psionandy Extreme Android User May 27, 2016 #50,609 Friday, Friday, Friday.... oh what does that mean... ... Its time for my Friday Night Win
psionandy Extreme Android User Jun 2, 2016 #50,613 Fraid not... But please insert more money and try again
NowVoyager Android Enthusiast Jun 2, 2016 #50,614 LOL, well we're pulling up on the weekend gang! Hope your weather's great
psionandy Extreme Android User Jun 5, 2016 #50,616 The sun is up, the sky is blue. There's not a cloud to spoil the view..... And I'm Winning., winning in this thread.
The sun is up, the sky is blue. There's not a cloud to spoil the view..... And I'm Winning., winning in this thread.
no one Android Expert Jun 26, 2016 #50,623 When Queen wrote We Are The Champions, they were thinking about me. True story.