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Help Keyboard using xperia japanese keyboard settings, help!


Apr 24, 2012
Not sure how this has happend but my keyboard doesn't look the same today.
I had an iphone style that i downloaded from market place but uninstalled last night as i wanted to go back to stock keyboard.
When i go to settings though throught the keyboard text message settings it takes me to xperia japenese settings.
Although i can text in english its also got the transalte to japense option.

Also i dowloaded slide it and even if this is ticked to use this keyboard it still uses this japenese version. Confused.

Can anyone help me get back to normal as its driving me nuts.
Not sure how this has happend but my keyboard doesn't look the same today.
I had an iphone style that i downloaded from market place but uninstalled last night as i wanted to go back to stock keyboard.
When i go to settings though throught the keyboard text message settings it takes me to xperia japenese settings.
Although i can text in english its also got the transalte to japense option.

Also i dowloaded slide it and even if this is ticked to use this keyboard it still uses this japenese version. Confused.

Can anyone help me get back to normal as its driving me nuts.

Update: Did a sertings reset and this sorted the problem.
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