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K-9 Email

The send email function has not worked in K-9 with my godaddy IMAP accounts since July. I don't remember changing any settings. All I have done is download the latest update from the Market. Since then, I also am getting K-9 errors and I have to force close it at least once a day. This never happened before. I am using version 3.003. I seem to be receiving email ok. Can anyone please help with ability to send email from my Droid? I have the outgoing server set to SSL (if available) and Port 465. Thanks.
The send email function has not worked in K-9 with my godaddy IMAP accounts since July. I don't remember changing any settings
Did Godaddy change anything? Their online documentation doesn't seem to specify the incoming and outgoing IMAP servers but tells you to log into webmail and use the settings there.
I know what my server settings are - they are correct. I changed the SSL settings a few times, then took it back to the original setting. Then I noticed that the Require Sign-in Box was unchecked for some reason. I checked, input my user/PW info, and it seems to be working now. I do not know how it became unchecked - it must have been checked originally because I sent several messages up until August. But, fingers crossed, it seems to be working now. Thank you.

Is there an automatic way of turning K9 email notifications off at night:confused:

My wife is going to kill me if it keeps her awake again tonight:eek:

My phone was out of storage so anytime I wanted to install a new program, I had to uninstall an old one. I installed Diskusage to see what was causing it and K9 mail was taking 95MB. I deleted all messages from the trash and inbox folder and it was the same. I uninstalled it and reinstalled it and it is now normal. Any ideas why K9 mail was taking so much storage?
I turn polling on or off depending where I am and what I am doing. I find it tedious to keep drilling down via:

Menu/More/Account Settings/Folder Poll Check Frequency/never etc

Is there some way I can access this function with one move?

thanks in advance
This has been driving my nuts! I have 3 email accounts in my K-9 email. The gmail account has multiple folder options for "move" and also has the "archive" function. I have a private business pop3 account in their as well but this account doesn't have those options. I'm unable to find a way to add folders or activate these functions. I need to be able to SAVE certain emails in this account and can't figure out a way to do it. PLEASE HELP!

Unfortunately, if I can't figure this out I have to look for an alternative....AGAIN!

Thanks :)
I am a dumb a$$, I think. My earlier question was why K9 mail was taking 95MB of my phone storage because I had not deleted messages from the trash folder. I went to settings/account settings/storage ( You have to scroll down to see storage, duh) and change it to External storage SD Card). I had looked for that option but I never found it because I did not scroll down to see it. :mad:
The only problem I have with K9 is each time it checks my mail it marks all messages as new. Even the ones I got months earlier. Stock app does it as well. Gets kind of annoying at times. I'm using IMAP by the way.

I guess it's an issue with your IMAP-server.

I'm running K-9 as a client and Courier-IMAP as a server and it works flawlessly.
I just downloaded the K-9 e-mail app. How do I know if it's in use? I can't find the new icon...

I'm hoping this app works for me. I just left the BB world to the Droid X. I loved the BB because I got my e-mails right now. Is this app going to be quicker as far as receiving e-mails.

If I could get a little help on setting it up... that would be great.

Thanks in advance.
I just downloaded the K-9 e-mail app. How do I know if it's in use? I can't find the new icon...

I'm hoping this app works for me. I just left the BB world to the Droid X. I loved the BB because I got my e-mails right now. Is this app going to be quicker as far as receiving e-mails.

If I could get a little help on setting it up... that would be great.

Thanks in advance.

Check in your app drawer under K... icon is a reddish dog.
I'm having trouble locking in my settings. I have tried several times to change things like my signature, polling times etc and each time I make the change it reverts back to the original settings. Is there a way to lock in the changes?
I'm having trouble locking in my settings. I have tried several times to change things like my signature, polling times etc and each time I make the change it reverts back to the original settings. Is there a way to lock in the changes?
I actually like the standard non-gmail setup. I haven't used K-9 but I will say that I love the fact that I can long in to all of my yahoo accounts at the same time and get relatively fast updates on new emails.
I just started using K-9 after I was trying to send an email to myself using the stock email (POP account), mistyped my own email addy (rather I put in the first part figuring it would auto-complete...it didn't), and then couldn't view or edit the message...my only option was to delete it. Unacceptable.

I'm liking K-9 so far, though I don't entirely like having to use the menu key to bring up the reply/send buttons. Also it's not exactly new user-friendly...I had to look up how to get the notification light to work. Too many different layers of settings, which is great for customization, but again, not incredibly user-friendly. I'll probably be able to figure out everything I need to get it up and running, but I could see someone who isn't as much of a geek as I am running into problems.
doniago... K-9 is definitely not for the faint of heart. Once you figure it out, though, it's a really nice email client. I use it for POP and gMail and it works really well; I will admit to having to search for various options, even after having used it for over a year :)
(laughs) Well, I've used Pegasus, Eudora, Outlook, WinMo and PalmOS for email previously, so I think I'm up to the challenge. I probably could have found the light notification options on my own eventually, but doing a net-search was faster. :)

I'm liking it so far, though I don't think I'll ever be a fan of the two-click approach for replies (partly because I have a DX, so one of those clicks is a hard button), but I can live with it. And the stock email app really did tee me off with the inability to edit queued messages. WTF?
I don't seem to be able to find a menu which will allow me to compose a message. i can receive messages and reply to them however, there is no menu to click on to compose a new message.
I've tried the standard email and k-9 email.

Can anyone offer any suggestions?

I don't seem to be able to find a menu which will allow me to compose a message. i can receive messages and reply to them however, there is no menu to click on to compose a new message.
I've tried the standard email and k-9 email.

Can anyone offer any suggestions?


In K-9, when you're in screen that displays list of messages, press device Menu key (has lines on it) and Compose is one of the choices.
I do really wish they'd drop the color wheel and just allow you to select from pre-defined colors. I lost the notification light entirely after selecting a color that my DX apparently didn't care for, and it took me several tries to find a color the phone would cooperate with.
In K-9, when you're in screen that displays list of messages, press device Menu key (has lines on it) and Compose is one of the choices.

unbelievable... its always something easy isn't it.. I wasn't like 3 hours and didn't figure that out...
Thanks alot....
Does K-9 have an option to auto-delete messages after x days? I like that option in the stock email app but am not seeing it in K-9. I'm getting around it, sort of, by having K-9 sync to my email server but having the stock email program check email also so I have a short-term archive available on my phone.
Is there a way to "undelete" messages? I deleted all my mail by mistake (and I didn't know that the confirm deletion wasn't on by default), when I was going to mark all as read, and my thick thumb hit the bin-icon...
Can't find a way to move them back to the inbox.
And how do you excactly create new folders?

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