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Help I've tried everything. You're my last hope android forums. Apps won't install from market


Well-Known Member
I've googled around and tried everything i can think of to fix this. Long story short, i had a bug with my camera, so i did a factory reset to try and fix it. Well, it's fixed, but now that i tried to resetup my phone and download all my apps, it says "download unsuccessful" for every single app. What's going on? Why can't i download my own apps? This basically made my phone worthless. I've tried everything from a battery pull, another factory reset, clearing the cache from the android market app/uninstalling market updates to formatting my sd card and even taking it out. What can i do? What's left? Hellllp! I'm...sad and after everything i've done the past couple hours to fix it, starting to feel hopeless
I've googled around and tried everything i can think of to fix this. Long story short, i had a bug with my camera, so i did a factory reset to try and fix it. Well, it's fixed, but now that i tried to resetup my phone and download all my apps, it says "download unsuccessful" for every single app. What's going on? Why can't i download my own apps? This basically made my phone worthless. I've tried everything from a battery pull, another factory reset, clearing the cache from the android market app/uninstalling market updates to formatting my sd card and even taking it out. What can i do? What's left? Hellllp! I'm...sad and after everything i've done the past couple hours to fix it, starting to feel hopeless
Are you trying to do this during the lte thunderbolt downtime? Everyone is having data issues right now. Try wifi connection or do the fix that puts you on regular 3g. See if the market wont download the apps. Many people is on 1x or no data at all. I did the fix and got normal 3g working again. 3G fix for Thunderbolt - xda-developers
You can try this, but it may be the LTE Network being down like Jedi said.

menu>settings>applications>manager applications>click "all" tab

Find Market and clear cache. You can try clearing data, but you may have to do another reset as sometimes the market won't reload properly, but if you just reset and aren't fully setup clearing both wouldn't be a bad idea
I like that this thread is at 69 views ;-)

darkjedi: i've been connected to wifi while i'm doing all this. Think the 4g network being down thing would really matter? I had 3g for awhile today at around 4pm. It was trippy. I got excited and thought the network was fixed. Then it went down to 1xx. And now i'm not getting any data connection at all. If i don't use wifi, i can't do anything. Is this normal considering the 4g network outage or should i raise a stink with verizon about the fact that i get no connection at all?

wormdoes: That was one of the first things i did. A quick google search suggesting doing that and it didn't make any difference. I even tried "uninstalling market updates", which basically reset the market. Only thing different was i had to agree to the terms of the market, then it loaded the updated market and then i still couldn't download anything.

Can this be a phone issue or would this be an issue with my google account communicating with the market? Would i have any luck getting a replacement phone? I love android, but if this is a market issue against my google account and nomatter what phone i get will have this issue, there's no point in me being with android. I love android to death. If i can't download apps to make my experience better, there's no point. It's just a browser and a list of contacts
I had the same issue, and did what WormDoes suggested but with an extra step.

Clear the market cache, then find "download manager" (in settings>applications) and clear the data.
I tried your advice guys. I cleared the download manager and logged into gmail/google talk on the phone and still can't download anything from the market.

Then i tried going to the web based android market and clicking "download" on a previous app and it downloaded! So looks like i'll be able to retrieve some apps this way, but i still can't download anything from the market app on my phone. This is going to be a problem for finding apps and downloading updates to existing apps. I don't know how worried i should be about this. This could be a big deal. But i still wanna keep this phone so bad i'm trying to block out the bad. I'm not sure what to think right now
I had probably close to 80 apps. Now when i go to the market to at least look at the list of apps i had (cause i don't remember them all) only a few show up. Is there anyway i can find the apps i had before the factory reset? Sooo many aren't showing up
I tried your advice guys. I cleared the download manager and logged into gmail/google talk on the phone and still can't download anything from the market.

Then i tried going to the web based android market and clicking "download" on a previous app and it downloaded! So looks like i'll be able to retrieve some apps this way, but i still can't download anything from the market app on my phone. This is going to be a problem for finding apps and downloading updates to existing apps. I don't know how worried i should be about this. This could be a big deal. But i still wanna keep this phone so bad i'm trying to block out the bad. I'm not sure what to think right now

I had the same problem, its a gmail thing. Ultimately I made a new account but was mad since i hhad paid apps on my old gmail. I tried the factory reset then logged in and outout of gtalk and just like that all my apps started downloading

Message me if you have more problems i will fwd you the messages google support sent me
I had this same problem a few weeks ago and I was so frustrated. I finally got it to work again by clearing data in the download manager. I had tried everything including clearing the cache and data in the market but clearing data in the download manager finally worked. Home, menu, settings, applications, manage applications, find the download manager, and clear data. This should work!
Yeah, ultimately i got it worked out, but unfortunately not from the awesome advice you guys gave. Just to recap what all i did, in hopes someone else having this issue will see this:

As it started, i had an issue with my camera rebooting itself while i was trying to take pics. On a call with verizon tech support, they had me wipe my phone clean and start over. So badaboom. Clean. Whatever conflict the camera app had in the system was gone. Gone. Perfect.

After a few seconds of being booted up in my name, the market automatically started downloading old apps. Awesome. Google's taking care of itself. My fingers can go do something else. Double awesome. I go nuke a hot pocket and come back and there's about 30 notifcations in my notification bar saying "download unsucessful, try again". After trying to redownload and getting the same message again, i'm off to google.

Now the problem with google is they really don't have a customer support number. (as you heard about when the nexus one launched) Sure they have numbers, but it's so much redtape to talk to a living person that most people quit. I tried this: Google customer service phone numbers and support

Every number told me to go back online and seek self help. Ri-****ing-diculous. I troubleshot for a good 3 hours.

-cleared cache in market as well as uninstalling updates
-cleared other apps that might conflict (download manager too)
-removing battery and rebooting again
-wiping the phone again
-erasing what i thought might be corrupted files on sd card
-didn't work, so i erased everything on sd card
-logging into gtalk and gmail both online and on phone

Until finally i gave up. Emailed google support and told them what's up. Then went to the web based android market and found i could redownload some apps there. Apparently, if i do this shit remotely, it works. Why? Whyyyy?! Feeling like google is playing headgames with me, i download what apps i can remember remotely and call it a day.

I also noticed when i downloaded the apps, it gave me options what device to do it to. I had a bunch up there from my history. Droid eris, moto droid 2, droid x, thunderbolt. I suspect this could've created a conflict. Who knows

BUT, i wake up this morning and try downloading an app for old times' sake and wtf...it downloaded. I also received an email from google support (that was FAST) from someone recommending i do all the troubleshooting stuff i already did. Yeah. Big help. What i'm thinking though, is google had a market conflict and it couldn't deliver my shit to the right device, so it gave up. And maybe other confusing things. Or maybe the customer support person did something on their end to clear it up. I don't know. But i say for anyone that had this problem, the usual troubleshooting tips might not work. And in that case, harass the shit out of google to make it right.

And back up your apps or at least keep a list of what you got. When i went back to the market, only a couple apps i paid for showed up. My entire history of apps was gone. Funny. Google can remember what phones i've had, but not give me a detailed list of my apps. In my case anyway, the list was down to just a few. Lame. BACK EVERYTHING UP AND THEN BACK IT UP AGAIN
Use App brain to store a list of apps on your phone.

Best thing about it - it stores the apps regardless of which market you bought it from.
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