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Lapdock 100 reduced to $50 (Pick up only)


May 20, 2012
We have confirmed from several sources, including contacting local stores that the Lapdock 100 for the original Motorola Droid RAZR has dropped to the low price of $50 bucks. The device doesn't show up on Verizon's website, so maybe they are trying to clear out their retail inventory.
I just went and picked one up, I am confirming it is compatible with my Bionic.

PS--Anyone in northern VA that wants one, the only store with any in Fairfax is Fair Oaks Mall, which had 2 after I got done in there.

Plus there's a chick named Jordan who has a kickin' body that works in there ;).
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Seriously considered going out to find one, and then decided that I would get more use from a slightly lower priced Bluetooth game controller for my phone and tablets than I ever will from this thing.

To me the Bionic seems far more useful as a full Android platform than as a half-done underpowered laptop wanna-be.

Just what we need... another cynic that can't see the potential that a new option like the Lapdock 100 can bring to the Bionic for other users... or other similar devices. Perhaps if all you plan to use your phone for is to play games, it may not suit you but for those of us that use it for more important tasks... it is very useful.

I picked up one on Saturday and can't be happier with mine... This combo fits nicely in between just the phone by itself and the notebook I already have. I never found the Bionic to be under-powered, in fact I still feel I've only just started to tap it's potential and with the addition of the Lapdock... I'll be able to better utilize it.

Now... I can use spreadsheets much easier, Remote Desktop into my main work PC and have the use of a keyboard and trackpad ( or wireless mouse if wanted )... Basically I can use it for times when my laptop is too much and the Bionic as just a phone is not enough.
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If you've been on the Amazon App Store for a while, you likely have all 3 of the big office suites for Android for free now. I can take my lapdock with me on trips and actually sit down to take care of a few things here and there. It's not meant to be a primary computer replacement. It's meant to make things more convenient when a keyboard and larger screen are necessary. And for $50 you're ridiculous for bashing it.
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I was lucky enough to pick up one of the last lapdock 100s in my area yesterday. I already had the lapdock for the Bionic and liked it a lot. The 100 has almost the same footprint but is a little thicker. The screen is about 1 inch smaller as well. The things I like better about the 100 are 1) the volume through the speakers is better 2) it is lighter (not by much though) and 3)you can use it with any Moto phone that has the same plug configuration. This may help when upgrade time comes. The battery life is shorter and the keyboard is smaller too though. I am using the 100 for this post. Is it worth the $50? You get a YES from me.
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Hey, don't let me stop you from enjoying it. I'm simply not a fan.

Thanks for keeping it civil - wish everyone else would too.

We all have opinions, and we all differ in our opinions - if someone says something you don't agree with, no reason for you to have to either justify your point nor put anyone else down.

I just bought the ASUS Transformer Pad Infinity with lapdock, so I want for my phone just to be that guy lol.
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Well, it's a bit later and guess what?

Yeah, I bought one.
I know support is going away, but the price was right and it was time for a new toy to tinker with.
I'm sure that I'll be sorry I dissed it, so let me apologize NOW as opposed LATER when I get stuck trying to do something and come back hat in hand for help.
Sorry folks.
Curious to see how playing media works out when it arrives.
Scratch that, I'm looking forward to Webtop 3.0 when the ICS OTA rolls out now that I've done some more research! :D
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