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I soft bricked my LG Leon LTE (LGMS345) and it's been stuck in a boot loop. I was able to get it into download mode. I tried different methods on this site to unbrick with no success until I un-installed the LG Mobile Support Tool. Restarted windows (running 8.1) and re-installed the LG Mobile Support Tool. While in download mode the tool recognized my device and I clicked on Update Recovery, I was so sure it wouldn't work, but it did! I spent a very frustrating two days watching my new phone loop. I hope this helps someone.

Edit - After re-installing LG Mobile Support Tool I changed the COM Port from 4 to 20
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I am curious if you disabled any apps before it boot looped. I am worried about rooting this phone because I don't want it to brick.

I have disabled lookout security, WAP service, the original calendar, and Metro block it without any problems.
I did disable metro music and the visual voice mail apps. I used a KINGROOT apk to root when I started to install the TWRP Recovery from the MANAGER APP the device restarted and then looped.
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