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Job idea... Picking up dog poop.


Android Expert
I was thinking about starting a part time job for myself and would like some input on this idea. I was thinking about making some flyers with the idea of picking up dog poo. I figure this would be a good way to make money because people will pay other people to do what they don't want to.

For the rates I was thinking like:
twice a week for $15?
3 times a week for $20?

Any input on this would be helpful. Lol
There was an episode of King of the Hill where Bobby got a job doing that lol.
There's a website that will ship dog doo to people anonymously. If your business gets off the ground (pun intended) then maybe you can be a supplier to that company.
I don't know what they charge but there is such a business in my area. I wouldn't pay for it but I bet a lot of people would. Your prices sound very reasonable...if I was going to pay I would pay that.
This whole thread made me :rofl: and it is an easy good paying job, for what it's worth for me being 17, and people buying dog poo :confused: why????
I'm going to start doing this in September when I get my license. Just trow up a couple of signs and grab a bucket and some bags, and the pooper scooper and trow it in the back of my truck and go pick up some poo. I read that you can make like 125k a year doing this.
There is a local business here providing the same service. Not only do they do the doo but they sell it to someone making fertilizer or something. It started out as a one man show and now it's a business with employees. I think you are on a lucrative path.
There is a local business here providing the same service. Not only do they do the doo but they sell it to someone making fertilizer or something. It started out as a one man show and now it's a business with employees. I think you are on a lucrative path.

One mans trash IS another mans treasure :rofl:
I have 3 dogs and I would DEFINITELY pay for someone to pick up the poop if i had $ to throw. worst part of my day, pick up dog poop at work, come home and do the same thing.
There is a local business here providing the same service. Not only do they do the doo but they sell it to someone making fertilizer or something. It started out as a one man show and now it's a business with employees. I think you are on a lucrative path.

lol, ok that one made me giggle....
I've actually been doing this in Tulsa, OK for over 4 years. I started in 2008 right out of college and am now able to comfortably live off my business as well as have employees. You can email me directly if you're interested in real world "been there, done that" advice (I had an established scooper in another state help me out when I first got started and I'd be more than happy to pay it forward).

2 Notes of advice:
1) it is NOT a way to make a quick buck - I worked other full-time jobs for 3 years while I grew my client base to a level that could sustain my income.
2) dogs always poop so you can run your service year-round, but getting NEW clientele is definitely seasonal - since most people don't go outside in the dead of summer or winter, spring and fall are when you'll have your best growth.

Hope that helps, and email me if you really would like more info!
Tulsa, OK
tulsa at poop911 dot com
Its a great idea! The business model has been around for quite some time now. I started in 1988 and helped found an organization of pooper scoopers called The Association of Professional Animal Waste Specialists, or aPaws. (apaws.org) FYI: You can purchase a how to manual that I wrote several years ago that will help with starting this type of business available on my website: How to start and run a dog waste removal business or Simply google scoopmasters.
Its an instant download and will help you on your way...if you're serious about this business. Good Luck!
Sounds like a shitty job to me.Come on someone had to say it:D
While I don't pay anyone to pick up my dog poop, I do pay someone to come walk him every day. It costs $17 per day for a 1/2 hour walk.

My wife and I both work, so we're out of the house for at least 9 hours every day, so we pay someone to come over and give him a little extra love. It's worth it for us, but I couldn't justify spending the same amount of money for all of 5 minutes walking around they yard with a poop bag. But there are definitely people that will pay for that service.

And you might want to consider offering walks as well.

Good luck on the biz!
Picking up dog poop as an occupation goes back along way-its practioners, historically, were called pure finders, mostkly old women, who sold their product to tanners who used it in the production of fine leathers. Nothing new under the sun.
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