Extreme Android User
There doesn't have to be a charge though. We've all seen the idiot who walks into the rival's stadium wearing the rival's gear and proceeds to rowdily cheer for the rival team. None of this is illegal. Yet we've seen guys like that get their *** beat by the home town fans every once in a while. Especially if it's a heated rivalry. It's not illegal to call someone's mother a name. Or insult their favorite sports team. Or insinuate things about their sexual behavior. Yet all of these things start fights.
Let's assume for the sake of argument that Zimmerman's story is 100% true. According to his story, he shot Martin while they were fighting. Why were they fighting? Martin jumped him. Why did Martin jump him? Zimmerman was following him. That is the instigating incident right there. I know where you're coming from arguing that following someone isn't illegal, but the dispatcher specifically told him not to follow. His decision to follow anyway, instigated the entire incident.
Let's assume for the sake of argument that Zimmerman's story is 100% true. According to his story, he shot Martin while they were fighting. Why were they fighting? Martin jumped him. Why did Martin jump him? Zimmerman was following him. That is the instigating incident right there. I know where you're coming from arguing that following someone isn't illegal, but the dispatcher specifically told him not to follow. His decision to follow anyway, instigated the entire incident.