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Help Known incompatible apps after 2.3 update

Anybody else having problems with built in Voice Control app?

See if the "Adapt Voice" works: Click Voice Control. Click menu. Click settings. Click Adaption. Click Adapt Voice. Click Start.

What should happen next is a series of training phrases which you are supposed to repeat into the microphone to train the program to adapt to your voice. On mine, the program just closes before the adaption training ststarts. Without the training the recognition is very poor rendering the voice control useless.
I was having the same problem and I tried re-installing the Nuance app, it did not make any difference. Instead I installed Vlingo from the market. What a great free app and it works without any training. You should give it a try.
if this is true then make sure to complain bitterly to their customer support team. they may be unaware of the bug and may nto fix it unless it becomes a big problem.

however don't forget that 2.3 has a very good voice control app from google which is free, and vlingo is also quite exceptional and also free. neither vlingo nor the google voice search tool require any learning stage.

if this is true then make sure to complain bitterly to their customer support team. they may be unaware of the bug and may nto fix it unless it becomes a big problem.

however don't forget that 2.3 has a very good voice control app from google which is free, and vlingo is also quite exceptional and also free. neither vlingo nor the google voice search tool require any learning stage.


The google voice control said there was an update on Appbrain too which said it was not compatible once it went to the Market.
I was having the same problem and I tried re-installing the Nuance app, it did not make any difference. Instead I installed Vlingo from the market. What a great free app and it works without any training. You should give it a try.

How did you re-install Nuance? If you have the apk, can you send it to me by private message?

I will try Vlingo, but if it does not work with bluetooth with a one touch then it is really no better than voice dialing with Google Voice Search (which voice recognition is good, but does not work with one touch bluetooth, ie need to turn on phone, open voice search app, push speak, speak into phone before call goes to bluetooth, and to top it off there is no voice confirmation so you have to look at screen to see if the app is dialing the correct number).

Can anybody get Nuance to work properly under 2.3. I am about to put in a request for a replacement phone, but if this is a universal problem, a replacement phone will be a waste of time.
How did you re-install Nuance? If you have the apk, can you send it to me by private message?

I will try Vlingo, but if it does not work with bluetooth with a one touch then it is really no better than voice dialing with Google Voice Search (which voice recognition is good, but does not work with one touch bluetooth, ie need to turn on phone, open voice search app, push speak, speak into phone before call goes to bluetooth, and to top it off there is no voice confirmation so you have to look at screen to see if the app is dialing the correct number).

Can anybody get Nuance to work properly under 2.3. I am about to put in a request for a replacement phone, but if this is a universal problem, a replacement phone will be a waste of time.

What? Google voice search DOES work with one touch Bluetooth. Used it ever since 2.2 on me hero. No need for these other weird voice control apps if you desire bt voice control. Been dialing by voice with single touch remote bt control for about a year now.

Where did you read that google voice search doesn't support Bluetooth?
Know nothing about a Hero but on my phone one touch blue tooth voice dialing is provided by a built in app by Nuance voice control which no longer works. I could use google voice search but that is not one touch command (see my previous post for explanation).
I tested vlingo. It is not one touch handsfree. I might as well suffer using google's voice search (about same number of pushes without the battery drain).
I tested vlingo. It is not one touch handsfree. I might as well suffer using google's voice search (about same number of pushes without the battery drain).

yea, I know vlingo isn't.

but what do you mean by one touch handsfree? because, as I noted, with google voice input you just press the button on your bluetooth once and wait until it says "say command" (albeit pretty quietly on most phones), then say your voice command and wait. it's all pretty simple. Maybe I've been missing out if there is a better way to do this on android though! :-)

yea, I know vlingo isn't.

but what do you mean by one touch handsfree? because, as I noted, with google voice input you just press the button on your bluetooth once and wait until it says "say command" (albeit pretty quietly on most phones), then say your voice command and wait. it's all pretty simple. Maybe I've been missing out if there is a better way to do this on android though! :-)



1. Do you own the Shine Plus?

2. Have you upgraded it to 2.3.3?

3. Does your Voice Control still work properly after the 2.3.3 upgrade?

I have now upgraded two shine pluses (my original and a replacement one sent to me by telus). Under 2.1, the Voice Control works properly (one touch of bluetooth, "say a command" etc). After the upgrade to 2.3.3., it no longer recognizes what I am saying. It gets the commands, contacts or numbers all wrong. When I try to do an "adaption" under the voice control settings to train the app to recognize my voice, it will not let me do it after the upgrade. Both phones have the same problems after the upgrade.

Telus is sending me another replacement phone, I am going to keep it as 2.1 until they sort out 2.3.

1. Do you own the Shine Plus?

2. Have you upgraded it to 2.3.3?

3. Does your Voice Control still work properly after the 2.3.3 upgrade?

I have now upgraded two shine pluses (my original and a replacement one sent to me by telus). Under 2.1, the Voice Control works properly (one touch of bluetooth, "say a command" etc). After the upgrade to 2.3.3., it no longer recognizes what I am saying. It gets the commands, contacts or numbers all wrong. When I try to do an "adaption" under the voice control settings to train the app to recognize my voice, it will not let me do it after the upgrade. Both phones have the same problems after the upgrade.

Telus is sending me another replacement phone, I am going to keep it as 2.1 until they sort out 2.3.
I contacted LG USELESS SUPPORT about the Nuance Voice Control problem and was told by the support rep that LG only manufactured the phone and were not responsible if the software that was loaded on the phone was not working properly. The reps only solution was to reset the phone. Then she had the nerve to ask me if she had been helpful in solving my problem, to which I couldn't help but laugh and reply you must be joking!!! At least to her credit she did say to me "HAVE A NICE DAY"

I guess it is now time to start complaining to Telus about getting a new phone from another manufacturer.
Just found out Waze is incompatible according to The Market.

This is not cool.

What is Waze exactly? (Nevermind, found out it's a GPS software)

Ok, I have a workaround for all of you for compatibility issues. Now I need to know if you guys have the new market or the old one? If you have the new market, Google has decided to block non standard DPI resolutions which is why the apps are flagged as incompatible with the Shine Plus. The workaround requires root privileges though. Here's what I propose:

Reinstall the old Android Market (The one like in version 2.1) and then block Market updater from updating it back to the new version. To do so you'll require the following:

Old Vending.apk (Will supply it later)
Titanium Backup to freeze the Market Updater
Root privileges to copy old Vending.apk and old Market Updater (Procedure in all things root)

This is a dirty way of circumventing the issue, but at least it'll premit you to install apps that are flagged incompatible.

There is another way, but this involves downloading the APK files and installing them manually, so a tad more complicated and a manual intervention.
Not a compatibility issue, but a pain.

Did you notice they moved Thinkfree Office to /system now? That's a pain to move. 15 megs, all tied up out of 256 is a lot.

On the other hand, some other apps like Market, Youtube have been moved to /data and you can link those if you wish.
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