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Root Launcher Closing


May 21, 2010
I have been having troubles keeping my launcher (tested both ADW and LP) open in the background while doing most things. Sometimes it will stay open while I switch through a couple apps, but a lot of times I will literally hit the Engadget widget to read one article, 20 seconds later hit home and it will redraw the whole desktop and I wont be able to do anything for 5-10 seconds. It does this a lot. I very rarely have FC's with an error message,
probly gotten 1-2 in the past 5 days I have been on this ROM, but it seems like the system has just killed the launcher and it has to reload everything, almost everytime I hit the home button.

There is some general info, here are my questions:
1. Does this happen to everyone and I just need to deal with it or use stock launcher2?
2. I have messed with the memory settings and tried many different combinations, is there one people have found works well with the Droid? Does this make a big difference?
3. Does using the market version of these launchers (which I am) matter? Would it be better to install them some other way, push them somewheres with ADB?
4. Is this a purely memory based issue? I was letting the BB task manager do it's job, problem was happening, then tried Advan. Task Killer with auto-kill on and off, problem still happened.

Vital infos:
Moto Droid
BB v0.4, no theme
(problem was happening with BB v0.3, Kangerade 1.0/1.1 and NexFro)
chevy's ULV 1.2mhz kernal running @ 1000mhz

Thanks for any help, sorry for the novel.
Try simplifying the settings on the launchers: less screens, widgets, etc. I had this problem during my last ROM Flash, and i realized that it mostly went away when I got around to re-overclocking my droid. If I had to guess I don't think its related to the amount of free memory but rather the "available" processing power needed to redraw, or continue to draw the desktop.
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Try simplifying the settings on the launchers: less screens, widgets, etc. I had this problem during my last ROM Flash, and i realized that it mostly went away when I got around to re-overclocking my droid. If I had to guess I don't think its related to the amount of free memory but rather the "available" processing power needed to redraw, or continue to draw the desktop.

if the processor is faster then the launcher won't take as long to reload, but the problem of the launcher needing to reload in the first place is caused by low memory.
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