Some of you on here, and I mean that with no disrespect, need to grasp what our Founders envisioned when creating the Constitution. There is a great FB post written by one of the Forgotten Men and the thread that ensue's is very enlightening and educational. If you really feel the US Constitution was to be superior to the State Constitutions (like it does now) was the intent of our Founders, I beg you to read this.
Here is a sample of that writing, "Under a proper rendering of the Bill of Rights, any State can regulate the heck out of guns and the Federal government has absolutely no say about it. We the People of that State do, but not the federal government. And when a crappy State, populated by a bunch of crappy people who don't care about the Inalienable Right to self defense, regulates the heck out of gun ownership, the very last thing the non-crappy people of that State should do is run to the federal courts for help. No, they should run to their State courts, their State legislature, run for office themselves to take back political power themselves in their State...or leave the crappy state. That's it!"
I'd love to get some feedback on this as I think this is something worthy of discussion. I was going to create another thread, but thought it might work here.