is missing is a total experience on top of the device to really differentiate in the interchangeable Android device ecosystem," he said, referring to the closely coupled software and services Samsung needs to distinguish its devices from dozens of cheaper rivals.
Which is basically what I was saying up-thread.
I will likely have to see in person to decide, but I will get whichever device offers 64gb internal with a micro sd slot. If neither, then I am waiting till 2015.

Here are the dimensions, which are very close, but disappointing that physical dimensions couldn't be shrunk overall.
5.96 x 3.24 x 0.33 inches (151.3 x 82.4 x 8.3 mm)

6.04 x 3.09 x 0.33 inches (153.5 x 78.6 x 8.5 mm)

5.95 x 3.12 x 0.33 inches (151.2 x 79.2 x 8.3 mm)

Am I correct that the N4 is just a touch heavier too? If so that sort of bums me out. Unless the device is getting a bigger screen, you'd assume lighter is the way to go. For those in the know, is the weight negligible?
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